Tax Rate Changes

Social Security Tax Rate Increase

The two percent employee FICA Social Security tax cut provided in the Tax Relief Act of 2010 expired December 31, 2012. As a result the employee FICA Social Security tax rate will be restored to 6.2%, effective January 1, 2013. This increase will be reflected on the January 7, 2013 paycheck.

Federal Income Tax Withholding Rate Table

Due to uncertainty at the federal level, at this time no changes have been made to the federal income tax withholding tables for 2013 based on changing income tax rates. The tables may change at a later date. The University is required to implement changed tax tables by the timeframe outlined in regulations and therefore, employees may see a difference in the amount of federal income tax withheld from 2013 paychecks at a later date.

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F&A Budget Issue Resolved

As previously reported, the F&A Budget was missing  on the December 2012 Web Management Reports after the Grants Implementation. It was always available on all months before December 2012. This issue is resolved as of 12/22/2012.

Please visit our FAQ page for other PAM questions and answers.

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Project Liaison Self Service Application not available

The Self Service application to update the liaison for Projects is unavailable.  We are aware of the issue and have allocated resources to fix it.  We are unsure of the scope of this fix  and we do not have an estimated time of completetion.  Please bear with us until this issue is resolved.

Updates to this will be posted on our FAQ page.

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F&A Budget

The F&A Budget is missing  on the December 2012 Web Management Reports. It is available on all months prior to December 2012. We are working to restore the F&A Budget on the December 2012 Web Management Reports.

Updates to this will be posted on our FAQ page.

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University Financial Systems now available!

The Grants Implementation went very smoothly, exceeding our expectations. All CIS Financial applications are now available!

Curious about what we’ve been up to? Click here.

Now that PeopleSoft Financials is available, there are some changes affecting many financial processes and systems. Learn more about these changes, visit: Latest PAM Updates .

To learn more about the Grants Implementation, view this orientation video

PAM Training

Thank you for being patient with us while important implementation was applied.

Ask UsPlease ASK US if you have any questions.

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Important Changes for Users of Web Journal Processing

The Web Journal Processing application has been unavailable from 12/10/2012 through 12/17/2012 in connection with the Grants Post Award implementation

If you “store” Chartfield strings in your system(s) to use in preparing these journals, one of the important changes for you to be aware of is that Projects which are designated as “Cost Share” will now require the Fund Chartfield to be 5999 instead of 5000. It is your responsibility to insure the proper Fund for Cost Share Projects is used in your journals.

Ask UsPlease ASK US if you have any questions regarding “Cost Share”.

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November Accounting Month Has Closed

The November Accounting Month is now closed. You may now view complete November 2012 data in Web Management Reports. You will likely need to change the month and year (to November 2012) on the criteria page in Management Reports when inputting your search criteria. Web Management Reports, Financial Information Library and other reports on the FS pagelet will be available until Sunday, December 9, 2012 at 5 PM. At 5 PM the conversion process will begin and CIS Financial Applications, including Management Reports will not be available until December 18, 2012.


Updated information can be found here.

Ask UsPlease ASK US if you have any questions.

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Grants Implementation Training Video Available

The second session of the Orientation for Principal Investigators and Business Officers was recorded on Video.

Click the image below to access the video.

PAM Training

To learn more about Project Administration Management (PAM), visit Financial Changes Coming.  This page will have the latest updates about upcoming changes.

Ask UsPlease ASK US if you have any questions.

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Project Administration Management (PAM) Training

Project Administration  Management (PAM) Training begins on December 4, 2012.  Details regarding the training can be found here.

To learn more about Project Administration Management (PAM), visit Financial Changes Coming.  This page will have the latest updates about upcoming changes.

Ask UsPlease ASK US if you have any questions.

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Gifts, Emoluments, Gratuities, Rewards, Loans, What Does it All Mean?

Many questions arise regarding the acceptance of gifts or the other descriptive words used in University Policy and State Statute. Now is a good time of year to review some of the basics.

University Policy 1-006 Individual Financial Conflict of Interest Policy, section III. (A.) ((4.)) states that the solicitation or receipt of a gift by a University Employee, whether directly or indirectly through the institution, is not allowed when the purpose is likely to improperly influence the Employee in his/her University responsibilities or when the gift is given to reward the employee for official action taken or in close proximity to recent past, present or future transactions.

Certain units on campus including the University Hospitals and Clinics and the School of Medicine have adopted more stringent policies that prohibit employees from accepting gifts of any value from vendors.

Changes to the Procurement Code that go into effect on May 1, 2013 (63G-6a-2304) will apply to the University and are much more detailed regarding emoluments (gifts). It will be unlawful for any person acting as a procurement officer or who in any official capacity participates in the procurement of any supplies, services, construction, real property or insurance for the University to ask, receive, offer to receive or accept an emolument. Expansion to this section is anticipated in the upcoming legislative session and criminal penalties are stated. The Purchasing Department will be providing training on Procurement Code changes including the gift and emolument topic in February and March which you won’t want to miss!

The best general advice for now was given at the recent Campus Legal Highlights Seminar provided by the Office of General Counsel: Do not accept gifts of any value from a vendor or supplier. Departments are encouraged to be proactive and inform vendors regarding University policy.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Glendon Mitchell, Associate Director of Purchasing, at 801-587-3784 or .

Ask UsPlease ASK US if you have any questions.

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