Payroll Encumbrance Changes Are Here!

We are excited to announce the highly anticipated changes to payroll encumbrances are live today. Payroll encumbrances can now be projected through future years on research projects, and will be updated daily to reflect mid-pay period changes to employee distributions. These enhancements are part of the Project Administration & Management (PAM) initiative underway at the U. Here are the details…

Encumbering Future Years On Fund 5000 Projects…

To take advantage of future year encumbering on research projects, you must set up the Employee Distribution with additional project rows specifying future fiscal year begin and end dates. You do not need to do this right away, you may update them whenever you are ready, and your changes will be reflected within a business day of making the change.

The Encumbrance Calculation…

Encumbrances are calculated for date ranges specified on the Employee Distribution during which the employee job is active, on paid leave, or retired with pay, and the distribution chartfield includes an encumbered GL account. The encumbrance calculation will take into account future events such as changes to FTE, employment status (hire, termination, work break, etc.), changes to distribution, compensation rate, etc.

  • For Exempt (both Annual and Contract): distribution factor * (annual salary * 1/24) * number of pay periods left in the calculation period. When a distribution date does not begin or end on the boundaries of a pay period, the following calculation is used for that pay period: distribution factor *((annual salary * 1/24) * (number of work days in partial pay period/total number of work days in pay period))
  • For Hourly: distribution factor * hourly rate * (standard hours/5) * number of work days in the calculation period. Standard hours is equivalent to FTE*40.

Payroll Encumbrance Reports…

The Managements Reports and Human Resource Information Library (HRIL) Payroll Encumbrance reports have been enhanced as part of these changes. Both applications provide separate summary level and detail reports. The detail reports show encumbrances broken out by the changes in variables that go into the encumbrance calculation, including:

  • Calculation period (driven by both job and employee distribution dates) 
  • Pay Status
  • Distribution Chartfields
  • Distribution Factor/Percentage
  • Compensation Rate

Management Reports navigation – select a hyperlinked encumbrance value to drill into the Payroll Encumbrance detail report from either of these summary reports:

  • Summary of Revenue & Expenses
  • Encumbrance Report

Human Resources Information Library (HRIL) navigation – select the PAYROLL REPTS folder.

  • Encumb Summary by…
  • Encumb Detail by…  

Ask UsPlease ASK US if you have any questions.

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Voucher and Payment Search – Improved

We’ve made an improvement to the Voucher Payment Search tool to help you more easily locate processed payments. This tool now provides the following three search options when searching by document number;

  • Matches – Results returned which exactly match the entered value
  • Begins –  With Results returned that begin with the entered value
  • Contains – Results returned which contain a match to the entered value

When the screen is initially displayed it defaults to “Contains.”

This change is based upon feedback from users on campus who use this tool. It’s an example of our desire to provide you with tools that more closely meet your needs. If you have other suggestions on how we can improve this application, please contact Perry Hull, Manager of Accounts Payable.

Voucher and Payment Search

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Payroll Encumbrance Changes Coming January 6th

Ever wish you could project payroll commitments through the end of a multi-year research grant? Tired of updating employee distributions only to wait (patiently) for the next payroll cycle before the changes are reflected on encumbrance reports? Then your time has come!

Beginning Friday, January 6th, payroll encumbrances will be updated daily and include future years on research projects. These enhancements are part of the Project Administration & Management (PAM) initiative underway at the U.

Is there anything I need to do to prepare for these changes?

Glad you asked!

First, in order to take advantage of future year encumbering on research projects, you must set up payroll distributions with future fiscal year begin and end dates…encumbrances will only be calculated for dates specified on the Employee Distribution. Note that a single payroll distribution row cannot cross a fiscal year, you must insert a new distribution row for each fiscal year you wish to encumber. Payroll distributions do not need to be updated right away, you may update them whenever you are ready. Your changes will be reflected in payroll encumbrance reports within a business day of making the change.

Second, the format of the Payroll Encumbrance Reports in Management Reports and the Human Resources Information Library (HRIL) will change. If you have set up any automated processing on payroll encumbrance report downloads, your process may be impacted. 

Look for more information about the payroll encumbrance enhancements in Friday’s official announcement via FS News!

Ask UsPlease ASK US if you have any questions.

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Updated: Payroll Encumbrance Issues Reported

Affected payroll encumbrances have been recalculated and now show correct amounts in reports.

Previous post…

The calculation of some November 30th payroll encumbrances are incorrect due to a timing issue encountered during payroll processing this week. Encumbrances for payroll distributions ending prior to June 30, 2012 were erroneously projected through the end of the fiscal year on a limited number of employees.

We are working on a resolution and will update this post as we progress. Please feel free to contact your cognizant accountant with questions.

