Activity Funds Avail by Org Report in FIL updated with new columns

The “Activity Funds Avail by Org” report has been updated. Two columns have been added:

  • FY Revenue
  • FY Expense

This report is located in the “ACTIVITY REPTS” folder of the Financial Information Library.

Ask UsPlease ASK US if you have any questions.

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Enhancements to Scholarship/Fellowship/Traineeship Payment Request Processing

In an effort to simplify the Scholarship/Fellowship/Traineeship process, the Scholarship/Fellowship and Traineeship forms have been combined into a single comprehensive form. This new form can be used for all ePR business purposes under the Scholarship/Fellowship/Traineeship payment type.

Additional Form Enhancements:

  • An initial payment date field has been added and should correspond to the invoice date indicated on the ePR. This indicates the desired processing date (print date for checks, transaction date for direct deposit) for the initial payment.
  • The beginning and end date entry boxes have been moved up on the form and reformatted to communicate these dates more clearly. The first and last month date fields are otherwise unchanged and should include the full date (mm/dd/yy).

Along with form improvements, there are additional features available in ePR:

  • The invoice date on the ePR:
    • This date controls when the payment is processed and can now indicate a date up to two months in the future, in effect allowing a department to schedule the initial payment. The subsequent payments will be issued on the first of each following month.
    • If a future date is indicated on an ePR that is NOT for a Scholarship/Fellowship/Traineeship, it will have the same effect—the payment will be scheduled but not released until the date indicated.
  • The accounting date on the ePR will determine when the expense posts to the Management Reports.

The new Scholarship/Fellowship/Traineeship Form is linked directly from the attachment section of ePR when the Scholarship/Fellowship/Traineeship payment type is selected. It is also available from the Accounts Payable forms page. Detailed instructions including a summarized checklist have also been published along with an updated Educational Payments Decision Document. Both of which are also available from the Accounts Payable forms page.

Ask UsPlease ASK US if you have any questions.

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Announcement: New Leadership GCA/Research Support & Analysis

New Associate Director, Research Support & Analysis: Rob Allen

Financial & Business Services is pleased to announce that Robert Allen is our new Associate Director, Research Support & Analysis. Rob reports directly to Ken Erickson, Director of Research Management & Compliance.

Rob joined the Research Management & Compliance department on April 1, 2016 as the Manager of Cost Accounting & Analysis. Rob has recently been the Interim Manager of Grants and Contracts Accounting and the Manager of Property Accounting. Rob is a licensed CPA and has extensive professional experience in government regulations, compliance, reporting, financial management, budgeting, cost accounting and auditing.

Rob is familiar with our research portfolio, costs and rates at the University of Utah (he manages the data preparation, review and submissions in our F & A Rate Proposals).

Rob is a graduate of the University of Utah with a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting and he holds an MBA degree as a graduate of Utah State University. Rob’s employers (prior to the University of Utah) included the Defense Contract Audit Agency, Hercules Incorporated, Dyno Nobel and TATC.

Please join Financial & Business Services in congratulating Rob as he integrates his experiences into the research mission of the University of Utah.

New Manager of Grants & Contracts Accounting: Sally Petersen

Financial & Business Services is pleased to announce that Sally Petersen is our new Manager of Grants and Contracts Accounting. Sally will report directly to Ken Erickson, Director of Research Management & Compliance.

Sally joined the Research Management & Compliance department in 1994 as an Associate Accountant. Prior to that role, Sally was in the university’s Accounts Payable department for six years. Sally also worked as an Accountant and, most recently, as the Assistant Manager of the Grants & Contracts Accounting department. Sally has extensive professional experience in federal grants and contracts, in our financial systems, in government regulations, in compliance and in reporting obligations. Sally is familiar with our research portfolio.

Sally is a graduate of the University of Utah with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics (Summa Cum Laude).

Please join Financial & Business Services in welcoming Sally as she integrates her experiences into her work and the research mission of the University of Utah.

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Audit News – State Auditors’ Fieldwork

The State auditors will be on site beginning August 27, 2018.

This year’s State audit team will include Jason Allen, Senior Audit Manager and his staff; Kathryn Hoins, David Ingram, Kevin Dastrup, Daniel Layton and Chase Brown.

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Q4 FY 2018 UMV for Endowment Projections

The ending quarter endowment pool unit market value (UMV) for June 30, 2018, is $223.25 per unit. This information is necessary for Method 2 of projecting endowment income and is provided quarterly through FS News. All other factors in the instructions remain the same through the fiscal year. For detailed instructions on how to project endowment income, please click here. The instructions are available there now for fiscal year 2018-2019.

If you have any questions or feedback just ask us!

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Temporary Access to the Purchasing, PCard & Accounts Payable Offices

Purchasing Department, Purchasing Card and UShop

Due to the construction in the Park Building caused by flooding, the entrances to the Purchasing Department will be limited to the ADA ramps and stairs located on the southeast and northeast side of the building. The more commonly used doors facing north, south and west (west side of the building) are not available. Purchasing is still in the same location. Elevators are still accessible to and from the first floor. Another notice will be sent when conditions change. Thank you for your patience.

Purchasing Department
201 S Presidents Circle, Rm 170


Accounts Payable

As indicated in prior communications, due to the Park Building flood that occurred in July, Accounts Payable has relocated temporarily and a new “main entrance” has been established at 160C Park at the bottom of the ADA accessibility ramps on the South side of the Park Building. Using this new entrance is especially critical now that many of the 1st floor entrances to the Park Building are blocked due to construction. The most direct way to AP’s front desk is from the outside entranced circled in the map below. Thank you for your patience during this unexpected transition!

Accounts Payable
201 S Presidents Circle, Rm 160C

Ask UsPlease ASK US if you have any questions.

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Accounts Payable Relocation

Due to the Park Building flood that occurred in July, Accounts Payable will be displaced for approximately 6 months. In order to maintain a good customer service experience during this time, we have a new “main entrance” located at the bottom of the ADA accessibility ramps on the North and South sides of the Park Building with way-finding signage that will hopefully guide customers to our new front desk. The entrance on the south side will be the most direct way to AP’s front desk which is now located in 160C Park, indicated on the map below. Thank you for your patience during this unexpected transition!

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Search Pending Approvals in ePR by Org

A new report has been created in the Financial Information Library called: EPR Pending Approvals by Org. Input the Org ID and optional Rollup to see all the pending approvals for that Org. The results of the report are:

  • Org ID
  • Descr
  • Pending Approver
  • Pending Since
  • ePR REquest #
  • Description
  • Role Name
  • Approval Sequence
  • Descr
  • Line Amount
  • Preparer

This report is in the EPR folder of the Financial Information Library.

Ask UsPlease ASK US if you have any questions.

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New FIL to Search for Pending ePR Approvals

EPRA new report has been created in the Financial Information Library called: EPR Pending Approvals. Input the employee ID (0xxxxxxx) of an employee and see all the pending approvals for that person. The results of the report are:

  • Pending Approver
  • Pending Since
  • ePR REquest #
  • Description
  • Role Name
  • Approval Sequence
  • Descr
  • Line Amount
  • Preparer

This report is in the EPR folder of the Financial Information Library.

Ask UsPlease ASK US if you have any questions.

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College & University Accounting Training Course – New Location, Higher Capacity

Due to high demand, our College & University Accounting Training has moved locations in order to support a higher capacity.

The new location is the INSCC auditorium.

Please register here.


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