It is time to do your Renewals… Weekly Bagel Giveaway!

UShop Renewals have replaced Blanket Orders – View the how-to video here.

Congratulations to Joyce Ellis in Dialysis for submitting Renewals and winning bagels for her office!

Get your Renewals done by Friday, April 29th to enter our next weekly drawing!

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TIME CHANGE: Intellectual Property

For those interested in attending, please note the important correction to our registration announcement- the webinar will run from 1:00pm-3:00pm this Thursday, April 28th. Then you may choose to attend online or in person at the USU Kaysville extension located at 80 E Sego Lily Dr, Kaysville, UT 84037. If you have any questions please contact James Brown, Risk’s Loss Control Manager at 801-538-9591 or

Do you understand the implications of using someone else’s creations, such as pictures, videos, music, cartoons, artwork, and brand names, when you’re generating a flyer, designing a website, creating a presentation, or editing a production? Do you understand the meaning of “fair use” and “public domain”? Did you know that you may incur liability for your organization if you don’t play by the rules? If your answer is “NO” to either of these questions, please set aside time to participate in a free Intellectual Property seminar/webinar from 1:00-3:00 on April 28th, presented by Michele Ballantyne, Esq., and Ryan Brady, Esq., and sponsored by the Division of Risk Management.

For more information about this event and the presenters’ bios, click here. We look forward to your participation.

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UShop Connectivity Issues – RESOLVED

This has been resolved

We are experiencing system connectivity issues between UShop and PeopleSoft.  UIT is investigating.  This began Saturday evening.

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UShop Renewals replaced Blanket Orders – Are yours Submitted?

We have posted online training specific to Renewals! … View here.

Still need to be trained as a UShop User? … Click here to view online training – become a UShop user today!
Have questions about your Renewals? Attend one of our open-registration UShop Renewal Workshops:

  • Tuesday, April 19th – HSEB 5100B – 11am – 12pm or 12pm – 1pm
  • Wednesday, April 20th – Union 323 – 1pm – 2pm or 2pm – 3pm
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Save the Date – P2P Workshop for Proof Requisitions

The Purchasing Department has sent packets to campus users who have had annual Proof Requisitions in the past.  These campus users will receive a list of current Blanket Orders and instructions as to how they can migrate the paper-based Blanket Orders to UShop “Renewal” orders for fiscal year 2017.

During the next couple of months, departments will submit any annual orders in UShop using this “Renewal” form.

We want to help campus departments migrate to UShop for Renewals and other Procurement needs, and are offering workshops to support our users while they convert legacy Proof Requisitions to UShop Renewals.

Beginning April 12, FS will be offering an Introduction to P2P Workshop for those who make purchases on campus. Multiple times and locations are available for the convenience of our users.  It is not necessary to Register for these sessions. Those responsible for submitting fiscal year Blanket Orders or those who have questions or want to learn more are encouraged to attend.

We look forward to seeing you there!

NOTE: Weekly drawings for bagels or doughnuts will be given to a lucky office who submits fiscal year 2017 Renewals – so get yours submitted early for best chances of winning treats for your office!

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New Manager of Cost Accounting & Analysis

Financial & Business Services is pleased to announce that Robert Allen has joined the Research Management & Compliance department (effective April 1, 2016) as the Manager of Cost Accounting & Analysis and will report directly to Ken Erickson, the Director of Research Management & Compliance.

Rob is a licensed CPA and has extensive professional experience in financial management, budgeting, cost accounting and auditing (most recently as the Vice President of Finance and Administration at Tooele Applied Technology College-“TATC”). Rob has been deeply involved with cost pools, cost bases, overhead rates, audits, government regulations, compliance and reporting.

Rob facilitated federal government and public accounting audits at his previous employers. Rob began his career as an auditor with the Defense Contract Audit Agency (“DCAA”) in Anaheim, CA (Rockwell International overhead rates). Rob was an auditor at Hercules Incorporated and an Internal Audit Manager at Dyno Nobel. He was the Financial Manager for Manufacturing, Sourcing and Logistics at Dyno Nobel, eventually working as the Treasury Manager at Dyno Nobel (all accounting, auditing, payroll and cash management responsibilities). At TATC, Rob managed the accounting and human resources functions, prepared annual financial statements and coordinated with State of Utah and other auditors.

Rob is a graduate of the University of Utah with a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting and holds an MBA degree as a graduate of Utah State University.

Rob has broad experience in reviewing and analyzing overhead rates, service / recharge center rates, financial data and has experience preparing various performance, financial and status reports. In addition, Rob has experience with P-Cards, workflow system implementations, financial audits and compliance audits. He has also prepared Disclosure Statements.

Rob looks forward to integrating his knowledge and extensive experience in his work at the University of Utah. Please join Financial & Business Services in welcoming Rob to the campus.

