Return your Paper LPO forms by 9/23 to Win Bagels for your office

It is time to return all of your paper LPO forms!

Departments who return their paper LPO forms to Accounts Payable (Park 145) by close of business on Friday September 23rd will be eligible for a bagel giveaway the following Monday. This will be the last chance to turn in your LPOs to win bagels for your office!

This week’s winner is Mathematics.

See what paper processes will be eliminated next…

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Return your paper LPO forms and win bagels for your office

It is time to return all of your paper LPO forms!

Departments who return their paper LPO forms to Accounts Payable (Park 145) by close of business on each of the next 2 Fridays will be eligible for a bagel giveaway the following Monday.

Our next drawings will be held on September 19th, and again on the 26th.

This week’s winner is Medicinal Chemistry.

See what paper processes will be eliminated next…

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Clarification: EOR, GFA & Delegation Categories

Financial & Business Services recently circulated a Guideline outlining (1) the Review, and (2) the Evidence of Review (EOR) responsibilities that each Account Executive (AE) and Principal Investigator (PI) MUST perform – either by reviewing the monthly Management Reports themselves, or delegating this function to another person.

Based upon feedback from the distribution of the Guideline, FS has changed the labels of the delegation options within GFA (Granting Financial Authority).  We hope that these changes clarify delegation choices for those with financial approval and review responsibilities.  Please share this news post with all AEs and PIs.

Question: IF delegation of authority is absolutely necessary, how are such delegations made by the AE/PI?

Answer:  GFA is used to indicate delegation of transaction approval and/or report review authority. Please note that such delegation cannot be given to an individual who also initiates transactions.

GFA is found in CIS:

Once logged into GFA, the AE/PI can specify delegations to individuals by selecting from the list of available system options, see image below:

NOTE: Designations of authorized alternates shall be made and verified using GFA whenever possible. Delegation of roles or responsibilities not defined within GFA may be made in a memo on business letterhead, see Policy 3-003.III.D.

Questions or concerns should be directed to our Controller, either by using Contact Us information or by using the ASK US form.

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Q4 FY 2016 Revised UMV for Endowment Projections

The ending quarter endowment pool unit market value (UMV) for June 30, 2016, is $213.03 per unit. This information is necessary for Method 2 of projecting endowment income and is provided quarterly through FS News. All other factors in the instructions remain the same through the fiscal year. For detailed instructions on how to project endowment income, please click here. The instructions are available there now for fiscal year 2016-2017.

Ask Us a Question If you have any questions or feedback just ask us!

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Return Paper LPOs by Sept 26th – Be Eligible for Bagel Giveaway

October 1, 2016 marks the elimination of another paper-based process on campus. After this date, Limited Purchase Orders will no longer be processed by Accounts Payable.

Any invoices referencing an LPO, received after October 1, will be returned to the originating office to be re-submitted using the NoPO form in UShop.

What do you need to do? We are asking that departments return all remaining paper Limited Purchase Order forms to Accounts Payable, located in Park 145.

BAGEL DRAWING: Departments who return their forms by each of the next 3 Fridays, (close of business) will be eligible for a bagel giveaway the following Monday.  Drawings will  be held September 12th, 19th, and the 26th.

NOTE: In order to ensure that departments will discontinue their use by the published deadline of October 1, 2016, we plan to notify all ORG heads of any LPO forms that have not been returned by September 26th.

Any concerns regarding this announcement should be sent directly to Scott Patten, Associate Director of Accounts Payable and UShop.

Other paper-based processes have been or will be eliminated soon – check out these dates!

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Work-Study Deadline 09/30/16

Work-Study funded students must be placed in their first fiscal-year job no later than 09/30/16. Departments intending to employ a work-study student for the 16/17 fiscal-year must submit their Job Referral Notice (JRN) requests no later than 09/30/16. Students without a current fiscal-year JRN by 09/30/16 will lose their work-study funding and cannot be hired in the work-study program.