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Important Direct Deposit Update

While updating the Payroll records for Direct Deposit bank changes, please keep in mind that Accounts Payable also offers Direct Deposit. You can go here if you have not signed up for this option, and are getting scholarship/fellowship payments or refunds for out-of-pocket expenses through the Travel Department or Accounts Payable. If you are already enrolled for Accounts Payable Direct Deposit, be aware that the Accounts Payable system does not link to the Payroll system so the Accounts Payable department must also be notified of any banking changes such as a change in banks or a different depository account with the same institution. Changes can be recorded on the Direct Deposit form and forwarded to Accounts Payable.

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Endowment Projections for Q1 FY 2012

The ending quarter endowment pool unit market value for September 30, 2011, is $184.82 per unit. This information is necessary for Method 2 of projecting endowment income and is provided quarterly through FS News. All other factors in the instructions remain the same through the fiscal year. For detailed instructions on how to project endowment income, please click here.

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Key Personnel Effort and Fiscal Responsibility Reminder for Principal Investigators

November 11, 2011


Each department should ensure the appropriate level of effort of Key Personnel on projects. Key Personnel include all Principal Investigators and others specifically listed on the awarding document. Auditors of grants and contracts review Key Personnel to ensure the appropriate effort is charged as budgeted on federal awards. Normally a person’s home department has the knowledge of the amount of estimated, accumulated, and reported effort for each Key Person.

Please take the time to review the percent of effort budgeted for Key Personnel on federal awards. Key Personnel must provide effort at the level budgeted. If there is a reduction of effort for Key Personnel greater than 25% of the budgeted amount, it is necessary to obtain the appropriate approval from the awarding agency.


A Project should be completed within the time and budget constraints.

Remember Monthly Management Reports should be reviewed promptly upon receipt and retained in the department. It is the responsibility of each responsible person to review his/her monthly Management Reports. Your review (or that of your designee) MUST be documented on the first page of each Activity or Project.

A Project is to be charged with only those costs that are allowable and appropriate to the Project, following all applicable federal and state laws and University regulations, policies, and procedures.

Ask Us a QuestionIf you have questions, please contact the representative in Grants and Contracts Accounting responsible for your project.

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Financial System Downtime Planned November 11, 2011 through November 12th, 2011 ** Updated**

Financial System Upgrade – Questions and Answers

What is the upgrade about?

This new version will help facilitate various PAM initiatives as well as get our maintenance up-to-date with the latest PeopleSoft delivered application fixes.

In addition to maintenance and support, the University will benefit from access to newer, value-added software features and updated compliance to Federal and local government entities.

When will the upgrade occur?

The upgrade will begin Friday, November 11th at noon and is scheduled to be completed at noon on Saturday, November 12, 2011.  Watch FS Lifesaver for system status.

How will my access to financial information be affected during the upgrade?

All PeopleSoft Financial functions through the Campus Information System (CIS) will be unavailable from noon on Friday, November 11th through noon on Saturday, November 12, 2011.

All functions on the Financial & Business Services pagelet through the Campus Information System (CIS) will be unavailable from noon on Friday, November 11th through noon on Saturday, November 12, 2011.

Ask UsPlease ASK US if you have any questions.

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Scholarship/Fellowship Form Processing Now Handled By Accounts Payable

Effective immediately, the responsibility for receipt and processing of Traineeship forms has been reassigned to Accounts Payable. The related forms are now located on the Accounts Payable website, under Payment Methods . These completed forms should now be delivered directly to Accounts Payable, 145 Park. This change only involves the responsibility for processing these forms, the process itself currently remains unchanged. If you have questions regarding the forms or other aspects of this process, please contact Accounts Payable directly at 581-6976, or email the Manager, Perry Hull, at

Ask UsPlease ASK US if you have any questions.

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October Momentum Newsletter is now available

The Momentum Newsletter is published quarterly and is meant for the use and benefit of the University of Utah Campus Community. Follow the links from this page to see the full articles…

A full Printable Version of this newsletter is also available to forward to your colleagues.

Main Header
October 2011
We encourage departments to share this info with persons in your departments during staff
meetings, emails or other departmental communications methods.

Notable Changes | Process Spotlight | $Y$ – Happenings | FS Community | Upcoming Events

 Notable Header
  • Do you know who the new controller is? Find out now!
  • Does your department have business-related reasons to pay for lodging? You need to know how to handle payment of the taxes.
  Process Spotlight header
Sys Happenings
  • Keeping resources on campus brings efficiency and cost savings to the U. Remind your department to support UKIC in your next staff meeting!
  • Fall Semester RATS dates are now available! Sign up for these Research related training courses now!
  • WACUBO offers low cost training for staff members in many roles across campus. See what WACUBO workshops are available this year, and sign up for November Business Officer workshop taught by Jeff West and a Team of presenters.
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