Exciting New Functionality in Management Reports

Did you ever wish you could move from month to month in Management Reports with just one click of your mouse? Now you can! Arrows have been added on each side of the month, which when selected; advance the report to the next (or previous) month. No longer do you need to select the month in the dropdown box and click on the ‘Run Report’ button. You can still use that option if you need to jump months. The red boxes on the screen print below show the placement of the new arrows:

Management Report Arrows

If you have any questions, feel free to Ask Us



The ‘Check Request’ form has been replaced with a new form entitled ‘Payment Request’. The new form serves the same purpose as the old form, however recognizes that vendor payments are made electronically as well as by traditional check. “Payment Request” better reflects the variety of payment options the University currently supports through its financial system. Another change we hope you’ll notice is in the signature area. We’ve added a certification for the person requesting reimbursement that describes what their signature means. A signature block has also been added for situations where a Vice-President is approving an exception. Both of these additions enhance internal controls over the payment process.

The new form can be found on the Financial and Business Services FORMS page or on the Accounts Payable Online Payment Request page. An overview of the Payment Request form can be viewed at https://fbs.admin.utah.edu/download/AP/PymntRqst Instr.pdf.

Financial Services Technology Support may have found a solution for MAC users with Safari Browsers who wish to use the auto-numbered form. If you are interested in testing this solution on your machine, go directly to the Adobe TECH NOTEs web page and follow the instructions.

Please feel free to contact Accounts Payable at AP@ADMIN.UTAH.EDU or ASK US if you have any comments, questions, or recommendations that you would like to share.

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Reminder for Principal Investigators and Key Personnel Charges

Each department should ensure the appropriate level of effort of Key Personnel on projects. Key Personnel include all Principal Investigators and others specifically listed on the awarding document. Recently the auditors of grants and contracts have been concerned that Key Personnel have not been charged as budgeted on federal awards. Normally a person’s home department has the knowledge of the amount of estimated, accumulated, and reported effort for each Key Person.

Please take the time to review the percent of effort budgeted for Key Personnel on federal awards. Key Personnel must provide effort at the level budgeted. If there is a reduction of effort for Key Personnel greater than 25% of the budgeted amount, it is necessary to obtain the appropriate approval from the awarding agency.

In regards to the management reports, it is important that the reports are reviewed promptly upon receipt and retained in the department. Do not return reviewed reports to the accounting department. It is the responsibility of each responsible person to review his/her monthly Management Reports. Your review (or that of your designee) MUST be documented on the first page of each Activity or Project.

If you have questions, please contact the representative in Grants and Contracts Accounting responsible for your project.

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The Payroll EBT Reports GO GREEN

The suite of Earning, Benefit and Tax Reports in the Financial and Human Resources Information Library (FIL/HRIL) has been enhanced with new offerings and renaming of existing reports, paving the way for the Peach (Home Dept), Pink (Project), and Blue (Activity) EBT Reports to GO GREEN. The suite, available in the renamed PAYROLL REPTS folder, offers the following reports:

  • EBTemployer-paid Earning, Benefit and Tax detail with summary options
  • Encumbrancetotal Fiscal Year-To-Date Earnings, Remaining Encumbrance amount, and Distribution data

Good Reads: the Payroll Reports overview, more about FIL/HRIL, each report’s Details (links above and on the FIL/HRIL report parameters page) and previous news posts related to this rollout: Are you ready for Paperless Payroll Advices and EBT Reports and Paperless EBT Reports Date Correction. Contact HR/Payroll at HR-Info@hsc.utah.edu with questions.

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Some Employees unable to view Pay Stub in PDF format

Some employees are seeing a blank page when they try to view their Pay Stub in PDF format. This can be resolved by clearing cookies and cache on your browser. If you have further difficulties please contact Payroll at 581-7873.

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Paperless EBT Reports Date Correction

In a previous news post, Are you ready for Paperless Payroll Advices and EBT Reports?, we announced the EBT reports would be available online only beginning with the November 15th Pay Period. In fact, the October 15th Pay Period will be the last period with paper EBT Report distribution, scheduled to be delivered this week. Beginning with the October 31st Pay Period, the EBT Reports will only be available online.


Travel Training Available Online

Travel Services is excited to announce the release of 8 new training modules for review in preparation of system improvements to be implemented October 26, 2009.

We recommend review of these modules prior to implementation, but these modules are available anytime for your convenience.

Please share this email with any Accountants, Business Officers, Supervisors or Travelers as appropriate.

Please make time to review these modules prior to October 26th. Once you have had an opportunity to review them, we will be happy to answer any questions you may still have. We will be contacting those who have not taken the quiz by the end of the week.

