D-Jobs Update

A new feature has been added to the Department Job Summary (D-Jobs) WEB application. You may now toggle between seeing distribution detail for each job listed by clicking the “Show Distributions” and “Hide Distributions” buttons.

For a summary of the purpose and features of D-Jobs, see the previous FS News post by clicking here.

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Disposal of Surplus Equipment

A memo was sent by Jeffrey J. West, Associate VP Financial and Accounting Services to Deans, Directors, and Department Chairs on June 10, 2005 regarding Disposal of Surplus Equipment. An electronic copy of this memo has been posted at https://fbs.admin.utah.edu/download/surplus.pdf

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Payroll Office Help Desk

To use the Payroll Office Help Desk please use the following steps.

  • Go to www.payroll.utah.edu/helpdesk.htm
  • Determine the help type, such as ACCRUALS, and click on the email address link.
  • Provide a subject title, and all relevant details to the problem or issue or questions in the body of the email.
  • After the email is completed click on send. This email will automatically be logged into the Help Desk system, and given a ticket number.
  • You will receive a response from the Help Desk shortly after you send the email that it has been received, and a notification that a response to your issue, question or inquiry will occur within 24 hours.
  • Please Do Not reply to the Help Desk email. It is solely notification that your email was received. The notification email is a way one application. It Does Not return back to the Help Desk.
  • The Payroll Office will resolve any problems or issues within 24 hours, and notify the contacting departments of the resolutions.
  • If an email needs additional research from other Payroll Office employees, or the employee or department who sent the email, a notification is sent stating a date the problem or issue will be resolved.

If you have any questions or problems with this service please contact the payroll office at 581-7873.

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Limited Purchase Checks

The Limited Purchase Check Positive Pay system was made available for “live” production in February 2005. Accounts Payable has since evaluated problem situations related to the positive pay process. On June 6 a new processing fee structure will go into effect that includes Positive Pay exceptions.  Also note that violations of the Positive Pay process have been added to the loss of privileges provision in the User’s Guide.

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View PAN update

We are experiencing increased use of the View PAN WEB application. This is a good thing! Many of you are using this more as a result of the integration of VIEW PAN to our new WEB application, Department Job Summary (D-Jobs). Click here for more information about D-Jobs.

We have received a few reports of people receiving various system errors when attempting to view certain employees. We have researched the cause of these system errors and discovered they (the errors) are a result of some data anomalies. We have made the application more robust to now display the employee PAN and give an indication of the data issues. Some of the issues are:

  • Missing Social Security Number — Displays as “missing” (without the quotes) on the PAN.
  • Citizenship status missing — Displays as “missing” (without the quotes) on the PAN.
  • Missing Birth date — View PAN previously displayed the system date, now the Birth date “box” is blank.
  • Various elements also display an explanation of the code. If a code is in the system that has no explanation, the PAN will now display X-Bad Code (where X is the “code value”).

We encourage you to continue using D-Jobs and View PAN. Please report any problems or direct any questions about the elements that show on the PAN form to HR/Payroll.

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Ending Terminated Employee Direct Deposit

On April 13th, 2005 Direct Deposit self service became available to University employees. Along with this new self service the prenoting of new or changed accounts occurs in the same period to ensure that most employees that set up their Direct Deposit will have their check deposited by the very next check, instead of waiting the previous time of 2-3 pay periods.

Within the last few weeks the Payroll Office re-implemented a program in PeopleSoft to inactivate Direct Deposit for those employees who terminate. This program will inactivate the Direct Deposit function on terminated employees one month after their termination date.

This inactivation program stops information that is no longer valid in the system due to the fact that the employee is terminated from the University. This program also prevents future problems for those employees who come back to work at the University, and have changed their bank account, so that their money is not direct deposited into an account that is no longer valid.

Please notify employees in your department who frequently terminate and rehire more than a month after their last termination date that they will need to reactivate their direct deposit information if they wish to have Direct Deposit of pay. To check the status or set up of Direct Deposit have the employee(s) log into the Campus Information Systems. Click on the self service feature to see if the account(s) are active, or if the account is not active have the employee re-enter that information or set up new accounts for Direct Deposit of pay.

Direct Deposit self service is located in the Campus Information Systems under the Payroll, Taxes and Salaries option, at:


There is also a help manual, at the web address below, located in the Direct Deposit option for step by step instructions as to how to setup, change, or delete an account:


If you have questions concerning direct deposit or questions about the self service system that are not answered by the manual please contact the Payroll Office at 1-7873.

