D-Jobs update

A new feature has been added to the Department Job Summary (D-Jobs) WEB application. You may now download the Job History to excel.

For a summary of the purpose and features of D-Jobs, see the previous FS News post by clicking here.

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July Interest

Interest for the month of July is not recorded in the July Management Reports. There was a problem with the interest calculation. Rather than delaying the distribution of the July Management Reports it was decided to close the month of July without the interest and post July’s interest in August. Your August Managment Report should have interest for both July and August.

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Research Administration Training Series

The Office of the Vice-President for Research offers over 25 instructional courses designed to support, develop and maintain a standardized body of knowledge and best practice methodology for all members of the University research community. Faculty and staff members are invited to participate in individual classes and may earn a Certificate of Achievement by completing specialized tracks of study in the Pre-Award, Post-Award and/or Clinical Research areas of research administration. For a complete curriculum description, to register for classes, or for more information about research training and education opportunities, please visit our website at https://education.research.utah.edu or contact Tony Onofrietti, Education Specialist, at 585-3492 / tony.onofrietti@hsc.utah.edu.

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New Version of D-Jobs

A few features have been added to the Department Job Summary (D-Jobs) WEB application.

  • On the Job Summary page, you may change the as of date and redisplay job information by hitting enter.
  • Intermittent columnar headings have been added to improve readability for large departments.
  • Total Job Records, with a breakout by job status, is listed on top.

For a summary of the purpose and features of D-Jobs, see the previous FS News post by clicking here.

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Date Change for Scholarship/Fellowship Checks

Starting in September 2005, all Traineeship checks will be sent out on the first working day of the month, instead of the sixth day of the month. This change was requested by the departments to enable the Traineeship recipient to receive their September check before fall tuition is due. Since the checks will be sent out five days earlier, the Traineeship form will be due in Research Accounting by the fifteenth of the previous month instead of the twentieth.

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June Endowment Pool Income Distribution

The market value adjustments and posting of income for the Endowment Pool will be recorded in the Thermidor period and will be done in time to be reflected in the beginning balances for the July Management Reports. Actual year-end balances and totals will be available by selecting the Thermidor accounting period when viewing Management Reports on the web.

The current spending policy for endowments requires the income distribution to be dependent on market values at the end of the quarter. Due to the way the calendar falls this year, as well as next year, those values are not available in time for the market value adjustments and income to be recorded in the June Management Reports. Other years there may be sufficient time to record those transactions in June.

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New Fiscal Year Assignments

On July 15, 2005 an automatic termination program occurred that inserted a July 1, 2005 TER/VOL job row on all active employees who did not have a New Fiscal Year 2005/06 row on PeopleSoft. This program is run every year right before the Payroll Office starts the processing of the July 15th pay period to ensure that overpayments do not occur on employees who should not be paid in the New Fiscal Year.

These employees were not budgeted in BRASS, or a New Year job was not created on FYSC, and a PAN form was not submitted to Payroll or HR to set up a New Fiscal Year job row for these employees.

The New Year Fiscal PAN forms you will receive by July 21st are for all those employees who were TER/VOL effective July 1, 2005 by the automatic termination process. If you wish to pay these employees in the New Fiscal Year please rehire the employee and submit the PAN form to the PAN Office in Human Resources.

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New Year Faculty Contracts

All 9/12, 10/12, and 11/12 contract changes have been entered into the system. We would like you to go out and view your employees on a contract and make sure their contracts look correct. All changes must be submitted by 2:00 today.

Just a reminder, once employees on a 9/12, 10/12, and 11/12 contracts receive their first paycheck of the new fiscal year it is very difficult to make changes to the contract.

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Recurring Journal for FY2006

This is a reminder that recurring journal entries need to be renewed each fiscal year. Those who need recurring journal entries for fiscal year 2006 should submit them to Financial Reporting & Accounting as soon as possible to include them in the July statements. Recurring journals are those which do not change from month to month, both the chartfields and the amounts remain the same for the entire year. Journals for which the chartfields do not change but amounts do change each month are not considered recurring journal entries.

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WEB View PAN — ABA update

The Annualized Base Amount (ABA) on the PAN form has been updated with Fiscal 2006 salary information.

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