Q2 FY 2018 UMV for Endowment Projections

The ending quarter endowment pool unit market value (UMV) for December 31, 2017, is $230.93 per unit. This information is necessary for Method 2 of projecting endowment income and is provided quarterly through FS News. All other factors in the instructions remain the same through the fiscal year. For detailed instructions on how to project endowment income, please click here. The instructions are available there now for fiscal year 2018-2019.

If you have any questions or feedback just ask us!

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This message is intended for Business Unit 01 Activities and Projects. (Not Hospital Accounts)

On November 17, 2017, we notified campus that the State of Utah Legislative Auditors will be evaluating, testing and tracking the non-capital assets at the University of Utah (please refer to that FS Post for more details; Audit of Non-Capital Assets.) The Legislative auditors have now announced their visit; they will be on our campus on Monday and Tuesday, February 26 and 27, 2018. Planning is underway to coordinate their work. Please ensure that you are prepared for their visit to your department.

The auditors will be investigating compliance with our applicable university policies for tracking non-capital assets (having an initial purchase cost between $1,000 and $4,999). The Account Code for these items range from 61400 to 61499. You should also carefully review the expenses in your Account Code 62500 (“Office Supplies”) and make any corrections, if necessary.Inventory

We remind you that your department should have a detailed “List” of these assets and that numbered “Yellow Inventory Tags” should be affixed to each of those items on your “List”.

We encourage you to evaluate the appropriateness of also tracking “certain” other purchased items in your department, with an initial cost of less than $1,000. In particular, your department may have purchased various mobile devices (less than $1,000 each) that currently store confidential data, including personally identifiable information. Examples of mobile devices are cell phones, laptops, and tablets.

President David Pershing and John Nixon (VP for Administrative Services) sent the campus a January 25, 2018 e-mail message, reminding each of us that, every university faculty and staff member is responsible to safeguard the university’s physical and financial assets, ensuring those resources are used only for lawful and authorized purposes, and being alert to possible exposures, errors and irregularities. (See Rule 3-003B) In addition, it is imperative that each of you, particularly principal investigators and those in leadership and management positions, understand and faithfully execute your stewardship responsibilities. Finally, The university has well-established standards and guidelines in this area. Refer to the letter on this subject here, describing basic requirements and offering some precautions. We urge each of you to review and conscientiously follow these guidelines. We also ask that supervisory personnel periodically refer their employees to this notice.


Participant Support Costs and Participant Compensation

Accounting for Participant Support Costs

To ensure compliance with Federal Regulations for Participant Support Costs (PSC), please be aware of the following changes:

  • Account codes for Participant Support Costs have been updated and revised. The use of these account codes are very restrictive. The account codes are as follows:
    • 62300 – 62304: Participant Support Costs – Stipends
    • 62305: Participant Support Costs – Travel
    • 62310: Participant Support Costs – Subsistence
    • 62315 – 62319: Participant Support Costs – Other
  • Participant Support Costs account codes should only be used on PSC projects set up as a companion to the main project. PSC account codes should not be used on the main project and a PSC companion project should not have any other account codes charged to it except the ones listed above.
  • Participant Support Costs CANNOT be paid as salary or wages. Anyone paid with PSC’s must be paid a stipend using the Educational/Traineeship Payment Form. Payment of salary or wages using PSC funding is not allowed by the Federal Government and will be disallowed in an audit.
  • Participant Support Costs are most likely to occur on NSF training awards, though they may occasionally be awarded on NIH, or other Federal Agencies awards. If stipends or other training costs are awarded on a Federal project, but are not identified as PSC’s in the award, please review the webpage referenced below for how to account for those expenses.

For additional information and a list of FAQ’s about Participant Support Costs, please refer to this webpage. The majority of any PSC questions will be answered here.

Accounting for Guest Lecturers/Performers

Guest Lecturers/Performers cannot be paid with PSC’s. Guest Lecturer’s/Performers must be paid using this form. A new account code, 62130, has been created specifically for Guest Lecturer’s/Performers.

