Liaison Change Application Issue ***Resolved***

This has been resolved

We are troubleshooting a problem with the Liaison Change application in both Activity and Project Lookup, which is currently not working. If you have an urgent change to make, please contact your cognizant accountant to do it manually. We hope to have this issue resolved soon.

Ask UsPlease ASK US if you have any questions.

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NIH Salary Cap Increase

On January 8, 2017, a new NIH salary cap amount of $187,000 went into effect. The Federal Government FY 2016 Consolidated Appropriations Act states that the NIH salary cap amount is tied to the amount of the Federal Executive Salary Level II pay category; when this pay category increased on Jan 8, 2017, the NIH salary cap amount went up too. Currently, NIH is funded with a continuing resolution through April 28, 2017; as such, the FY 2016 Appropriations Act continues to remain in effect.

When the FY 2017 appropriations are released, then the new Act will dictate what the NIH salary cap will be going forward from that point. If there are any changes made to the NIH salary cap at that time, an additional notification will be sent out identifying the change.

Please see the official NIH Notification (released March 17, 2017) for additional information.

Ask UsPlease contact Craig Merritt in Compliance Oversight and Reporting with any questions, or… Ask Us!

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ePR is Now Available in CIS!

What is ePR?

ePR (electronic Payment Request) is an application that will eventually replace the current paper Payment Request.

The first request type we are releasing is Non-Travel Employee Reimbursements.  We have had a pilot group using ePR for this request type for several weeks, and we are excited to invite other users to submit all Non-Travel Employee Reimbursements using ePR.

NOTE: Beginning April 3, all Non-Travel Employee Reimbursements must be submitted using ePR.  We will not accept paper requests for non-Travel Employee Reimbursements after this date.

We are currently developing other request types in ePR – our objective is to replace the paper Payment Request form with this system.

How do I get access to ePR?

Those Preparers who still need access to the system must:

  1. Review the ePR Training Guide
  2. Pass quiz that can be found at
  3. Email Jake O’Connor once you have passed the quiz, and he will give you access to the application.

Approvers will be able to login to the application to approve requests, they are not required to complete the quiz.


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Purchasing Gift Cards – Best Practices

Many departments ask about how to best purchase Gift Cards. Here are a few important points to keep in mind:

For All Gift Card Purchases:

  1. Gift cards are an acceptable payment method for study participants but investigators must maintain payment logs for all studies that provide payments to participants.
  2. Gift cards of any value are taxable when given to employees. Tax Services requires a report that includes the employee’s UID, Organization ID#, and amount of the gift card.

Obtaining Gift Cards for Study Participants:

  1. Gift cards may be purchased with a PCard if the cardholder has obtained a PCard Gift Exemption.
    • PCard Gift Exemption for gift cards is specifically for study participants, not for employees
    • PCard Gift Exemption requires VP authorization
    • Departments are required to keep a log of study participants who receive gift cards
  2. Gift cards may be purchased on campus at the Positively U gift shop in the University Hospital.
  3. Amazon physical gift cards are available in the Amazon Punch-out in the UShop Marketplace, however, the purchase of electronic gift card codes are restricted by Amazon. A separate Amazon account can be used to purchase electronic gift card codes as long as the PCard being used carries a Gift Exemption.

Note: Smith’s Food and Drug has recently changed their policy regarding the purchase of gift cards. Because gift cards are viewed as a cash equivalent, Smith’s will no longer honor the Print and Carry form for the purchase of gift cards.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Tax Services or the UShop Help Desk.

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Open House – You’re Invited!

Join us in welcoming the UShop, Purchasing, and PCard offices to the Park Building!

Open House

Room 170 – Park Building, with two days and times for your convenience:

  • Tuesday, February 21st, from 3 – 4:30 pm
  • Wednesday, February 22nd, from 10 – 11:30 am


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Q2 FY 2017 Revised UMV for Endowment Projections

The ending quarter endowment pool unit market value (UMV) for December 31, 2016, is $215.15 per unit. This information is necessary for Method 2 of projecting endowment income and is provided quarterly through FS News. All other factors in the instructions remain the same through the fiscal year. For detailed instructions on how to project endowment income, please click here. The instructions are available there now for fiscal year 2017-2018.

