Tax Labels Fixed on HRIL EBT Queries

The FICA and MEDHI tax labels on the Human Resources Information Library (HRIL) EBT queries were recently fixed. The labels had been reversed, with the FICA labeled MEDHI and visa versa. Employee paychecks and W2’s have always been correct. The mislabel was only in the EBT queries, and current versions are now accurate.

You may contact Human Resources/Payroll with questions.

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New General Administration Policies as of Feb. 9

On February 9, 2010, the Board of Trustees approved one revision to existing policy and one new policy.  We encourage departments to review these new policies, and share among your colleagues:

Policy 3-011 (Revision) Petty Cash Funds

This revision of Petty Cash Policy is in part, designed to add flexibility to alleviate pressure felt by those who used the Limited Purchase Checks for small dollar transactions.  The dollar threshold has been increased from $50 to $100. 

Policy 3-043 (New) Accountability for Intangible Assets

This new policy is designed to communicate guidance regarding accounting and reporting of intangible assets.  The policy was deemed necessary due to new standards promulgated by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board in its Statement No. 51, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Intangible Assets.  The University has not previously had any policy statements regarding this type of asset.

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Financial Upgrade Successful!

We are please to announce the Financial System upgrade was successfully completed this past weekend. If you have any problems accessing financial information through any of our Financial WEB Apps, please click the “lifesaver” below. If you have any other questions, please Ask Us or Share Your Ideas

Report Issues with FS Web Applications


Financial System Upgrade — Last minute Changes — Friday, February 12th

As communicated last Friday, the Financial System is in the process of being upgraded today. There are two changes to what we previously communicated. The old post has been updated to reflect these changes. For your information the changes are:

  • The Web Journal Processing link is unavailable. Please wait until Tuesday, February 16th to upload your Journals.
  • All FIL’s that access Financial Information have been un-published. All HRIL’s are still available. These will be restored on Tuesday, February 16th.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If we can be of assistance, please Ask Us or Share Your Ideas

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Financial System Downtime Planned Thursday, February 11 to February 16, 2010

Financial System Upgrade – Questions and Answers

  • What is the upgrade about?
    • Financial Systems at the University of Utah run on PeopleSoft software purchased from Oracle. In order to continue receiving updates and customer support, the University must upgrade to a newer version.
    • In addition to maintenance and support, the University will benefit from access to newer, value-added software features and updated compliance to Federal and local government entities.
  • When will the upgrade occur?
    • The upgrade will begin Thursday, February 11th at 5:00 PM and be completed by Tuesday, February 16th at 8:00 AM.
    • As a reminder, the University will be closed on Monday, February 15th for President’s Day.
  • How will my access to financial information be affected during the upgrade?
    • All functions will be unavailable Thursday, February 11th at 5 PM through Friday, February 12th at 8 AM.
    • All functions will be unavailable Friday, February 12th at 5 PM until the Upgrade is completed (no later than 8:00 AM, Tuesday, February 16th. updated 02/12/2009 at 4:30 PM.
    • All functions through the Campus Information System (CIS) on the Financial & Business Services pagelet will be available on Friday, February 12th, from 8 AM – 5 PM (exceptions noted below). Access outside of normal business hours will be limited and sporadic.
      • REPORTS – Information will be as of Thursday, February 11th.
        • Financial Information Library – All FIL’s are un-published. updated 02/12/2009 at 7:30 AM.
      • TRANSACTION DETAIL SEARCH – Information will be as of Thursday, February 11th.
      • FORMS – Unaffected.
      • PROCESSING –
        • Chartfield Templates – Unavailable after Thursday, February 11th at 5:00 PM.
        • Departmental Deposits – Unavailable after Thursday, February 11th at 5:00 PM.
          • Deposits approved by the Income Accounting Cashier will not appear on Management Reports until Tuesday, February 16th.
        • LPC Positive Pay – Unavailable after Thursday, February 11th at 3:00 PM. (Note: this time has changed from 5 PM to 3 PM)
        • Purchasing Card Reallocations – Unavailable after Thursday, February 11th at 12:00 NOON.�
          • Reallocations entered on Thursday will not appear on Management Reports until Tuesday, February 16th.
        • Travel – Access available on Friday, February 12th, from 8 AM – 5 PM.
          • Next day checks will not be available Thursday, February 11th or Friday, February 12th.
        • Web FTP Application – Access unchanged.
        • Web Journal Processing – Unavailable after Thursday, February 11th at 5:00 PM. updated 02/12/2009 at 7:30 AM.
      • RESOURCES & INFORMATION – Information will be as of Thursday, February 11th.
      • WEB SITES – Unaffected.
      • All functions through the PeopleSoft application will not be available after Thursday, February 11th at 5:00 PM.
        • Includes data entry AND query access. EXCEPT
          • MCMP data entry/uploads and Health Sciences Crytal Reports will not be available after Wednesday, February 10th at 3:00 PM.
  • Are there specific changes in FS departmental operations that I need to know?
    • Accounts Payable – will not be able to print checks, create ACH transactions or key again until Tuesday the 16th. However, they will be open to receive and review your Purchase Order invoices, Campus Orders, and Payment Requests during the afternoon of the 11th and all day Friday the 12th.  Kindly keep in mind that any same-day or next-day payment requests coming into the department during this down-time will not be recorded for payment until Tuesday, February 16th. This means that the payment will not be prepared until the 16th or 17th depending upon the urgency of the request. All fees associated with same-day requests received Thursday afternoon or Friday will be recorded at the next-day rate.
    • Financial Reporting & Accounting – Financial information will be as of Thursday, February 11th.
    • Grants & Contract Accounting – Financial information will be as of Thursday, February 11th.
    • Income Accounting – Online Departmental Deposits will not be available after Thursday, February 11th at 5:00 PM.
    • Property Accounting – Business as usual.
    • Purchasing – Purchasing Card Reallocations will be suspended at NOON, Thursday, February 11th. The “PO Close” feature of the WEB Management Encumbrance Report will be disabled at NOON on Thursday, February 11th and resumed at 8:00 AM on Tuesday, February 16th.
    • Travel Accounting – Business as usual.
  • What if I have other questions or concerns?Ask Us or Share Your Ideas
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New General Administration Policies

