PCard Application Requirement – UShop Training

Beginning Monday, August 15, all new campus Purchasing Card applicants will be required to become UShop Shoppers, prior to receiving a Purchasing Card. This means campus applicants must complete Shopper training before submitting their Purchasing Card application. Reconcilers were notified of this as a part of the regular distribution of PCard statements in July.

The University recommends all cardholders become trained in UShop to better understand how to take advantage of University contracts and more efficient procurement.

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A Few Days Left – Are you ready to use UShop?

Paper Requisition Submission Deadline: August 31, 2016

As a follow up to the message sent last week by Ruth Watkins and John Nixon to the Deans, Chairs and Program Directors, we want to remind you of some specific information regarding the upcoming deadline for the discontinuation of paper-based purchasing requisitions.  

These bullets contain key information mentioned in the August 1 message from Ruth Watkins and John Nixon:

  • Be Aware of the Deadline: Beginning September 1, 2016, paper purchasing requisitions will no longer be processed.  This deadline is now only 15 business days away.
  • Training is Essential for Access to UShop: We have created both in-person training or online training opportunities throughout August so that you can be sure to be prepared for this September 1 milestone.  Please complete training as soon as possible. 
  • You can help with the transition: Please convey this message to your staff and faculty who have budget and purchasing responsibilities.  Please let us know immediately if you anticipate any problems with the September 1 deadline.

Any paper requisitions received beginning September 1 will be returned to the originating department for submission through UShop. Purchases of goods and services will certainly be significantly impeded if you are not ready to use UShop in preparation of this deadline.  Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter. 

For assistance call our HELP DESK at 5-CALL or use our ASK US form.

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Cost Transfer Process And Form Have Been Updated

Research Management and Compliance announces that the Cost Transfer (CT) requirements and documentation expectations have been updated. As a result, the following items have been added, updated, or clarified:

  • Many corrections can now be processed using only an eJournal (instead of a CT). The same documentation is still required, but you won’t need to do the CT Form.
  • An “Expense Correction Flowchart” that specifically identifies which transactions do and do not need to be submitted via a CT (see link below).
  • Specific items that must be addressed in the CT explanation.
  • The documentation that must be submitted with a CT Form.
  • Specific Forms that must be completed and submitted with a CT.

The Cost Transfer changes that have been implemented will help:

  • Standardize, streamline, and simplify CT preparation
  • Reduce the CT review and approval time at the department level
  • Minimize the level of GCA and other administrative effort to review, approve, and finalize the CT entry.

Click here for the updated CT instructions and read the expectations when preparing and submitting a Cost Transfer (you will want to bookmark this page if you prepare cost transfers; all forms and documents can be found on this page). The easiest method to learn and understand the updated CT requirements is to follow the CT instructions while preparing a CTCT’s that have been or are currently in the process of being prepared (following the old instructions) will still be accepted. Any new CT’s should begin immediately to follow the updated CT instructions.

Ask UsPlease ASK US if you have any questions.

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Audit News – State Auditors’ Fieldwork

The State auditors will begin their interim fieldwork testing remotely this month and will be on site beginning in September.

This year’s State audit team will include Jason Allen, Supervisor and his staff; Nate Grondel, Aubrie Turner, Andrew Driggs, Matt Johnson, Will Maguire and Jake Houtrouw.

Ask UsPlease ASK US if you have any questions.

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Mount Olympus State Contract Canceled, effective July 31, 2016

The Purchasing Department has received notice from the State of Utah stating they have decided to cancel the current contract (MA294) in place with DS Services (Mt. Olympus Water) effective July 31, 2016.

University departments may choose any supplier for water service as long as their annual service costs less than the $5,000 small dollar threshold.

Please note: You may still receive your spring water from Mount Olympus.

We recommend the following when making arrangements for your water services:

Mt. Olympus Water:

  • Current customers may be receiving a letter from Mt. Olympus with instructions to complete a new agreement. DEPARTMENTS DO NOT NEED TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT, AND WE RECOMMEND THAT THEY DO NOT SIGN PROPOSED AGREEMENTS.
    • Please note we are under pricing “Zone 6” and it will remain unchanged.
  • We have been told your account number will remain unchanged.
    • If you wish to continue service with Mt. Olympus, send a “Yes” and your account number to UTSLCMOD@DSSERVICES.COM.
    • If you wish to cancel the service, send a “No” and your account number to the same email as above.