Ask Us a Question If you have any questions or feedback just ask us!

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Need to contact the Purchasing, PCard, or UShop Offices this week?

As previously announced, the Purchasing, PCard, and UShop offices are moving to room 170 in the Park Building (near Accounts Payable).

The moving process begins on Thursday, February 9th at 1:00 pm and will continue through Friday, February 10th. During that time we will have limited to no access to emails or phones.

If you have an urgent need for Purchasing/PCard/UShop during that timeframe please contact us at the following numbers:

Purchasing: (801) 581-7241

UShop: (801) 585-2255

PCard: (801) 587-7859

Our offices will resume regular business hours on Monday, February 13th. Please share this information with members of your team that may need to know.


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Moving Notice: Purchasing, UShop, PCard offices

We are excited to announce that on February 10th, 2017 the Purchasing, UShop and PCard Departments are moving to a new location in the Park Building (near Accounts Payable).

Please update your records with the following new address information effective February 13, 2017:

201 S. Presidents Circle, RM 170

Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Other contact information for these departments will remain the same:




Thank you for taking the time to update your records. Feel free to contact us with any questions.

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All Employee Reimbursements: Delivery Options Now Streamlined

Financial and Business Services continues to align our processes with our strategic objective of improved efficiency. To that end, we are implementing a change that will simplify and speed processing, free resources for higher value activities and reduce errors and corrections.

Effective immediately, all employee reimbursements will be delivered one of three ways: Direct Deposit, Campus Mail to the Home Department address, or Hold for Pickup [held in Accounts Payable (AP) at 145 Park].

  1. DIRECT DEPOSIT is still PREFERRED: Direct Deposit continues to be the preferred distribution method for Employee Reimbursements, and if you are set up with Direct Deposit through Accounts Payable, the payment will automatically default to that choice.
  2. CHECKS – CAMPUS MAIL TO THE HOME DEPARTMENT ADDRESS: If you are NOT set up for Direct Deposit through Accounts Payable, the Campus Mail/Home Department Address option is preferred.
  3. CHECKS – HOLD FOR PICKUP: If you are NOT set up for Direct Deposit through Accounts Payable, Hold for Pickup is allowed, but should be reserved for situations where holding a check for pick-up is absolutely necessary.

This change may affect any paper Payment Request or Travel Reimbursement that has been submitted for payment, but has not yet been paid. As part of this change, we will no longer add or change campus addresses to existing employee vendors, and all new employee vendors will only have their Home Department address on file. This information is updated daily with any new data. Checks that are coded as Hold for Pickup will be held for 10 business days, after which time the check will be sent via Campus Mail to the Home Department address.

How can I lookup Home Department address for an employee vendor?

By following the instructions in the Vendor Search How-to Guide, here.

What if the Home Department information is not correct?: Systems will automatically detect the Payee’s Home Department, the Home Department address, and in some cases, the employee’s Supervisor. If this information is inaccurate, departments should initiate an ePAF to correct the information prior to requesting an employee reimbursement.

FUTURE EFFICIENCIES: Payroll Distribution – We are currently in the preparation and design phase of Payroll Distribution for employee reimbursements through the regular payroll cycle.  More information will follow about timelines for this preferred expense reimbursement practice.

Have questions or concerns? Use our ASK US form, or call Kori Wetsel at 801-581-4149.

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Sign up for Electronic W2

W-2 forms are available to University of Utah faculty and staff electronically. Benefits of opting to receive your W-2 electronically include:

  • Helping the University go green. If you file your tax return electronically, a paper copy of the W-2 is not required.
  • You will receive your W-2 several days earlier than paper copies.
  • Your sensitive personal information will not be sent through the mail.
  • A positive impact on the university’s budget.
  • Your past W-2s are available online back to 1999.
  • You may print the PDF if a printed copy is desired.
  • You only need to consent to receive your W-2 electronically once during your employment at the university.
  • Please take advantage of this opportunity by signing up by January 14, 2017.

To sign up:

  1. Sign on to the CIS and click the ‘Employee’ tab (if it is not your default tab).
  2. Click ‘Payroll, Taxes and Salary.’
  3. Click ‘W-2 Consent Forms’ and you will have the option to select to receive your W-2 electronically.

Ask UsPlease ASK US if you have any questions.

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