Adequate Documentation for non-SRC and non-Auxiliary Journal Entries

Adequate Documentation for Journal Entries Submitted by Departments that are not an approved Service/Recharge Center or University Auxiliary

With the demise of the Campus Order Form almost a year ago, a number of internal billing transactions once submitted on that form are now processed through the University’s eJournal Entry system. One advantage of the old Campus Order was it acted as an invoice and contained all the elements required for the transaction to be adequately documented. Unfortunately, not all journal entries submitted by departments (billing another dept. or a sponsored award) are adequately documented when submitted in the eJournal Entry system.

For those departments (which are not an approved Service/Recharge Center or a University Auxiliary) entering Journal Entries that internally charge another dept. or a sponsored award, please include the following detail with each journal entry submitted. Failure to include this detail may result in the JE being recycled.

JE explanation field:

  • A brief summary of what the expense was for (the explanation should generally reflect the description of the expense item on the invoice)

Authorization and request:

  • An agreement or other written authorization (e.g. email) from Account Executive, PI, or authorized individual for expense to be incurred and charged to their Activity/project
  • Authorization date of the expense
  • Activity/Project chartfield identified in the authorization

Included on a formal invoice:

  • University Department/Organization and contact information
  • Invoice date
  • Date/time period services/work was performed
  • Description of services/work provided that a financial auditor will understand
  • Total number of units/countable items provided (if applicable)
  • Rate(s) for services/work performed (if applicable)
  • Total amount
  • Provider’s activity chartfield to be credited
  • Project chartfield to be debited

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