FYI: New Concur Travel Report Status Activated

We have implemented a new Travel & Expense monitoring tool called Concur Detect – which is assisting central administration in the review process. The solution was enabled on February 9, 2023.

What is the impact?

Monitoring Process

Reports submitted will be reviewed by the monitoring tool in relation to Utah Travel and Expense policies, generating alerts when transactions appear to be non-compliant. If there are expenses submitted that require additional information or appear unusual, employees may receive follow-up emails from the audit team.

Notice: Once a report is submitted in Concur, the report will display the status “Pending External Validation” which lets you know that the report is being monitored by Concur Detect.

See Demo Video Here

Requestor and Approver Communication

The UTravel team managing Concur Detect may reject a report and request the Employee to resubmit with corrections. Additionally, the team may reach out for information from the requestor or approver to understand a certain charge and determine compliance.

If you have any questions, please contact Travel at 581-7142 or

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