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CIS 128-Bit Encryption

Within the next few weeks, there will be a change to the minimum encryption needed to use the Campus Information Systems. If you are using a newer version of browser technology which allows 128 bit encryption, you should be fine. If not, you should be working with your respective LAN manager to get the necessary browser installed on your computer.

For more information see: https://www.acs.utah.edu/portal/browserencryptinfo.html

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Department Job Summary (D-JOBS)

Department Job Summary (D-JOBS)Introduction
As presented at the semi-annual Business Officer‘s Meeting, a new WEB application is now available to payroll reporters. Department Job Summary (D-JOBS) is a complimentary application to PAN Distributions and View PAN Form, currently accessible through the Campus Information System (CIS). All three of these functions can be found on the Human Resource Management pagelet.

U have asked for a department based summary of your employees. “D-JOBS” is the answer! It displays a one line summary for every active job in your department, allowing the department head and/or payroll reporter to easily review HR/Payroll information.


  • “Current” Job List – Displays all current jobs as of a given date, in addition all terminations within the last 12 months.
  • Past, Present, and Future – Displays all job information as it looks today as well as any date in the past or future. This allows you to see historical information as well as verify future changes (e.g. New Year Salaries budgeted in BRASS and/or FYSC).
  • Future Terminations – Displays the future date this job is scheduled to end, if applicable.
  • Distribution End Dates – Displays the future distribution end date for this job. Note that there could still be “gaps” between today and this date. If there is any doubt, you are encouraged to view the entire PAN.
  • Integration with View PAN Form and PAN Distributions – There are shortcuts (links) to the View PAN Form and PAN Distributions applications. (P – View PAN Form, D – PAN Distributions). Note this will always take you to the current PAN (or future if available) form and distributions.
    • Note: If clicking the P does not immediately bring up the PAN form, please click the refresh button on your browser. We are currently researching and addressing this issue.
  • Job History – Displays complete history of all jobs (since the implementation of PeopleSoft) this employee has had at the University. If job information relates to a different department, the compensation rate is listed as unavailable. Click on the H link to see this history.
  • Update Directory – Allows you to update directory infomation for listed employees. You may change the employee’s email address, location code, and/or work phone number. Click on the U link to update.
  • Excel download on Job Summary – The department job summary can be imported directly into excel by clicking the “To Excel” button. This will only download job information (i.e. will not download distributions).
  • Hover Links – Various elements on the page will be explained by hovering the mouse pointer over them. For example the D H P U links will be labeled as you “mouse over” the letter. Other elements that you can only hover over (i.e. they are not links) are colored blue.
  • Include Distributions on Job Summary – One can expand the Job Summary to show all current distributions for all current jobs. You can toggle this feature on and off by clicking on the “Show Distributions” and “Hide Distributions” buttons. This feature is only available for Job Summaries that are as of today or a date in the future.
  • Change the “as of date” on the Job Summary Page – You can change the as of date on the summary page, without returing to the criteria page.
  • Excel download on Employee Job History – All the job history for the employee can be imported directly into excel by clicking the “To Excel” button.

This application shares the same security role as View PAN Form and PAN Distributions, i.e. if you already use these two functions, you will automatically be able to use D-JOBS. If you have questions about this or other payroll reporter tools, please contact your HR Service Representative. He/she can also help you with getting the proper authorization to use these applications.

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PAN Distribution Update

In accordance with distribution availability online, we would like to give some reminders regarding PAN distributions:

  • Make sure you obtain appropriate departmental approval on the PAN form before editing, adding, or deleting any distribution online.
  • You cannot make any changes to distributions when payroll is processing. Approximate processing dates are the 1-3 and 16-19 of each month. If any of these dates fall on a weekend or a holiday, it is the first 3 business days following these dates.
  • Changes made to distibutions are in effect as soon as they are changed online.
  • Distributions must equal 100% for every pay period and cannot cross fiscal bounderies.

For any questions please contact Payroll at 5-5968.

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State Auditor’s Visit

A memo was sent by Jeffrey J. West, Associate VP Financial and Accounting Services to university employees on April 29, 2005 regarding the upcoming visits from the State Auditor’s Office. Click here to view an electronic version of this memo.

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