Travel Web Forms

The Travel Department will be making significant changes to the server running online forms. This scheduled maintenance will require us to be down beginning at 1:00 pm Tuesday afternoon on May 23, 2006. Please call 1-7142 with any questions.

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Filtering in D-JOBS

Many have asked for additional “filtering” functionality when listing out all the jobs in your department. (Note: The functionality to list all jobs that have changed within the current (and previous) pay period became available last month. This filter is applied by clicking the “Show Changes” button.)

You will notice the addition of “check boxes” on each job line and a new “Show Selected” button. This button, used in conjunction with the check boxes, will filter the current job list, allowing you to view the job(s) you may be interested in. From this selected list you may review, download to excel, or print all associated PAN forms using the Print PAN(s) link.

Watch for additional filtering functionality in the future!

Some of you have asked why, when printing a single PAN (using the P link) or multiple PANs (using the Print PAN(s) link), there are blank pages. The PAN form is a two-page form to accommodate academic information on the back of the Faculty PAN. (Hint: You can instruct ADOBE to only print the front page of each PAN by selecting “Odd pages only” in the subset dropdown.)

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Supplemental Pay Tax Withholding Requirements

According to Internal Revenue Regulations, supplemental pay tax withholding may be calculated by applying the employee’s withholding rate from the Form W-4 on file or utilizing the flat rate withholding method, currently 28% federal plus 6% for Utah. Supplemental pay is an additional amount to regular pay, separately stated, and includes, but is not limited to, bonuses, commissions, severance, vacation payouts, retroactive wages, retroactive increases, overtime or differentials. Clinical Incentive Pay would also be considered supplemental pay.

If an employee wishes to adjust his/her employee withholding allowance certificate, Form W-4, this can be completed before the supplemental pay is prepared via the PeopleSoft employee tab at Payroll, Taxes and Salary. Please inform the employee that the new Form W-4 will continue to be in effect until changed. For example, if the employee wishes to decrease payroll withholding taxes for a certain pay period, the employee would increase the Form W-4 allowances. After such pay period is processed, the employee would resubmit the original Form W-4 allowances.

In the alternative, an employee can request the flat rate withholding method for the supplemental pay. On the PAN form, for retroactive pay, vacation payouts or severance pay, please note in the comments box “Please use flat rate calculation.” On all other pay forms, including the paper timesheet, please check mark the box under the chartfield that states “check this box for flat rate calculation.”

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D-Jobs Updated

Department Job Summary (D-Jobs) has been improved!

As announced last month, you can now get a list of all the jobs that have changed during the current (and previous) pay periods by clicking the “Show Changes” button. Once the list of jobs comes back you will be able to click the Print PAN(s) link to produce a single PDF file of all the PAN’s on the list. Following the link is an estimate of the time required to produce this file. You can then save the file or print some or all of the PAN’s.

With Internet Explorer, this new feature requires ADOBE Reader version 7. If you have any questions about updating your desktop to this version, please talk to your LAN Manager.

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Fiscal Year-End Financial Deadlines

The “Year-End Informatin & Dates” link at the bottom of the Administrative Financials section of CIS (Campus Information System) has been updated for the close of the current fiscal year. Please review the document for any dates that may apply to you.

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State Auditor’s Visit

A memo was sent by Jeffrey J. West, Associate VP Financial and Business Services to university employees on April 6, 2006 regarding the upcoming visits from the State Auditor’s Office. Click here to view an electronic version of this memo.

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D-Jobs Enhancements (updated 3/14/06)

Some new features have been added to the Department Job Summary (D-Jobs) WEB application.

  • Show Changes button – Displays jobs where at least one change has occurred during the date range displayed in the heading. Uses today’s date and the Pay Period Radio Buttons to determine the begin date. This date is the date of the change and is not necessarily the effective date. This is the same criteria that has always been used to generate the turn-around PAN forms.
  • Search by Home Department – Allows the list to be generated by Home Department. Note: If you wish to switch from/to Home Department “mode” to/from Reporting Department “mode”, you must return to the department search page and switch modes.
  • Added ABA (Annualized Base Amount) – Display the ABA with minor reordering of the columns.

Coming Soon

  • Print PAN(s) button – This will allow a “View PAN” PDF to be genereated for all the jobs displayed as a result of the Show Changes button.

For a summary of the purpose and features of D-Jobs, see the previous FS News post by clicking here.

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Departments on the move

Over the next few months the following departments in Financial and Business Services will be moving.

In addition to the moves listed above, Investment Management will be moving from 408 Park to 402 Park.

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Time to Register for Business Officers Meeting!

Date: March 7, 2006

Place: Officers Club & Commanders House, Fort Douglas

Based upon feedback received from many of you, we are implementing a new format. The day will consist of multiple break-out sessions, so to help us understand your priorities; your registration will require you to identify those classes in which you are most interested.

A mid-week event with break-out sessions requires a change of venue to a non-academic building. We feel that the Fort Douglas facilities will adequately accommodate our needs, but realize that space will be limited. Therefore, we encourage you to register early. Enrollment will be limited to the first 380 who register.

See you at the conference.

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Cell Phone Allowance WEB Site

Many of you have called and/or emailed the Payroll office asking for the link to the new Cell Phone Allowance forms. The link is

If you have further questions please call the Campus Help Desk at 581-4000, option 2.

Thank you.

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