Payroll Overpayments

Please review the attached guidelines and approved process pertaining to overpayments and subsequent collection procedures. If you have any questions regarding the guidelines, please contact the Payroll office at 801-581-7873.

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Notice of Important Changes to the Limited Purchase Check Program.

Effective October 1, 2009, the Limited Purchase Check (LPC) program will be restricted to payments to human subjects. After this date, LPC’s cannot be used for anything other than human subjects payments. Please follow this link for more information on this change. For questions on implementing this change or for guidance on alternative procurement methods, please contact Accounts Payable

or Ask Us

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Work-Study Deadline 09/30/09

Payroll accounting for potential Work-Study employees MUST be correct by the pay period ending 09/30/09. If the payroll accounting is not correct, the student may lose their Work-Study funding and the employer will not be able to hire the student as a Work-Study employee after 09/30/09.

Please review your records for the following:

1) You must have a current JRN. The JRN authorizes the student to work for a specific department for a specified period of time. The JRN also indicates the authorized account number that must be used in order to utilize Work-Study funding.

2) The chartfield distribution on the e-PAF must include the Org ID and account number that is authorized on the JRN.

3) Please be aware that wages charged to any ORG ID and/or account number other than those authorized on the JRN, are an indication that the student is not set up as a Work-Study employee. Carefully review your Payroll Earnings, Benefits, and Taxes reports. Errors not corrected within the subsequent pay period may cause the student to lose their Work-Study funding.

If you have any questions regarding this notice or about a student’s Work-Study status, please contact the FWS coordinator at

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Activity and Project EBT’s make their Financial Information Library debut

We are pleased to announce two additions to the suite of Payroll Earning, Benefit and Tax (EBT) reports in the Financial and Human Resources Information Library (FIL/HRIL):

  • EBT by Activity – similar to the hardcopy blue EBT’s mailed each pay period
  • EBT by Project – similar to the hardcopy pink EBT’s mailed each pay period

EBT’s in FIL/HRIL offer many enhancements over the hardcopy and WEB Management Report EBT’s, including:

  • ability to pull both current and historical EBT data–you get to specify the range of pay periods to include
  • ability to pull detailed information (specific types of earnings, benefits and taxes) or summary data–it’s your choice
  • ability to summarize payroll amounts across multiple pay periods at once, or see detail by pay period
  • ability to view payroll amounts per complete funding chartfield string, or summarize amounts at the Activity, Project or BU 02/03 Org level (omitting the funding account detail)
  • ability to download to Excel

Look for these two new offerings in the Information Library EBT REPORTS folder using the Financial Information Library or Human Resources Information Library link on the Campus Information System.

In support of the recent Human Resources announcement that the hardcopy EBT’s will no longer be distributed beginning November 2009 (see a copy of the memo below), we want to hear if we’ve hit or missed your EBT reporting needs.

PleaseAsk Us(or tell us) what you think!

HR Memo

DATE: August 31, 2009 TO: Deans, Directors, and Department Chairs

FROM: Joan Gines, Interim Vice President, Division of Human Resources

SUBJECT: Payroll Reports and Paycheck Advices

As a result of budget initiatives and in alignment with the University of Utah’s commitment to green initiatives, Human Resources is moving toward suppression of paper reports and advice statements that are available in an online version. We seek your participation and support in achieving the goals of the University to lessen our environmental impact and to operate within the reduced budget constraints.

The Payroll Earnings, Benefits, and Taxes Reports are now available through the Human Resources Information Library (HRIL) and the printing of these reports will discontinue in November 2009. Human Resources will train those unfamiliar with HRIL over the next two months to ensure they are ready to make the online conversion.

Also, several thousand employees continue to receive a paper copy of their paycheck information. At this time we are working toward full suppression of these statements. We will stop printing these advices by the November 6, 2009 payroll processing. The Human Resources and Administrative Computing Services team have made enhancements to the online view to include all of the information currently on the pay advice statement. This information can be saved and payroll history can also be viewed. There are many advantages to the employee viewing their information online, including the security provided and the availability of access 24/7.

Thank you for your help in supporting Human Resources, the University of Utah, and our environment.