On January 12, 2010, the Board of Trustees approved two revisions to existing policy and one new policy.  We encourage departments to review the new policies, and share among your colleagues:

Policy 3-002  (Revision), Administration of State Appropriated Funds

Revision updates the version dating from 1981, and summarizes guidance for preparing and approving the annual institutional budget, expending against that budget, managing carryforwards and processing budget transfers.  The policy is now written with an emphasis on providing clear guidance in administering state appropriated funds.

Policy 3-004  (Revision), Processing and Signing Official Documents

This policy, originally written in 1983, has been updated to reflect current University structure, better designates University officers who have the authority to obligate the University, and the principles surrounding such actions.

Policy 3-018 (New), Internal Controls

This is a new policy, designed to communicate the University’s expectations for and commitment to providing a strong internal control environment.  Internal controls play an important role in preventing and detecting error or fraud, and protecting the organization’s resources, both physical and intangible.  This policy outlines specific roles and responsibilities for University faculty and staff and various departments.

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Endowment Distributions

For your information…the deans and vice presidents are meeting this month to discuss the current endowment payout rate. If you’ll recall, the rate was reduced due to extraordinary market conditions present a year ago. The upcoming discussion could, but might not, change the rate back to its original amount of 4%. As a result, the distribution that would normally be posted effective December 31 will not be posted in December. Once we have more information, we will post the distribution effective dated January 1.

If you have questions, please contact Dave Heaps or Theresa Ashman.

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Travel Planners: Save Time with New Step 2 Enhancements

Attention Travel Planners:

Save time by using the newest AirSelect Enhancement.  (see below)

After Travel Planners submit a “Step 1: AirSelect Request” form, they will receive an AirSelect email with up to 30 itinerary options to choose from. 

When the traveler makes their flight selection, this AirSelect email now contains a “Request this Option” button that will “dump” the selected flight information directly into the “Step 2: Request ON HOLD Reservation form.  The Travel Planner now has fewer required fields in which to enter data to complete form.  The “Step 3: Confirm Reservation” form is still required to complete the reservation process. 

This is what the AirSelect email now looks like:

Step 2 Enhancement

This enhancement was designed in response to customer feedback, so please continue to tell us what you think, just ASK US.


Momentum Newsletter, January 1, 2010

The Momentum Newsletter is published quarterly and is meant for the use and benefit of the University of Utah Campus Community.

Follow the links from this page to see the full articles…  Full Printable Version also available.

 FS Header

Notable ChangesFS Tip
New W-2 “Delivery” Options:  Save time and trees and opt for electronic delivery of your W-2 by January 15th
Learn how…

 The University is sharing financial information in compliance with Transparent Utah.  Read more… 

 Departmental Deposit procedures have received a make-over.  This article describes the changes and how to receive training and access for new employees.  Read here… 

 Process Spotlight

FS TipSimplify Procedures! Share this information! 

Department: Accounts Payable

Do you know what a stale dated check is, or how to prevent your department’s funds from being sent to the State’s escheat fundLearn more…

Payment Requests should be submitted to pay for only one invoice at a time.  Learn why…

Department: Various FS departments
Bringing Candidates to the “U”: From the Interview to Relocation
Is your department hiring and bringing someone to Salt Lake for an interview?  When policy allows, we have procedures to simplify the process of paying for the interview trip, house hunting trip, and for relocation expenses.  Learn more…


Internal Controls Corner
Heads UP!  There is a new policy on Internal ControlsFind out what it’s all about… 

One-on-one training now available for Deans, Chairs, and Directors.  The training is very useful for academic administrators, whether new or wanting personalized training.  Learn how to schedule a session…Upcoming Events

FS TipUse our calendar tool from the main FS Website to find useful financial dates, such as month end dates, training dates, and more.

Find out how…

Spring Training Dates are now available for our in person classes.  Read more… 

$Y$ - Happenings

The Campus Directory application has been updated.  Learn more about the improvements you will find…

FS has upgraded our website: it is faster, and has two new pages to help you get the information you need everyday… Find out where to find just what you need…

FS Community

Help us celebrate with our staff!  Read more about FS Service Awards… 

The Purchasing Card program has a new Manager.  Find out who it is…

Share Your Ideas

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A new round of Financial/HR Information Library (FIL/HRIL) enhancements

The Financial & Human Resources Information Library continues to improve! A new round of enhancements allows users to see all Queries published to the Library. So now you can match your Financial and Human Resources data needs to the information available and determine if you’re just a step away because you need security authorization. We’ve updated the FIL/HRIL Help page with a more detailed walk through of the application that includes information about the latest enhancements. Check it out here! 

We welcome your feedback and questions, just Ask Us

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