Large image files in Internet Explorer

Accounts Payable replaced two document scanning machines in the fourth quarter of 2007. A little known setting on the new machines was not updated during the installation process resulting in large images that Microsoft’s Internet Explorer browser cannot open. The large images will display a red ex (‘X’ in a box) in the upper left corner of the image, no image will appear and the system will not return an error message that the image cannot be found or to contact Accounts Payable. The resolution was adjusted when we became aware of this limitation and most images are retrievable through the Management Reports. For those few that display the red ex try retrieving the images using the Mozilla Firefox browser. Feel free to call Accounts Payable if Firefox is not available.

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Changes and Instructions to PAN Form

Please click on this link ( to read about some recent changes to the PAN form.

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W-2 Information

Form W2, Wage and Tax Statement for year 2007 will be delivered by January, 31st, 2008 to current employees’ home departments and mailed via the U.S. Postal Service to former employees.Reprinted Forms W2 for year 2007 are available on line. Employees or former employees can reprint their own W2 by going to the University Campus Information System at: CIS.UTAH.EDU. The navigation for this feature is as follows:

  • In the Campus Information System, go to the Employee Tab.
  • Click on the link My Human Resources/Payroll
  • Click on W-2 Form Reprint.

The employee will then be able to reprint the W2 by entering year 2007. If employees or former employees do not remember their password, they may contact the Campus Help Desk at (801) 581-4000. If the employees or former employees do not remember their University id, they should contact their (former) home department. If an individual would like Tax Services to re-print his or her W2 copy, a W2 reprint request form is required with a $12.00 reprint fee. The reprint form is available here. The 2007 W2 reprint request will be processed in two business days. For questions about Form W2, please refer to our online resources “How to Read Your W2”and “W2 Frequently Asked Questions” which are available at here.

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Correction to Personal Activity Report (PAR) Memo dated 01/16/2008.

On the Personal Activity Report (PAR) Memo there was a mistake on Item 2 under Important Changes. Item 2 stated: “Pens cannot be used for correcting and certifying PARs (pencils cannot be used)”. This statement should have stated: Pens can be used for correcting and certifying PARs (pencils cannot be used).

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University Policy 3-4 Banking Policy – Has Changed

University Policy 3-4 Banking Policy – Has Changed

(Policy Approved by Board of Trustees January 14, 2008 and Effective Same Date)

The University’s banking policy was updated with changes effective January 14, 2008. Highlights of key elements of the policy and significant changes from the prior policy follow. Business officers and those responsible for receiving funds on behalf of the University should read this summary and the new policy closely to see how they are affected.

  • Three day rule. Language has been added that requires all University funds be deposited within three banking days. This not only represents a good business practice to minimize loss of funds, it also increases the University’s ability to invest funds as required by state law.
  • Prohibition on use of University’s name and taxpayer ID. Section III.B.2 was added prohibiting the use of the University’s taxpayer identification number and/or name on bank accounts not properly authorized per this policy.
  • Prohibition against unauthorized bank accounts. Section III.B.3 was added prohibiting the conduct of University business outside of authorized bank accounts. Both this item, and the one immediately before, were added as a result of an Internal Audit on unauthorized bank accounts.
  • Responsibility for merchant services. Section III.E was clarified to assign responsibility for merchant card processes to Income Accounting.
  • Responsibility for e-check services. Section III.F was added to reflect the increased use of electronic checks (e-checks) by University customers).
  • Banking services. Numerous other changes were made to update language related to the selection and retention of the University’s bank and affect only a limited number of staff at the University. Readers wishing additional information regarding these section should consult the policy.

Questions should be directed to either the Investments Office or the Controller’s Office.

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Payroll Encumbrances Incorrect

Some payroll encumbrances are incorrect on December’s paper copy of the Management Report. The encumbrance problem has been fixed and the current encumbrances (i.e. today’s balance) showing on the on-line reports are correct. The paper copy of the Earnings and Benefits Report for December 31, 2007 will show the correct encumbrances that should have been reflected on December’s paper copy of the Management Reports.

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Training for VISION (new Budget system) is now available

The University of Utah will be using a new budget system this year called VISION. Training sessions for Main Campus users will be held during the weeks of February 4th through the 15th. All employees responsible for entering their department budgets will need to attend one of these training sessions. Please sign up early as space is limited.

Register for VISION training

Prior to the training date, you will need to have obtained access to the VISION system by faxing Security Agreement to Mark Winter at 581-7541.

For additional questions, please call Mark Winter at 585-3982 or Sandy Hughes at 581-6455.

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New Annual Inventory Processes

New escalation processes and timelines have been implemented for inventory worksheet returns and inventory items lost. The processes will ensure departments complete their required annual inventory correctly and on time. All Inventory Controllers should be familiar with these procedures.

Click here to review.

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New 2008 Mileage Rate – 50.5 Cents per Mile

The IRS has announced a new standard mileage rate effective January 1, 2008. You may reimburse your travelers 50.5 cents per mile for business miles driven using a private auto. This rate was increased from the 2007 rate of 48.5 cents per mile.

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YTD Total Problem on Online View Paycheck/Advice

Some YTD totals on the online “View Paycheck” for the 12/21/2007 payday were temporarily incorrect. The error was discovered and has been corrected.

This did not affect the pay period gross or net amounts.

Please advise your employees in case they have already viewed (and possibly printed) their online check/advice.

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