Nonresident Alien Payroll Federal Tax Withholding Change

Payroll federal withholding taxes for nonresident alien employees may increase beginning with the August 15th, 2009 paycheck due to implementation of the IRS mandated American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 new tax tables. Nonresident alien F-1 students from India are not included in the change. Nonresident alien employees qualifying for a tax treaty exemption will not be affected until the treaty exemption limit is reached.

For questions regarding this information, please contact Sara Emery in Tax Services at 581-5414 or Ask Us.

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More Improvements to WEB Management Reports

We are pleased to announce that the WEB Management Reports have been enhanced. You can now view historical encumbrance amounts for prior accounting periods. Previously, you could only see the encumbrance amounts for the open (current) accounting period. Note that this historical information is only available for periods back to and including July 2008.

Please contact your friendly cognizant accountant with any questions or concerns or if you prefer, Ask Us

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View W-2 Forms Year Round!

We excitedly announced in June that you could sign up to receive your W-2 electronically.

Now we have more exciting W-2 news!

You now have the ability to view your W-2 form year round. No longer will they be unavailable online after the tax season ends. Your W-2 forms back to 2001 are now available to see all the time. To view your W-2:

  1. Sign on to the CIS and click the Employee tab (if it is not your default tab).
  2. Click W-2 W-2 Form Reprint and you will have access to your W-2’s back to 2001.

If you have any questions, Ask Us


HRIL for Contract Pay Employees

A new extract has been published to F/HRIL (Financial and Human Resources Information Library). Located in the “CURR EMPLOYEES” folder is an extract called “Employee Contract Data”. Click here for more information.

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Momentum Newsletter – July 1, 2009

The Momentum Newsletter is published quarterly and is meant for the use and benefit of the University of Utah Campus Community. Follow the links from this page to see the full articles…

Full Printable Version also available.

 FS Header

Notable Changes

Airline Security Changes: The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is phasing in security measures that will require new information when booking airline tickets. Learn more…

FS Index and Help Pages: Over 200 topics are discussed and linked to helpful information, regulations, and application help documents. We hope that this “at your fingertips information” proves useful and efficient for University support personnel. Check it out…

Process Spotlight

Department: Accounts Payable
Process: PCard Transactions

FS TipFind out which vendors will accept the Purchasing Card to pay for monthly charges.

Department: General Stores
Process: Purchasing Office Supplies

Learn more about cost savings and increased efficiency when you use General Stores for your office supplies.

FS Community

Did you know…Randi Ruff, Manager in the Purchasing Department received a prestigious award. Read More…

This summer, FS says goodbye to 7 people with over 180 years of total service to the University. Find out who is leaving…

Who wouldn’t want to have Margo Bonnette as a mentor? She is a great asset in the College of Health. Read her BEST PRACTICE advice.

Internal Controls CornerThis issue’s focus: Occupational Fraud

  • Fraud is on the rise! Read some informative statistics on a National Report compiled by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners.
  • What are the most common Internal Control findings here at the University of Utah? Find out…
  • Find out what you can do in your department to help detect and prevent fraud…

$Y$ - Happenings

New Systems Developments:

Currently Under Development:

Upcoming Events

Year End Dates:

FS & RATS Training dates:

Share Your Ideas

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Exciting W-2 News

***Going GREEN*** Employees can elect to only receive their W-2 electronically!!

The University of Utah has just made it possible for employees to elect to only receive the W-2 Wage and Tax Statement electronically. This has several advantages:

  • Employees will be able to access the W-2 a couple of days earlier, because they will not have to wait for it be delivered in the mail.
  • Employee’s sensitive personal information will not be sent through the mail.
  • Green – natural resources are saved by not printing and mailing W-2 forms.
  • Budget Savings – In these tight budgetary times, this will have a positive impact on the budget of the University.

Please encourage employees to sign up to take advantage of this opportunity. To sign up:

  1. Signon to the CIS and click the Employee tab (if it is not your default tab).
  2. Click Payroll, Taxes and Salary.
  3. Click Paperless W2 and you will have the option to select to receive your W-2 electronically.

If you have any questions, Ask Us