New negotiated overhead (“F & A”) rates have been finalized with the federal government (for future fiscal years).
These new rates will apply to NEW or new-continuation contracts / grants submitted for funding on or after July 1, 2016.
You may have read the March 4, 2016 announcement of these rates by Tom Parks, Vice President for Research at the University of Utah. That announcement included an invitation to attend an “F & A Town Hall Meeting” on Thursday, March 24, 2016 at 3 pm – 4 pm in the INSCC Auditorium.
This is a reminder to bring your questions and feedback to the F & A Town Hall Meeting and to participate in the discussion. Research Faculty, Principal Investigators, Research Staff, Administrative Personnel, Deans, Chairs and other interested parties are encouraged to attend.
The following was published in Researchers Corners on March 8, 2016:
As you may know, the University of Utah recently compiled, prepared and submitted research-related costs and other data to the federal government in an “F & A Rate Study”, which is done every 3-5 years. This review is now finalized. New negotiated overhead (F & A) rates are now in place for the coming years:
These rates are applied against the Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC) of a contract/grant in order to cover the overhead costs incurred to support research.
These new rates will apply to NEW or new-continuation contracts/grants submitted for funding on or after July 1, 2016. EXISTING contracts/grants will still use the old rates set up with the project. For questions about your specific project(s), contact your OSP officer.
Click here for more information on F&A see:
Click here for details of the negotiated F&A rates.
We will be holding an “F & A Town Hall Meeting” on March 24, 2016 at 3 pm – 4 pm, location INSCC Auditorium, to address specific questions about these new rates, or about their impact on your college/department. Research Faculty, Principal Investigators, Research Staff, Administrative Personnel, Deans, Chairs and other interested parties are encouraged to attend.
We recognize that these increases mean less funds are available for salaries and other direct research costs for the people actually doing the research. We recognize that this will be a tighter pinch on already tight budgets. We recognize the challenges this presents. However, F&A is an essential part of maintaining the research support on campus – the buildings and labs, equipment, cores, and computing/IT resources, research education and administration, libraries and field stations, and more. These new rates reflect actual expenditures on research support, as evaluated by an independent federal agency (DHHS). We welcome your questions, feedback, and discussion at the Town Hall Meeting. Please join us then.
Plan to Attend the “F & A Town Hall Meeting”
Research at the University of Utah
What? NEW University of Utah negotiated F & A Research Rates (which become effective on July 1, 2016).
Why? Be prepared for necessary changes in budgeting for the costs of doing your research.
Where? Meeting to be held on Thursday, March 24, 2016 from 3 – 4 PM. Meeting Location is the INSCC Building Auditorium.
Who? Research Faculty, Staff, Administrative Personnel. Principal Investigators, Deans, Chairs, other Interested Parties.
Hosts: Tom Parks, VP Research; Cynthia Furse, Assoc. VP Research; Cathy Anderson, Assoc. VP Budget & Planning; Jeffrey West, Assoc. VP Financial & Business Services
Come prepared to get further information and ask additional questions related to your specific research.
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