Accounting for Participant Compensation

Payments for Participant Compensation should use account code 62150.
Participant Compensation is any payment or compensation given to a human research subject in exchange for providing a deliverable or service that benefits the project (e.g. running on a treadmill, completing a research study survey, providing a saliva sample, etc.).
Payments to human subjects should follow these instructions.

If you have reviewed all the web-linked information on the topics above and still have questions, contact Craig Merritt, Manager of Compliance Oversight and Reporting.

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Audit of Non-Capital Assets


For Your Information:

The Legislative Auditors for the State Of Utah will “soon” be returning to our campus at the University of Utah. The specific dates that these representatives will be on campus is currently not known, but they could arrive at any time.

The auditors are interested in the level of policy compliance (across all of our campus departments).

What will they be investigating?

The auditors will be reviewing your department’s compliance with applicable university policies for tracking non-capital assets (having an initial purchase cost between $1,000 and $4,999).

The auditors will be reviewing the documentation in your department for these assets (i.e. – do you have a “List”?) and they will “reconcile” your individual detailed lists of these items to the numbered “Yellow Inventory Tags” that (by policy) are to be applied to these items (the items are “tagged” primarily for insurance purposes).

Your Department may be closely scrutinized by the auditors.

Expectations / Requirements are:

  1. The University (including its departments) will maintain inventory records on all property, including real property, which has an acquisition or donated value of $1,000 or more; has a useful life in excess of one year; and meets any of the following criteria:
    1. University owned property
    2. Government owned property
    3. Loaned property that is borrowed by the University of Utah from another university or from an off-campus entity
    4. University or Government property, for which the University of Utah is accountable, that is on loan to another university or off-campus entity
  2. When the purchase of Non-Capital Equipment has been recorded in the university financial system and records, the Department will attach the appropriate “Inventory Tag” (where feasible) to the equipment and maintain records of the location and other pertinent information.

What should you do to prepare before the auditors come to your department?

You should complete your own “run through”:

  1. Read the applicable university policies (see Policy 3–041). The policies should be “fresh” in your mind. Determine: Are you consistent with our university Policies?
  2. Read the related university Procedure P3–041A.
  3. Read additional guidance in a 2007 memo found at university Rule R3–040B.
  4. Review these forms: a) Non-Capital Inventory Form; b) Off Campus Authorization Form; c) Tag Request Form; and d) Retirement/Transfer Form.
  5. Is your department “in compliance” with the policies? (Are you taking a physical inventory of these items? See Policy 3–041; Section III. E. )
  6. Check your procedures and documentation.

What happens if your department is deemed to be “non-compliant”?

The university will be noted and reported publicly as “non-compliant”.
The University of Utah should be COMPLIANT.
Please do YOUR part NOW to achieve that objective.


The detailed “Annual Physical Inventory” Report for Capital Items ($5,000 or MORE “Initial Value”) in your Department MUST be completed and TIMELY RETURNED to the University’s PROPERTY ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT.
This “Reporting Procedure” requires that your Department review and UPDATE the lists provided. UPDATE the following data:

  1. Location (Room Number)
  2. Account for all “RED TAGGED” items on your “List”
  3. Use – Is there a current, active use for the item?
  4. Is this item related to RESEARCH at the university?
  5. Ensure that all “Research Equipment” is in the applicable ROOM (where it should be, so that the Equipment “MATCHES” the Space usage). Research equipment should be housed in space where Research is conducted.

Return your Updated, Signed Report(s) to Property Accounting on a Timely Basis.

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October Accounting Month to Close Friday, November 10

Due to complications related to the recent PeopleSoft 9.2 upgrade, it has become necessary to delay the October 2017 month-end close.  We anticipate we will be able to close the month by end of day Friday, November 10, 2017.

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Household Moves – Updated Information!

Pursuant to campus-wide requests, we have updated the Household Moves page.

This page will answer various questions about household moves for new faculty members, etc., and provides more detailed information about the University contracted moving company, expense reimbursements, University Policy and Procedures, as well as other important information. 

