Plant Operations Work Order Journal now “drillable”

The journal entry for Plant Operations’ Work Orders is now “drillable”. What does this mean? Glad you asked! The Work Order bill is now a click away by clicking on the spyglass on the WEB Management Report (Journal Detail). You can identify Journals for Plant Operations by the Journal Source of “PLT”.

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New Features on the online Voucher Search and PO Lists

We have implemented new features on the online Voucher & Payment Search & PO Lists.

  • Ability to View All
    • For multiple page results, this allows you to view all records at once within your browser. You can then easily search for a particular value, such as Voucher Number, PO Number, Invoices Number, Amount, etc… using your browser Find function.
  • Download to Excel
    • You can now download the results directly into Excel.
    • This will download all records, regardless of whether one or all pages are displayed.

Below is where these two new buttons are located on the screen.

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Voucher Search Download

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New Revision of Policy 3-111 Approved

On March 8, 2011, the Board of Trustees approved a new revision of Policy 3-111: Service Contracts with Individuals and Other Legal Entities.

Please circulate this information to appropriate persons in your area.

Implementation: Immediately

This policy has been revised to clarify requirements for classification as an independent contractor, and the circumstances under which they may be engaged.  Specific wording has been added to provide assistance in distinguishing between an independent contractor and an employee, the selection process and contracting with individuals or other legal entities.

Also updated as part of this implementation are the following documents meant to assist departments engaging with independent contractors:

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Sign Up for FBS News E-mail List

Sign up a for FS NewsDo you want to receive Financial & Business Services News in your e-mail inbox?

We have made it easier for you to subscribe to the fbsnews e-mail list with a new form.

Simply enter your name and e-mail address and submit the form, then follow the instructions on the e-mail you receive to activate your subscription.

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February Month End Closing

Due to the power outage today affecting an significant portion of campus, the February accounting month closing will be extended 1 day. All journal interfaces should be uploaded tomorrow, Tuesday, March 8th. Financial Reporting & Accounting will close the accounting month on Wednesday, March 9th and Management Reports will be mailed on Friday, March 11th.

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New Wire Transfer Forms

Accounts Payable and the Investment Management Office have created new forms to initiate outgoing domestic and international wire transfers (links below) that will now eliminate the use of the Payment Request form for all wire transfers. Initial wire transfer requests should still be sent directly to the Investment Management Office located at 402 Park, and once completed the form will be sent to Accounts Payable to be processed into the university financial system. Please note because of the expense of processing a domestic wire, domestic wires are restricted to situations where the payment needs to made immediately the same day. All domestic payments should be processed through Accounts Payable preferably as an ACH payment (direct deposit).

Domestic Wire Transfer Payment Request
International Wire Transfer Payment Request

Please contact Mel Smith in the Investment Management Office should you have any questions, 801-581-5992.

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Endowment Projections for Q2 FY 2011

The ending quarter endowment pool unit market value for December 31, 2010, is $198.91 per unit. This information is necessary for Method 2 of projecting endowment income and is provided quarterly through FS News. All other factors in the instructions remain the same through the fiscal year. For detailed instructions on how to project endowment income, please click here.

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Audit News – State Auditors’ Fieldwork

The State auditors will begin their fieldwork testing on student financial aid beginning this month (February).  Because the audit will encompass all Utah colleges and universities, we do not have specific dates for which they will be on the University of Utah campus for testing.  Testing for this aspect of the audit is scheduled from February through early May for all State colleges and universities.  This year’s audit team includes Scott Parke, Travis Lansing, and Jamie Sorenson.

The interim fieldwork for the financial report and the A133 Single Audit will begin the week of May 9th and run through approximately mid-July.  This year’s audit team will include Stephen Marshall, Travis Lansing, Rebekka Wilkinson, Rebecca Gillis, and Melanie Henderson.

This year, we have a new audit supervisor  – Stephen Marshall.  Hollie Andrus has rotated off the UofU engagement and will be working with other State audits.  If you have questions regarding the audit,  please Ask Us! Ask Us
Thank you.

Theresa L. Ashman, CPA

(801) 581-5077

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New Rules: Travel Per Diem and Equipment Leasing

The following two Rules have been approved.  Read below for implementation dates and a brief description of changes.  Please circulate this information to appropriate persons in your area.

NOTE: Administrative Rules carry a level of import that requires considering them more than just good suggestions or advice. They are authoritative documents and are meant to be followed.

Rule R3-030C: Travel Per Diem (Meals & Incidentals)

Implementation: March 1, 2011

  • Beginning March 1, 2011, per diem reimbursements will be provided for only those meals for which a University traveler actually incurred out-0f-pocket costs.  In other words, if a meal is provided to our travelers by any outside source, the estimated value of that meal should be deducted from the per diem allowance.  Please refer to federal tables, linked from the Travel website for specific Meal & Incidental Expense breakdownRead full Rule here.
  • Travel Services will implement changes to the Reimbursement process to assist departments in clearly reporting per diem requests and appropriate adjustments to the meal allowance.

Rule R3-110A: Equipment Leasing

Implementation: Immediately

  • This Rule details requirements for entering into equipment leasing contracts, which includes approval from the cognizant VP.  Departments should also consult with  Purchasing prior to entering into any equipment leasing agreement.  Read full Rule here.

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Revised Form and Instructions for Cell Phone Reimbursement

The form and instructions for the Cell Phone Reimbursement have been modified.

A memo explaining these changes can be found at

The new form and instructions can be found on the University Information Technology website: > SERVICES > Telephone Services> Cell Phone Information

Please carefully read this memo and instructions (found on the UIT web site) for important changes and deadlines.

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