Payroll accounting for work-study employees must be correct by the pay period ending 09/30/16. If the payroll accounting is not correct, the student may lose their work-study funding and the employer will not be able to hire the student as a work-study employee after 09/30/16.

Please review your records for the following:

1) You must have a current JRN. The JRN authorizes the student to work for a specific department for a specified period of time. The JRN also indicates the authorized account number that must be used in order to utilize work-study funding.

2) The chartfield distribution on the e-PAF must include the Org ID and account number that is authorized on the JRN.

3) Please be aware that wages charged to any ORG ID and/or account number other than those authorized on the JRN, are an indication that the student is not set up as a work-study employee. Carefully review your payroll reports. Errors not resolved with the FWS Coordinator during the subsequent pay period may cause the student to lose their work-study funding.

If you have any questions regarding this notice or about a student’s work-study status, please contact the FWS coordinator at

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Only 2 Days Left!

2 Business Days Left: Paper Requisition Submission Deadline is August 31, 2016

As a follow-up to the on-going messages we’ve sent throughout August, we want to remind everyone that there are only 2 business days left before paper purchase requisitions will no longer be processed.

Beginning September 1, 2016, any paper requisitions received will be returned to the originating department for submission through UShop.

Purchases of goods and services will certainly be significantly impeded if you are not ready to use UShop in preparation of this deadline. 

What can you do to prepare?

Training is essential for access to UShop. We have created both in-person training and online training opportunities throughout August so that you and your department can be prepared for the September 1 milestone. Please complete training as soon as possible.

Please let us know immediately if you anticipate any problems.

For assistance, call our HELP DESK at 5-CALL or use our ASK US form.

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Attn: Academic Business Officers – WACUBO Professional Development Opportunity

WACUBO is offering a Professional Development opportunity at the Marriott Downtown at City Creek, in Salt Lake City, September 19-21, 2016.

Negotiation skills are critical throughout all aspects of colleges and universities especially in creating value for your unit. Competition for resources, space, funding, equipment, and opportunities require techniques for successful negotiation. This workshop is designed to help business managers understand the negotiation process while learning strategies for analysis, develop decision making processes, and define methods for negotiations. You will learn how to define interests, set priorities, and develop mutually beneficial strategies for all parties.

Unit & Academic Business Officer
The world of the academic and unit business officer is changing—are you prepared? Attend this interactive workshop to build your foundation for success. Discover new ways to support and advance your organization. This workshop is geared toward early and mid-career professionals. You will learn to develop an action plan for adding value to your organization, raise your awareness about challenges and ethical issues, practice techniques for interacting and communicating effectively with faculty, administrators, students, and your peers, explore ways to improve processes in complex environments, and build a network of colleagues who have similar roles and responsibilities.

Official Brochure

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10 Days Left – Are you Ready to Use UShop?

10 Business Days Left: Paper Requisition Submission Deadline is August 31, 2016

As a follow-up to the message sent last week, we want to remind everyone that there are only 10 business days left before paper purchase requisitions will no longer be processed.

Beginning September 1, 2016, any paper requisitions received will be returned to the originating department for submission through UShop. Purchases of goods and services will certainly be significantly impeded if you are not ready to use UShop in preparation of this deadline. 

Training is essential for access to UShop. We have created both in-person training and online training opportunities throughout August so that you and your department can be prepared for the September 1 milestone. Please complete training as soon as possible.

Please let us know immediately if you anticipate any problems.

For assistance, call our HELP DESK at 5-CALL or use our ASK US form.

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PCard Application Requirement – UShop Training

Beginning Monday, August 15, all new campus Purchasing Card applicants will be required to become UShop Shoppers, prior to receiving a Purchasing Card. This means campus applicants must complete Shopper training before submitting their Purchasing Card application. Reconcilers were notified of this as a part of the regular distribution of PCard statements in July.

The University recommends all cardholders become trained in UShop to better understand how to take advantage of University contracts and more efficient procurement.

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