Fiscal Year-End Closing Information and Dates

All individuals responsible for Management Reports should carefully review their statements between now and the first part of July to identify any corrections or adjustments, which should be reflected in the statement for the month of June. Suggested items to be examined are:

  1. Are asset and liability balances supported by detailed listings or other documentation? If not, adjust the balances to agree with the documentation. Documentation for all balance sheet balances at June 30 (except Accounts 10500, 11000 thru 12099, 20099, and 30000) must be submitted to Financial Reporting & Accounting no later than July 15th. Any undocumented balances may be written off against Fund Balance. Questions regarding this documentation requirement should be directed to the Accountant listed at the bottom of your Management Reports
  2. Are expenditures shown in the proper Activity or Project and in accordance with any restrictions?
  3. Do revenues, as recorded, represent all revenues earned?
  4. Are transactions recorded in the proper Account code?
  5. Are the outstanding obligations correct?

See Full Memo With All Year-End Deadlines Here

Important Note: Departments need to pick up their campus mail at Print & Mail Services.