Printing Services’ Images Now Available

Publication & Printing Services’ documents are now available for viewing via Management Reports located under ‘Financial & Business Services’ in CIS. Should you experience a ‘Document Not Found’ error message when using the spyglass View Image of Document to access a document, please wait for a day or two as the document may need to be scanned. However, if you believe that sufficient time has elapsed for this to occur, contact the Publication & Printing Services department at 581-6171.

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New WEB Server for University Financial Applications

A new WEB Server now hosts the University Financial Applications (Management Reports, Chartfield Lookups, etc.). This change should be transparent to the End-User.

Please contact someone in Financial and Business Services immediately if you experience any problems.

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Business Unit 03 GL Processing

As a reminder, effective July 1, 2008, GL Business Unit 03 should not be used. All general ledger transactions for the University Neuropsychiatric Institue (UNI) are now being directed to new Orgids in Business Unit 02. If you need help to determine the correct chartfield to use for UNI related entries, please contact Cori Phillips at 587-3133.

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Payment Card Acceptance/eCommerce website is now live!

Financial and Business Services is excited to announce the addition of the “Payment Card Acceptance/eCommerce” pages to its Web Presence. You can view the new content at This additional information will be helpful for departments across the University, as they engage in business transactions using either Payment Cards or eCommerce.

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New queries available for monitoring PO Vouchers

We are pleased to announce the launch of two new queries in the Financial and Human Resources Information Library, under a new PROCURE/PAYMENT category:

  • PO’s not Vouchered by Org – Lists Purchase Orders where no PO vouchers have been created.
  • Unpaid PO Vouchers by Org – Lists Purchase Order vouchers that have not been paid.

These queries are available to users with Management Report Security at the OrgID level or above. You can access the Information Library from either the Financial Information Library or Human Resources Information Library link on the Campus Information System. Check out the query details from the “Description” tab.

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F&BS Training Opportunities

Financial and Business Services is pleased to announce two training opportunities that were recently added to the roster. Internal Controls workshop will be held on November 10, from 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. This workshop is intended for business officers who are responsible for implementing internal controls in their areas and want to learn more about what contributes to an effective control environment. Endowments 101 will be held on November 17, from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. This workshop is intended for business officers and development professionals who would like to know more about endowments, endowment accounting, and current issues related to endowments. An optional mini-session will follow for those interested in learning more about how to project endowment distribution income. For information and registration, please go to the following website:

Also, for your information, mini-workshops (we’re calling them “roadshows”) on both topics (internal controls and endowments) are available on-demand and are geared toward academic administrators such as deans, chairs, and faculty. These can be requested by contacting Theresa Ashman.

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Endowment Projections – Q4 FY 2008

The ending quarter endowment pool unit market value for June 30, 2008, is $208.16 per unit. This information is necessary for Method 2 of projecting endowment income and is provided quarterly through FS News. All other factors in the instructions remain the same through the calendar year. For detailed instructions on how to project endowment income, please refer to an earlier posting at:

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Exciting Addition to FBS Web Presence

Two new FORMS pages have been added to the FS web presence. This will enable visitors to have access to all the FS forms in one place. The forms are sorted alphabetically and by department. A FORMS link on the top row of the FS website has been added. This will make it easy to find the form you need especially if you are not sure which department to look in for that form. This is similar to the FORMS pages in the FS pagelet in CIS. On September 15, 2008, the FORMS links on the FS pagelet will be changed to direct users to the new FS FORMS pages.

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Work Study Deadline 09/30/08

Work Study Deadline 09/30/08

Payroll accounting for potential Work Study employees MUST be correct by the pay period ending 09/30/08. If the payroll accounting is not correct, the student may lose their Work Study funding and the employer will not be able to hire the student as a Work Study employee after 09/30/08.

Please review your records for the following:

1) You must have a current JRN. The JRN authorizes the student to work for a specific department for a specified period of time. The JRN also indicates the authorized account number that must be used in order to utilize Work Study funding.

2) The employee’s chartfield distribution (submitted via e-PAF or PAN Distribution) must include the Org ID and account number that is authorized on the JRN.

3) Please be aware that wages charged to any ORG ID and/or account number other than those authorized on the JRN, are an indication that the student is not set up as a Work Study employee. Carefully review your Payroll Earnings, Benefits, and Taxes reports. Errors not corrected within the subsequent pay period may cause the student to lose their Work Study funding.

If you have any questions regarding this notice or about a student’s Work Study status, please contact the FWS coordinator at

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Budget Amounts Listed on Management Reports

Budget Amounts Listed on Management Reports

In connection with the implementation of the VISION budget system, budget amounts on monthly Management Reports may reflect budgeted amounts through the current month as opposed to an annual amount. This is a change from prior year reports where an annual budget amount was listed for all Activities.

Budget amounts for Activities in Funds other than 1001 will show a budgeted amount equal to the amount budgeted through the current month (fiscal year-to-date). If you submitted monthly budget amounts through the VISION system this will reflect the amount you budgeted for each month. If you submitted an annual budget amount then the monthly budget amount will be calculated by dividing the annual amount by 12.

For all Activities in Fund 1001, the budget amount shown on the Management Reports will be an annual amount.

Related to this change is the introduction of a new “Monthly Variance Report” which is available as one of the report options if you are using the online Management Reports. This report will show the budget amount and revenue/expense for the current month, the fiscal year-to-date, and the total budget amount for the entire year. This report can be a valuable tool to assist you in tracking your revenue and expenses compared to your budgeted amounts throughout the year.

If you have questions regarding the budget amount printed on your monthly Management Reports please contact the Budget Office. (Sandy Hughes, 581-6455 or Mark Winter, 585-3982).

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