Other water suppliers:

  • If you wish to cancel your service with Mt. Olympus, some other possible providers are Culligans or Pure Water Solutions.  There may be others you will want to investigate.
    • Culligan Water Contact info:
      • Nykee Walker – nykee@culliganslc.com – 801-954-9283
    • Complete new Account form – provided by Culligan Water
      • No documents to sign
    • Pricing for University:
      • All U of U accounts – hospital/clinic or campus
        $3.50 per bottle ($8.00 deposit)
        $1.50 delivery fee
        $6.00 cooler rental
    • Pure Water Solutions
      • 801-913-7892

Additional Reminders:

  • Only those with proper financial authority (as verified in GFA) should authorize water service.
  • We anticipate most water purchases will fall below the small dollar threshold as per R3-100D (https://regulations.utah.edu/administration/rules/R3-100D.php)

If you have additional questions, please contact the buyer, Colette Brown at cbrown@purchasing.utah.edu.

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Final Bagel Giveaway – Thank you for submitting Renewals!

Congratulations to Kate Sturgeon from Continuing Education & Community Engagement for submitting Renewals and winning bagels for her office!

NOTE: Departments are encouraged to use the Renewal form throughout the year when they engage with a supplier for annual or regularly scheduled services.

The Renewal process makes payment and tracking more convenient and efficient throughout the year!


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New Guideline: Management Report Review

A new Guideline has been published to offer clarification to Policy 3-003: Authorizations and  Approvals Required for Financial Transactions. 

This Guideline is meant to improve internal controls across campus as it outlines:

  1. Account Executives (AEs) and PIs remain primarily responsible for monthly review of their Management Report and submission of EOR (Evidence of Review) – even if they have chosen to delegate this authority.
  2. This responsibility cannot be delegated to an individual who also has the authority to approve financial transactions.
  3. GFA (Granting Financial Authority) is an application found on CIS that has been recently enhanced to allow AEs and PIs to make separate delegations for financial transaction approval and Management Report Review. (Follow these instructions to delegate authority)

Step 1: Login to Granting Financial Authority through CIS, and choose “Designate Alternate(s)”:

Step 2: Indicate individual to whom you wish to delegate authority (enter Employee ID), and which ORG, Activity or Project you wish to affect:


Step 3: On appropriate line, designate authority you choose to delegate, UShop Approval, EOR Approval or All Financial Transactions (only one role may be delegated to an individual):

Have questions? ASK US!

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UShop is Growing!

We are pleased to announce that UShop has reached 2 important milestones!

UShop now has over 3,500 enabled suppliers from which users are able to shop.

Additionally, 12,000 POs have been issued! 

As UShop use continues to increases across campus, we are diligently working to prepare campus to use UShop to replace many current paper-based processes.

Please make sure you are aware of these dates when various paper forms will be retired, and that your department is trained and prepared for these changes

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Weekly Bagel Giveaway – Renewals are due this Friday!

UShop Renewals” have replaced the annual Paper Blanket Order process – View the Renewal how-to video here, if you already have access to UShop.

Congratulations to Evelina Day from Campus Recreation for submitting Renewals and winning bagels for her office!

Get your Renewals done by Friday, June 24th to enter the final drawing!

June 24 is the final day to get your Renewals submitted before the end of the fiscal year. 

Don’t wait!  You can train online – See our ONLINE Shopper, Requisitioner and Renewal Training.

We also have resources ready to help you at our Hands-On help and Q&A session.  You will have in-person help to understand any UShop process you may have encountered, and we will be able to help you complete your Renewal process at the same time.


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Weekly Bagel Giveaway – Submit Renewals Before the Fiscal Year Closes

UShop Renewals” have replaced the annual Paper Blanket Order process – View the Renewal how-to video here, if you already have access to UShop.

Congratulations to Ann Buffington from the Office of Admissions for submitting Renewals and winning bagels for her office!

Get your Renewals done by Friday, June 17th to enter our next weekly drawing!

Get your Renewals (formerly Blanket Orders or Proof Reqs) submitted prior to fiscal year close – which is June 24 – to beat the rush! 

Don’t wait!  You can train online – See our ONLINE Shopper, Requisitioner and Renewal Training.

We also have resources ready to help you at our Hands-On help and Q&A session.  You will have in-person help to understand any UShop process you may have encountered, and we will be able to help you complete your Renewal process at the same time.

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