  • Travel Agency Training: (1 Module) [30 minutes]
  • Travel Accounting: 7 Modules: (7 Modules)
    • 1 of 7 Register Trip [10 minutes]
    • 2 of 7 Hotel Payment [10 minutes]
    • 3 of 7 Conference Prepayment [10 minutes]
    • 4 of 7 Cash Advance [7 minutes]
    • 5 of 7 Early Reimbursement [7 minutes]
    • 6 of 7 Final Reimbursement [20 minutes]
    • 7 of 7 Trip Info [5 minutes]
  • Total time: [1 hour 39 minutes]

You can connect to all Modules from our home page (see below):

Where to view Travel Modules

Click here for Online Quiz Self-Enrollment Instructions.


Send us your comments/ideas about these training Modules.


Ask Us if you have any questions.

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Are you ready for Paperless Payroll Advices and EBT Reports?

This is a reminder that the last payroll advices will be printed on October 22, 2009. Human Resources will stop printing these advices for the November 6, 2009 payroll processing. Pay Advices can be viewed on the Campus Information System (CIS) by navigating to the Payroll, Taxes and Salary link found in the My Human Resources/Payroll pagelet.

In addition, Payroll Earnings, Benefits, and Taxes (EBT) Reports will only be available online beginning with the November 15th Pay Period reports. The online reports are already accessible from the Financial and Human Resources Information Library (FIL/HRIL) in CIS. Those who have not received FIL/HRIL training may sign up for the class here. With online reporting, users must now be pre-authorized to view EBT data. Many of you likely already have the appropriate security authorization, but some of you may not. You should secure the appropriate security access in preparation for this deadline and in advance of attending FIL/HRIL training.

To verify your access you may log onto the CIS and navigate to either the Human Resources Information Library link found in the Human Resource Management pagelet or the Financial Information Library link found in the Financial & Business Services pagelet. Go to the EBT REPORTS (soon to be renamed PAYROLL REPTS) folder and attempt to run the report(s) you need. The reports currently available are:

  • EBT by Activity
  • EBT by Emplid (Home Dept security driven)
  • EBT by Home Dept
  • EBT by Project

Several more Payroll Reports will be coming online soon, watch for news announcing additional offerings in the coming weeks.

You do not have appropriate security access to view EBT’s online if:

  • you get a Security Authorization error when you try to open the Information Library application, or
  • you do not see the EBT FOLDER or the report you need within the folder, or
  • you see the EBT Report you need, but get an error when you attempt to enter in your department or chartfield #

If you determine you need to gain security authorization and you need to see…

If you have any questions, feel free to   Ask US


Momentum Newsletter, October 1, 2009

The Momentum Newsletter is published quarterly and is meant for the use and benefit of the University of Utah Campus Community. Follow the links from this page to see the full articles…

Full Printable Version also available.

 FS Header

Notable Changes

LPC (Limited Purchase Check) Program Changes: New LPC program restrictions are effective October 1st, 2009. Learn what your department needs to do to prepare. Read here…

Updated Income Accounting Web Site: Income Accounting has updated their website. Check out their new website for helpful Cashier services.

Training for Departmental Chairs and Deans: FS and the Budget Office have a new one-on-one training for Chairs and Deans focusing on financial topics relavent to their own position. Learn more…

Purchasing Card Newsletter: The Purchasing Card Newsletter will be integrating with Momentum Newsletter. Learn when…

Process Spotlight

Department: Accounts Payable

Process: ‘Check Request’ changing to ‘Payment Request’

Accounts Payable is planning implementation of a new ‘Check Request’ form. Learn what will change on the new form: ‘Payment Request’…

Department: Travel

Process: Online Travel Accounting & Agency System

The Travel Office will be making several improvements to it’s online systems. Find out when these exciting changes will be made, and how to be prepared… FS Tip


Update your email address in CIS. Learn more…

Internal Controls Corner

This issue’s focus: Asset Misappropriation:
All University employees recently received a letter from Senior Vice Presidents Pershing and Betz, and Vice President Combe regarding our responsibilities for safeguarding University resources. Is it possible fraud is occurring in your department? What steps can you take to prevent or detect it? Click the following link for more information.

  • See some statistics from the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners 2008 Report on this common form of fraud.
  • Find out signs of fraud to watch for in your department.
  • If you suspect fraud, find out who to contact.

Read and Share this important article!

$Y$ - Happenings

New Systems Developments:

FS Community

We asked Shari Zinik from Chemistry for Chemistry’s BEST PRACTICE, read her advice…

FS service awards – Join us in congratulating these FS employees on their length of service…

Upcoming Events

View & Print FS events from the FS Calendar Find out more…

Share Your Ideas


Account Chartfield Title Change

Accounts 61400 – 61419, previously titled “Equip-Insurable $1,000-$4,999”, has been changed to “Equip-Non Capitl $1,000-$4,999”.

Ask Us if you have any questions.

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