Updated FBS Website

The software behind the Financial and Business Services website has been upgraded. This upgrade will improve our website by making it more efficient.

Part of the improvement was a change in the URL structure.  This will speed up the loading of pages. If you use an old bookmark, it will still work, but you are encouraged to update all bookmarks.

If you discover broken links on the FS website or any other website that links to the FS website,  please click here to report broken links.

If you have questions or concerns, please If you have questions or concerns, please ask us

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Endowment Projections – Q4 FY 2010

The ending quarter endowment pool unit market value for June 30, 2010, is $181.66 per unit. This information is necessary for Method 2 of projecting endowment income and is provided quarterly through FS News. All other factors in the instructions remain the same through the fiscal year. For detailed instructions on how to project endowment income, please click here.

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Travel Online Accounting System is Updated

The online Travel Accounting system has been updated with two enhancements:

  1. Foreign Wire Prepayment form is now available for use for foreign conference and lodging payments.
  2. Each form is updated with new chart field validation tool to help departments choose correct chart field combinations and appropriate travel account codes.

Users will find the Wire form available on the options bar of the Travel Web Application (available only through CIS):

This new form must be used for all foreign wire prepayment requests.

Ask Us Send the Travel Department an Ask Us with any questions.

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Travel Policy Changes Regarding Canada

We have made minor, yet important changes to Travel Policy 3-030.  The content of several sections of the Travel Policy have been out of sync with both the Travel and Auto Rental industries which no longer consider Canada a domestic destination.  Canada is now considered a foreign destination. 

Travelers to Canada should purchase auto liability insurance.  Additionally, a passport is now required for any travel to Canada. 

Please “Share This” this news post with all University travelers and travel planners in your area using the link below.

See Also: Car Rental Information on the Travel site and Risk & Insurance Management “Rental Vehicles” Instructions.

Ask Us  Send the Travel Department an Ask Us with any questions or concerns.

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FY 2011 Beginning Balances – **UPDATED**

Beginning balances for FY 2011 have now been posted to the General Ledger and are reflected in the July Management Reports.

The June accounting month has been successfully closed. However, we have experienced a problem with the process which rolls balance sheet and Project revenue/expense balances forward into the new fiscal year. The problem has been resolved but due to the length of the process, only Business Unit 04 has been completed. The process will be run for Business Units 01 & 02 tomorrow, July 16th.

As a result, the July Management Reports, for Business Units 01 & 02, will reflect only July transactions and corresponding balances from those transactions only. For Friday, July 16th only, you will need to combine the ending balance in June with the balance in July to determine the true July balance. All balances should be correct on Monday, July 19th.

We are fully aware of the significance of this problem and apologize for the inconvenience. If you have any questions, please contact your cognizant accountant listed on your statement.

Or click on the icon =>  If you have questions or concerns, please ask us

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New Fiscal Year Management Reports **UPDATED**

The presentation error described below has been corrected (as of 7/13/2010). Thank you for your patience.

If you have questions or concerns, please If you have questions or concerns, please ask us

New Account Codes were assigned to the budget for State Appropriations (Fund 1001). As an unexpected result, the presentation of the Budget, Month Rev/Exp, and the FYTD Rev/Exp for July 2010 Management Reports appears with opposite signs and the Net Revenue, Expenses, & Transfers total at the bottom is incorrect. This is a presentation error only and will be corrected soon.

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Issues with FBS Web Applications and CIS

As many of you know we are currently experiencing minor intermittent issues with FS Web Applications and CIS.  As a reminder, a page is on the FS Web presence that will allow users to know of any issues with FS Web Applications. If known, issues are listed on this page. If you are experiencing any issue not listed, a link exists on the page to report the issues to FS. The link to the page is a picture of a lifesaver (below). This lifesaver has been strategically placed in various places in the FS Web presence as well as the FS pagelet in CIS.

Report Issues with FS Web Applications

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Momentum Newsletter, July 1, 2010

The Momentum Newsletter is published quarterly and is meant for the use and benefit of the University of Utah Campus Community. Follow the links from this page to see the full articles…

A full Printable Version of this newsletter is also available to forward to your colleagues.

