Acrobat Reader Upgrade

Adobe Reader 7.0 now supports opening a PDF file within the Safari browser on Macintosh OS X. This is good news for many of us using the “unique.cgi” method of dynamically creating unique numbers for your PDF forms. This should apply to the check request, scholarship/fellowship form, cost transfer form, general journal entry, debit memo form, departmental deposit form, retirement/transfer form, and the requisition. Please contact your LAN/PC support for help with installing the Adobe Reader upgrade.

PC users can right-click on the pre-numbered document link and select ‘Open In New Window…‘ if just clicking the link does not work. This can be repaired by inserting the exact form address (URL) into your pop-up blocker’s list of allowable web sites. For example: Add ‘‘ into the list of allowable web sites for the auto-numbered check request.