Changes to eJournal (eJE) and Management Reports for new BU 06

Beginning Fiscal Year 2021, the University of Utah “Utah Health Plans” will begin to book transactions with data in 3 new ChartFields. “Product,” “Group,” and “Place” will provide more granular data to ease complex analysis of this growing business segment in the University Hospital. Although these new ChartFields will only be available in the new Business Unit (BU) 06, these changes have required significant changes to the underlying tables.

Updates will be made to the Peoplesoft system on Saturday, June 6, 2020. System will be unavailable during these updates. See information about the outage from UIT:

PeopleSoft Financial Maintenance on June 6

Beginning Sunday, June 7, 2020, the new ChartFields will be available and campus users will notice significant changes to eJournal (eJE). eJE users are encouraged to review the following PDF outlining these changes and instructions to utilize new upload functionality. Current “upload template” processes have been re-written to address BU06 and JAVA changes. Users will have to learn how to use the new “upload template” beginning June 7, 2020. eJE users will find the information they need in this PDF:

e Journal Presentation

Campus users may also notice minor changes to the Management Reports application with options to pull transactions to be booked in the new BU 06.