Find this updated page on the Purchasing website.


Campus users may use the ASK US form, or call the Purchasing buyer: Hamer Reiser at 801-581-4022. Accounts Payable questions can be directed to Ashley Hsia at  801-581-6976.


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Revised Activity/Project Setup Request form

One of the attributes of each activity/project in our Peoplesoft system is called the Function/Sub-Function code – also known as Program/Program Class.  It is used to describe the predominant functional usage of expenditures made against the associated activity/project.  This code is used for both federal and state reporting purposes. 

Historically, this code has been assigned by our Financial Reporting & Accounting office.  Going forward, we would like the campus departments to have a more direct say in what this code should be. 

Beginning November 1, 2017, all new activities and projects will be created using a revised Activity/Project Setup Request form.  This form will now REQUIRE a valid entry for both the Function and the Sub-Function code.  Drop down menus will be provided on the form for you to make a selection from.  Links to the definitional statements for each Function and Sub-Function value can be accessed directly from the form.  Filling in these code valuations will help us keep and maintain the proper coding, which becomes so important in our federal and state reporting obligations. 

Thank you for your help in raising the quality of our financial data elements.  This effort will go a long way towards improving reporting overall.  If you have questions or need further help in interpreting some of the definitional statements, please contact the accountant at the bottom of the management report or Financial Reporting & Accounting

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All Financial systems will be unavailable 10/13-10/15

We want to inform each of you that all financial systems will be unavailable this weekend beginning Friday, October 13, at 7 pm in order to conduct the 9.2 PeopleSoft upgrade. UIT and key functional FS personnel have been preparing for this upgrade for several months.

Be advised that you will not be able to use any of our web applications such as Credit Card Services, ePR, UShop, Travel Systems, Management Reports and many more, while the system is down. Please refer to the official UIT post for more detail.

We plan to restore access to all applications by Monday morning, October 16, 2017.

If you have any questions, we encourage you to use our ASK US form.
Please forward this message as necessary to those in your area.

Thank you,
9.2 Upgrade Team

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New Manager of Grants & Contracts Accounting , Effective October 15, 2017

Financial & Business Services is pleased to announce that Robert Allen has assumed an additional interim role, including the responsibilities as Manager of Grants and Contracts Accounting. Rob will continue to report directly to Ken Erickson, Director of Research Management & Compliance.

Rob joined the Research Management & Compliance department on April 1, 2016 as the Manager of Cost Accounting & Analysis. Rob is also the Manager of Property Accounting. Rob is a licensed CPA and has extensive professional experience in government regulations, compliance, reporting, financial management, budgeting, cost accounting and auditing.

Rob is familiar with our research portfolio, costs and rates at the University of Utah (he manages the data preparation, review and submissions in our F & A Rate Proposals).

Dawn Atterbury is leaving the university, effective October 14, 2017, and is currently transitioning her Grants & Contracts Accounting roles to Rob. Rob is in Park 416 and his telephone number is 801-581-5635.

Rob is a graduate of the University of Utah with a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting and holds an MBA degree as a graduate of Utah State University. Rob’s employers (prior to the University of Utah) included the Defense Contract Audit Agency, Hercules Incorporated, Dyno Nobel and TATC.

Please join Financial & Business Services in welcoming Rob as he integrates his experiences into the research mission of the University of Utah.

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Change in Leadership

Dawn Atterbury, Associate Director for Grants & Contracts Accounting, is leaving the University of Utah

Financial & Business Services announces that Dawn Atterbury has resigned her position, effective October 14, 2017, in the Research Management & Compliance group.  Dawn has accepted a position as Senior Consultant with Logistics Specialties, Inc. (LSI), providing services under the Utah Governor’s Office of Economic Development.

Dawn will be part of a Procurement Technical Assistance Center to increase Utah small business participation in government contracting.  Dawn will assist small businesses with multiple phases of Government contracting – federal, state and local.  She will also assist socioeconomically disadvantaged small businesses.

Dawn brought government contracting experiences with her when she joined our team four years ago.  Dawn will be missed.

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