Upcoming Training Courses

The following courses are available to all staff members and will be particularly useful to those who prepare or reconcile financial documents.

We recommend completion of Procedural Workshops within the first 6 months of employment; please encourage all new hires to attend. Best Practice Workshops, such as LPC and PCard training is also available to interested departments.

Training questions? Contact Kori Wetsel at 1-4149, or submit FS feedback to Training.


Online Tuition Authorization 2:00pm- 3:00pm


Purchasing Cardholder 9:30am – 10:15am

Purchasing Card Reallocator 10:15am – 11:00am

LPC Training 2:00pm – 3:30pm


Tax Overview 10:00am – 12:00pm


Procurement Basics 1:00pm – 2:30pm


Travel Reservations 10:00am – 11:30am


Travel Web Application 10:00am – 11:30am


Purchasing Cardholder 9:30am – 10:15am

Purchasing Card Reallocator 10:15am – 11:00am

University Accounting Principles 10:00am – 11:30am

Online Deposits 2:00pm – 3:00pm


Travel Web Application 10:00am – 11:30am


AP Basics 9:00 am – 10:30am


Travel Reservations 10:00am – 11:30am

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Guideline: Acceptance of Credit Card Payments

Jeffrey West, Associate Vice President of Financial and Business Services, has provided supplementary information regarding the University’s acceptance of credit card payments. If your department accepts credit cards or is contemplating credit card payments, please review the memorandum issued January 22, 2007.

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W-2 Form Reprint

Reprinted Form W-2s for year 2006 are now available online!

You can print your own year 2006 W-2 by going to the CIS at https://cis.utah.edu/.

The navigation for this feature is as follows:

  • In the Campus Information System, go to the Employee or Affiliate Tab
  • Click on the W-2 Form Reprint link in the My Human Resources/Payroll pagelet

If you don’t remember your password, please contact the University help desk at 581-4000. If you don’t remember your employee id, please contact your department or former department. For additional information see Tax Services

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Financial Information Library Information Extracts

Financial Information Library Here is a summary of new information extracts added in the last few months to the Financial Information Library. For information on the Financial Information Library see the post entitled Financial Information Library.

Monthly Summary by Project

  • Summary of Individual Project Revenue and Expense by Month

Security by Org

  • Lists employees who have access to BU 01 Activities and Projects in Org specified
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Direct Deposit for Scholarships/Fellowships

Direct Deposits for new monthly recurring scholarships/fellowships are now possible. Please go to Grants & Contracts Accounting’s web page and click on forms. You will find the Traineeship Recurring Direct Deposit Authorization Form and its instructions.

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Sales Tax

There is a new 2% reduction in sales tax for certain food and food ingredients. If your department serves or sells food, please look over the Utah State Tax Commission link outlining the new reduced rate for food and food ingredients.

Food sales qualifying for the new 4.6% Salt Lake County rate will be reported on a separate monthly sales tax report. If you have any questions, contact Tax Services.

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Web Mgt. Rpt & EBT Security

Two modifications have been made to the security forms for access to Web Management Reports and EBT Reports. The first modification is the addition of a new level of security whereby OrgID access can be limited to specific Funds. The second modification allows the form to be used to delete access as well as add access. The overview and instructions documents for these forms have also been modified to reflect the changes.

These forms are in pdf format which allows them to be completed online before printing. Please fill out the forms online to insure legibility. The only written information should be the signature(s).

We are seeing numerous errors in the level of access requested. Those individuals filling out the forms are encouraged to read the overview to make sure that the proper access levels are requested and to ensure prompt processing of the request.

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Check Advice Roster

The Payroll Department is pleased to announce that all Campus and Hospital Departments are now able to view their Check and Advice Rosters online. To access this function log into the Campus Information System at: https://gate.acs.utah.edu. Click on employee tab and scroll down to Payroll Reporters Section. Click on Check Advice Roster, and click on the 01/15/07 date to see the current Roster. Also available are Check and Advice Rosters from 07/15/06 – 12/31/06. Since this feature is now available online the Payroll Department will discontinue printing the paper roster and sending them with your Checks and Advices effective 01/31/07 pay period.All payroll reporters have been given access to this online feature. If you find that you do not have access please fill out the PAN WEB portion on the security form at: https://www.acs.utah.edu/pan/hrwebprivacy.html. If you have any questions about the security form please contact Paul DeRose at 585-7597.If you have any questions about the online Check and Advice Roster please contact the payroll office at 581-7873. Check Advice Roster
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Web Quick Tips – Setting up your Web Browser

Quick Tips The January 2007 issue of Web Quick Tips, focusing on Setting up your Web Browser, has been posted to the Financial Services Technology Support website listed under Web Quick Tips.
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Financial & Business Services Organizational Changes

Financial & Business Services Organizational Changes

We recently welcomed a new staff member into our midst – Theresa Ashman, as our Controller/Director of Financial Management. Theresa comes to us from Purdue University where she held a variety of financial administration positions over the past 14 years. We look forward to working with her.

We’ve taken this opportunity to examine our organizational structure and have made some additional changes that we hope will better align our personnel strengths with our mission, vision, and values statements.

Some individuals have been asked to take on additional duties, and others to change either their focus or reporting responsibilities.

Personnel assignment and reporting changes are as follows:

  • Kori Wetsel has been given additional responsibilities and now reports directly to Jeffrey West. Kori’s new title is “Manager – Travel, Training & Policy Coordination.”
  • Laura Howat has been given additional responsibilities and will continue reporting to the Controller. Income Accounting and Accounts Payable now report directly to Laura. Laura’s new title is “Associate Director – Accounting Operations & Controls.”
  • Barbara Nielsen now reports to the Controller, and has been given a new title, “Associate Director – Compliance Accounting & Reporting.” Property Accounting now reports directly to Barbara.
  • Jim Parker has been given additional responsibilities. The Support Service Units (Stores/Receiving, Surplus & Salvage, and Central Mail) now report directly to Jim.
  • Dave Heaps, Manager of Investment & Endowment Accounting, now reports to the Controller.

Unit name changes taking place in connection with this organizational realignment:

  • Purchasing becomes Procurement and Contracting Services (Jim Parker)
  • Financial Information Services becomes Financial Services Technology Support (Dean Church)
  • Governmental Accounting becomes Cost Accounting & Analysis (David Beckstrom)
  • Research Accounting becomes Grants & Contracts Accounting (Gary Gledhill)

For an overall visual representation of the new Financial & Business Services organization, please view our organizational chart.

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