 FS Header

Notable Changes

Two New Property Policies are approved by the Board of Trustees.

Want to trim your Travel budget?  Our Onsite Travel Agency can now discount Delta airfare!  Read more…

Travel Accounting to require conference brochures with Final Reimbursement receipts.  Find out why…

 Process Spotlight

Do you know everything you should know about Disposal of Assets… ? This article contains useful reminders to share with your department.

Don’t Miss a Step in your Procurement Practices… Review important elements of good procurement practices.

FS TipKeep it on Campus (UKIC) – Learn more about this budget saving movement and enter to win prizes!


FS Community    
Which FS employee celebrates 35 years with the University? Find out… 

Upcoming Events

WACUBO Summer Institutes – WACUBO offers valuable and affordable multi-day workshops to improve your job skills.  Find out why these institutes have been so popular among our peer institutions for over 40 years!

  • Business Management Institute (BMI) University of California Santa Barbara; August 1 – 6
  • Executive Leadership & Management Institute (ELMI) University of Southern California; August 7 – 12 

 Internal Controls Corner

Do you know what you should be verifying during reconciliation of Management Reports?  Become more familiar with and share these best practices. 

$Y$ - Happenings

New Systems Developments:

Looking for historical News posts? Find them easily using our new News Blogs.

Income Accounting website is now armed with a useful Tuition Calculator, check it out!

Share Your Ideas


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Two new Property Policies Approved by Board of Trustees

Two new Property Policies have recently been approved by the Board of Trustees.  Both Policies have been written in an effort to provide further clarification in the stewardship of University Property.

Policy 3‐041: Accountability for Noncapital Equipment, approved 4/13/2010

This new Policy provides guidance for management and disposition of equipment valued between $1,000 and $4,999.  Highlights of the new policy include departmental responsibility for:

  • Yellow Property Tags for Noncapital equipment at purchase
  • Maintaining inventory records, including location and condition, for Noncapital equipment
  • Maintaining records of Off Campus use of Noncapital equipment
  • Biennial inventory of Noncapital equipment in service 5 years or less
  • Disposition on Noncapital equipment through University Surplus

Guidance and forms used by departments with regard to Noncapital equipment can be found at the Information and Forms link on the Property Accounting home page, or at FS Forms.

FS TipNOTE: It is important to communicate that while Noncapital inventory requirements have been changed to a biennial (every other year) review in new Policy 3-041, and supersedes Section III.K.3. of Policy 3‐040, we will continue to expect annual inventories for Capital property.

Policy 3-044: Museum and Library Collections and Non-Museum Decorative Items, approved 6/7/2010

This new policy articulates the University’s commitment to the preservation of art, artifacts, and rare books in the Museum of Fine Arts, the Museum of Natural History, and the University Libraries, as well as the education of the public on these items. This policy acts as an umbrella over more detailed internal policies and procedures regarding acquisition, display, and preservation – as prescribed by these entities’ accrediting bodies. 

While the major focus of the policy deals with collections as described above, it also addresses non-museum decorative items acquired for the purpose of providing an inviting and appealing environment to students, faculty, staff, patients, and visitors.

What other changes are coming regarding Property Policies?

These two new Policies, in addition to 3-043 Accountability for Intangible Assets (approved 2/9/2010), complete new policy documentation regarding different property categories.  A significant effort to re-write Policy 3-040, Property Accounting will follow during the next year.  The result will be that 3-040 will be scaled down to clarify principles only concerned with Capital property, valued at over $5,000.

If you have questions or concerns, please If you have questions or concerns, please ask us

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Year End Capital Equipment Tasks

Start your equipment housekeeping early and avoid the Year-End rush!
Please do the following to successfully resolve your outstanding equipment issues as early in June as possible.

• Approve payment of recently delivered equipment.

• Review departmental capital equipment accounts to resolve all open items and initiate corrections.

• Notify Property Accounting (1-8673) of fabricated equipment that has been completed and is ready to capitalize.

• Arrange for surplus equipment pick-up through University Surplus (1-7917).

If you have questions or concerns, please If you have questions or concerns, please ask us

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