Dollars are Green … We NEED your feedback!

The following communication went out via email earlier today. If you have already participated in the survey, thank you!

You do not need to fill out the survey again.

Please feel free in leaving a comment below. If you have other questions, please Ask Us.

To: Principal Investigators, Account Executives, & Business Officers
We NEED your feedback!

Policy 3-003, Authorizations and Approvals Required for Financial Transactions, states that a key element in the University’s internal control environment is review and approval of the monthly management reports. The policy further requires that the account executive or principal investigator sign the Financial Management Reports to “evidence” this review.

A lack of signature on the reports is a frequent audit finding. Based on the results of audits and anecdotal comments, we believe that the current process isn’t necessarily leading to the level of understanding and accountability that the policy intends to foster.

In order to help us understand this better, we’ve created a survey on current practices and we’d appreciate your taking a few moments to respond. We’re encouraging you to share this survey link with anyone you think may have a role or interest in reviewing Financial Management Reports or Payroll Earnings and Benefits reports.

The responses are not intended to lead to an audit of your area and the information gathered will not be used for that purpose.

Later surveys and discussions will gather requirements for potential improvements in financial information provided. The current survey will close on April 3.

If you utilize a shadow system or recast the University Financial Management reports into some other format, please share a sample by sending it to .

To participate in the survey, please follow this link. Unless you choose to provide your contact information at the end of the survey, your responses are anonymous.

Thank you for your help with this project!

Theresa L. Ashman, CPA
201 S Presidents Circle, Room 408
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
(801) 581-5077 voice
(801) 585-5257 fax