Latest Grants and Contracts Accounting News

Reminder for Principal Investigators and Key Personnel Charges

Each department should ensure the appropriate level of effort of Key Personnel on projects. Key Personnel include all Principal Investigators and others specifically listed on the awarding document. Recently the auditors of grants and contracts have been concerned that Key … Continue reading

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Account Chartfield Title Change

Accounts 61400 – 61419, previously titled “Equip-Insurable $1,000-$4,999”, has been changed to “Equip-Non Capitl $1,000-$4,999”. if you have any questions.

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Important information regarding the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

Important information regarding the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and its implications for the University of Utah can be found here. All University reporting required by the Act will be done centrally by either the Budget Office or Grants and … Continue reading

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More Improvements to WEB Management Reports

We are pleased to announce that the WEB Management Reports have been enhanced. You can now view historical encumbrance amounts for prior accounting periods. Previously, you could only see the encumbrance amounts for the open (current) accounting period. Note that … Continue reading

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Improvement to Web Management Reports

The criteria frame at the top of each Activity/Project Management Report has been enhanced to allow users to switch between an Activity and a Project without returning to the Main Criteria Page. As always, if you have any questions,


Ninety Day Review Notices will be sent by E-Mail

Grants and Contracts Ninety Day Review notices will no longer be mailed to the Principal Investigator; they will now be sent by e-mail. In the e-mail we have asked the Principal Investigator to share the ninety day notice with the … Continue reading


Dollars are Green … We NEED your feedback!

The following communication went out via email earlier today. If you have already participated in the survey, thank you! You do not need to fill out the survey again. Please feel free in leaving a comment below. If you have … Continue reading

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Announcing the Financial System Events Page

Consider the following questions: I wonder if the Accounting Statements have been mailed? <answer> Has the Payroll Journal has been posted to the General Ledger? <answer> When are the Personal Activity Reports (PAR’s) due back? <answer> When was the last … Continue reading


Bookmarking U of U Web Apps

As reported in an earlier news post, the Financial Web Apps (located in the FS pagelet and FS Admin pagelet) in the Campus Information System have moved to a different WEB Server. As of today, March 13, 2009, ALL OLD Bookmarks for all U … Continue reading

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FIL Queries Enhanced with more Filtering Options

After hearing from several of you, we have added more filtering options to most of the Financial Information Library (FIL) queries. New prompts give users the option to run an Activity or Project report for just a single Account Executive … Continue reading