Web Travel Application – Trip Tracker Unavailable Friday Afternoon ***Updated***


Maintenance is complete and the Web Travel Application – Trip Tracker is now available.

The web travel application (Trip Tracker), that is used to book travel will not be available after 12:00 PM (noon) on Friday, July 27, in order to perform some timely system maintenance. The system is expected to be available by Monday morning. (7/30/2012)

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Management Reports Document Links Unavailable Friday Afternoon ***Updated***


Maintenance is complete and Management Reports Document Links are now available.

The image system (Fortis) that provides images for transactions appearing on Management Reports Spyglass and other financial web applications will not be available after 12:00 PM (noon) on Friday, July 27, in order to perform some timely system maintenance. The system is expected to be available by Monday morning. (7/30/2012)

Ask UsPlease ASK US if you have any questions.

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Payment Phishing–Be Aware

Several departments on campus are struggling with an old, but still prevalent, scam and we want to make you aware.

The scam has a few variations, but basically a department is contacted directly by a vendor offering to provide them a free product or service, which is later invoiced, often for an exorbitant amount. The person contacted by the vendor probably had their contact information harvested from University websites. The product or service they offer could be a “free” case of light bulbs, “free” internet access, “free” toner cartridges, etc…

If an offer you receive sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

If you receive these types of solicitations, we encourage you to use the following as a guide;

  • Recognize this call/solicitation for what it is—a scam, and don’t volunteer any information, or agree to anything.
  • If a shipment arrives, refuse shipment and have the carrier return to origin.
  • If an invoice is received, immediately notify the company that the University is refusing payment for this unauthorized transaction.
  • When refusing to pay an invoice, it is of course preferable that you can prove you either never received, or returned, the shipment.

Feel free to let Accounts Payable and/or Purchasing know if you receive these types of solicitations so we can be aware.

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July Momentum Newsletter

The Momentum Newsletter is published quarterly and is meant for the use and benefit of the University of Utah Campus Community.

A full printable version of this newsletter is also available to forward to your colleagues.

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Benefit Encumbrance Enhancement Is Here!

We are excited to announce that benefit encumbrance enchancement is live today, and displayed on the Payroll Encumbrance Summary report. In Web Management Reports, click on a hyperlinked encumbrance value on either the Summary of Revenue & Expense report or the Encumbrance Report to drill into the Payroll Encumbrance Summary report. The Benefit Encumbrance and the Encumbrance Benefit Rate are now displayed in two new columns (remember to click “Expand” to see all columns).

The Calculations

The Encumbrance Benefit Rate is calculated each pay period as follows, using the most recent pay check within the last 90 days:

(sum of employer-paid benefits and taxes) ÷ (sum of earnings) = Encumbrance Benefit Rate

  • Benefits exclude supplemental retirement (MPP and 403SUP).
  • Earnings exclude cell phone reimbursement (CPA).
  • Employees who do not have a pay check within 90 days will show an Encumbrance Benefit Rate of zero.
  • Employees whose Encumbrance Benefit Rate is higher than 200% will be capped at 200%.
  • The rate will only be calculated for each employee whose salary is encumbered.

The Benefit Encumbrance is calculated daily, as part of the enhanced salary encumbrance process. This way, any changes made to distributions will be reflected the next business day in both the salary encumbrances AND the benefit encumbrances, too:

Encumbrance Benefit Rate * Salary Encumbrance = Benefit Encumbrance

Things to Remember

  • Benefit encumbrances are calculated, but not posted, for Fund 1001.
  • All posted encumbrances use Account 59000.

Ask UsPlease ASK US if you have any questions.

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PCard Reallocation Journals Posted Multiple Times

An issue with the PCard Reallocation journal entry generation process has been identified, and is expected to be resolved this evening. The problem caused PCard Reallocations to be posted multiple times, beginning with the June 28 journal. 

Financial Reporting & Accounting will be reversing all PCard Reallocation journals created since June 28th (SE05000628, SE05000629, SE05000702) today. All PCard transactions reallocated on or after June 28th will be re-posted to the General Ledger Thursday morning, after the holiday, and all corrections will be reflected on the Summary of Revenue & Expense Management Report by Friday morning.

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Benefit Encumbrance Enhancement Coming Soon!

We are excited to announce that for the Fiscal Year 2013, benefit encumbrances will be calculated and posted daily. This means that in addition to daily salary encumbrance adjustments, you will also see daily benefit encumbrance adjustments. These benefit encumbrances will now show on the Payroll Encumbrance Summary report in Web Management Reports.

Here’s how it will work: an encumbrance benefit rate will be calculated each pay period (total employer-paid benefits and taxes ÷ total earnings). That rate will then be applied to the salary encumbrances that are calculated daily, giving you the most up-to-date benefit encumbrance.

Look for more information about the benefit encumbrances when we announce via FS News that the new process is live.

Ask UsPlease ASK US if you have any questions.

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e-Journal Attachments ***Updated***


Due to a power outage in the Park Data center, the update to fix the ability to upload attachments to e-Journal was not applied.  As soon as this is fixed we will post it on the FS lifesaver FS lifesaver

The ability to upload attachments to your e-Journal is temporarily not functioning.  We expect this functionality to be available tomorrow June 27, 2012.

Please refer to the FS lifesaver FS lifesaver

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Payroll Journals ***Updated***


Payroll Journals were posted yesterday, but due to a power outage in the Park Data Center, the Ledger Balances are still not updated.  The Ledger Balances are as of 11:00 PM, Monday 6/25/2012.  Barring any unforseen problems, the Ledger Balances will updated tonight.

Please refer to the FS lifesaver for updates on the Ledger balances.FS lifesaver

We apologize for the untimely issues that delayed the posting of the payroll journals to the general ledger. All journals have now been posted and will be reflected in the ledger balance tomorrow (6/27/12).

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How to Search for Payments

Accounts Payable has created new documentation to help you determine if the payments you have submitted to this office have been processed.

Voucher & Payment Search is located within the Financial & Business Services pagelet, and is the best way to determine the processing status of a payment.

This documentation provides some basic instruction, and also offers a few tips to help you find what you’re looking for.

The documentation can be found on the main Accounts Payable website, “How to Search for Payments?

Ask UsPlease ASK US if you have any questions.

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