Tax Withholding Changes

As a part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, the Internal Revenue Service has provided new wage withholding tables. Beginning with the pay period ending 3/15/09, the University will apply the new tables to employees’ income tax withholding calculations. The new tables will increase take-home pay for most employees, but higher income employees may not see a difference.

If you have any questions, please Ask Us or contact Tax Services at 801-581-3428.


EBT Queries re-published to the HR Information Library

HR is pleased to announce the Employee EBT by Emplid and Employee EBT by Home Dept queries have been re-published to the HR Information Library (read about their removal in the news archives). The issues prompting their removal have been addressed and the queries now return complete employer paid Earnings, Benefit and Tax detail.

The EBT queries are available to Payroll Reporters and others with HRIL Reporter or Manager security and may be accessed via the Financial Information Library or Human Resources Information Library link on the Campus Information System.

Check them out and just Ask Us if you have any questions or feedback.

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Bookmarking U of U Web Apps

As reported in an earlier news post, the Financial Web Apps (located in the FS pagelet and FS Admin pagelet) in the Campus Information System have moved to a different WEB Server.

As of today, March 13, 2009, ALL OLD Bookmarks for all U of U Web Applications (urls begin with,, and will not work!

Since these applications are all located inside the CIS, it is always best to select the desired application from the appropriate CIS menu.

Ask Us if you have any questions.

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Endowment Projections

Financial and Business Services is pleased to offer colleges and departments updated instructions on the two methods for estimating the amount of endowment income expected during the next fiscal year. The necessary factors for doing the calculations will be provided on either an annual or quarterly basis, depending on how often they change.

Click here for updated detailed instructions.

Click here to register for Training taught in conjunction with the Endowments 101 Workshops.

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FIL Queries Enhanced with more Filtering Options

After hearing from several of you, we have added more filtering options to most of the Financial Information Library (FIL) queries. New prompts give users the option to run an Activity or Project report for just a single Account Executive or PI, a single Activity or Project, or to include future Projects (where applicable).

Check them out to see for yourself! Share your comments (below) or send us your feedback directly.


View Paycheck currently unavailable

View PaycheckPayroll information including, View Paycheck option is currently unavailable in CIS. Watch for updates at:

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WACUBO Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City!

WACUBO Annual Meeting As some of you know, the University belongs to an organization known as WACUBO (Western Association of College and University Business Officers)- a professional development organization whose membership consists of folks on the “business” side of University operations. Check out their website at

Each Spring, WACUBO holds an annual meeting, rotating through various major cities in the West as the host site. This year, the annual meeting will be held here in Salt Lake City. To get a flavor for the nature and scope of the meeting, which will be held on May 3-6, 2009 at the Grand America Hotel, please check out WACUBO’s annual meeting website at:’m writing to you today in my capacity as the Host Committee Chair for this annual meeting. In my volunteer role, I coordinate all the activities and logistics of working with the hotel and the special events held in conjunction with the annual meeting. I’m hoping that UofU business professionals, like yourselves, can rally around this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to participate at a very high level in this excellent professional development event. Please consider coming to the annual meeting. Registration is now open!

I am, of course, aware that Utah and the University are having budget troubles. Your department may be limited in what you can do financially. But I really feel that having this event here within a few blocks of campus is a wonderful chance for you to experience something that is an Investment, not an Expense – an Investment in you and in the University. I can promise you that the speakers and topics will be timely, relevant, and thought-provoking. I encourage you to support the University, as host institution, and the great city of Salt Lake, which will be on display – and register for the annual meeting. The University is a member of WACUBO, so you would register using the “member” rate. If you have any questions about your participation that I can help with – please give me a call. Thank you in advance for your support and attendance. I sincerely appreciate it.

(for WACUBO)


Jeffrey J. West, MBA, CPA

Associate Vice President

Financial and Business Services

University of Utah


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Error when accessing documents in Management Reports ***Updated***

When trying to access documents (using the spyglass) from Management Reports, some users are receiving an error. The error is:

Fatal error: Call to a member function Execute() on a non-object in C:\Web\htdocs\Fortis.class.php on line 73

***Update*** A work around is available!! Click here for information on how to retrieve your document.

If you find this information helpful, please leave a comment below.

We are working to resolve this. Watch for updates on the FS Web Application Status Page =>

Report Issues with FS Web Applications


PCARD Reallocation down time

The Purchasing Card Reallocation WEB application will be down Wednesday, February 18th until approximately 10:00 AM. We will be performing a required system upgrade. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any concerns, ask us.

Click Report Issues with FS Web Applications for the latest updates.

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UPAY system updates

All campus credit card processing using the UPAY system will be down on February 17th from 4:00AM to 6:00AM for systems updates. Contact Lisa Zaelit 581-3968 or Lee Stenquist 585-3617 for questions or Ask Us if you have any questions concerning this post.

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