Ask UsPlease ASK US if you have any questions.

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F & A Rates at the University of Utah – Important Information for Faculty, Researchers, and Administrators.

New negotiated overhead (“F & A”) rates have been finalized with the federal government (for future fiscal years).
These new rates will apply to NEW or new-continuation contracts / grants submitted for funding on or after July 1, 2016.
You may have read the March 4, 2016 announcement of these rates by Tom Parks, Vice President for Research at the University of Utah. That announcement included an invitation to attend an “F & A Town Hall Meeting” on Thursday, March 24, 2016 at 3 pm – 4 pm in the INSCC Auditorium.

This is a reminder to bring your questions and feedback to the F & A Town Hall Meeting and to participate in the discussion. Research Faculty, Principal Investigators, Research Staff, Administrative Personnel, Deans, Chairs and other interested parties are encouraged to attend.

The following was published in Researchers Corners on March 8, 2016:

f&a ratesAs you may know, the University of Utah recently compiled, prepared and submitted research-related costs and other data to the federal government in an “F & A Rate Study”, which is done every 3-5 years. This review is now finalized. New negotiated overhead (F & A) rates are now in place for the coming years:

F&A Table





These rates are applied against the Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC) of a contract/grant in order to cover the overhead costs incurred to support research.

These new rates will apply to NEW or new-continuation contracts/grants submitted for funding on or after July 1, 2016. EXISTING contracts/grants will still use the old rates set up with the project. For questions about your specific project(s), contact your OSP officer.

Click here for more information on F&A see:

Click here for details of the negotiated F&A rates.

We will be holding an “F & A Town Hall Meeting” on March 24, 2016 at 3 pm – 4 pm, location INSCC Auditorium, to address specific questions about these new rates, or about their impact on your college/department. Research Faculty, Principal Investigators, Research Staff, Administrative Personnel, Deans, Chairs and other interested parties are encouraged to attend.

We recognize that these increases mean less funds are available for salaries and other direct research costs for the people actually doing the research. We recognize that this will be a tighter pinch on already tight budgets. We recognize the challenges this presents. However, F&A is an essential part of maintaining the research support on campus – the buildings and labs, equipment, cores, and computing/IT resources, research education and administration, libraries and field stations, and more. These new rates reflect actual expenditures on research support, as evaluated by an independent federal agency (DHHS). We welcome your questions, feedback, and discussion at the Town Hall Meeting. Please join us then.

Plan to Attend the “F & A Town Hall Meeting”

Research at the University of Utah

What? NEW University of Utah negotiated F & A Research Rates (which become effective on July 1, 2016).

Why? Be prepared for necessary changes in budgeting for the costs of doing your research.

Where? Meeting to be held on Thursday, March 24, 2016 from 3 – 4 PM. Meeting Location is the INSCC Building Auditorium.

Who? Research Faculty, Staff, Administrative Personnel. Principal Investigators, Deans, Chairs, other Interested Parties.

Hosts: Tom Parks, VP Research; Cynthia Furse, Assoc. VP Research; Cathy Anderson, Assoc. VP Budget & Planning; Jeffrey West, Assoc. VP Financial & Business Services

Come prepared to get further information and ask additional questions related to your specific research.

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Enhanced Financial Web Reports – We’ve gone RED

We have upgraded our CIS-based Financial Web Reports, and are excited to announce that they have a fresh, new, RED look!

Our users will notice enhancements to the functionality, including:

  • Management Reports/Journal Detail now consolidates UShop spend by Voucher number.
  • Encumbrance Reports only display “open” POs, and UShop POs now “auto-close” 5 days after they are fully invoiced.
  • Improved user interface on several search (lookup) applications, including: Chartfield, PO, and Voucher.
  • Users can easily see which of their favorite Suppliers are available in UShop, and can also request to make a Supplier available in UShop from Vendor/Voucher lookup screens.

NOTE: Each application has a HELP link if you find you have questions.

We appreciate feedback from our users that have helped us design these improvements.

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Q2 FY 2016 Unit Market Value for Endowment Projections

The ending quarter endowment pool unit market value for December 31, 2015, is $211.78 per unit. This information is necessary for Method 2 of projecting endowment income and is provided quarterly through FS News. All other factors in the instructions remain the same through the fiscal year. For detailed instructions on how to project endowment income, please click here. The instructions are available there now for fiscal year 2016-2017.

Ask Us a Question If you have any questions or feedback just ask us!

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NIH Salary Cap Increase

The NIH salary cap has been increased by about 1 percent to $185,100 effective January 10, 2016. NIH ties the salary cap to the Federal pay scale for employees in “Executive Level II” positions. The new cap was part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016 (Public Law 114-113), signed into law on December 18, 2015. Please see the NIH announcement.

Ask UsPlease ASK US if you have any questions.

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