Account Executive approvals are now EASIER in GFA

Ask Us or Share Your IdeasWe are pleased to announce that Account Executives can now “Approve All” Alternates instead of one at a time. Check it out!

Please continue to give us feedback through the Ask Us link below. Your feedback is valuable to us. These enhancements came about because you spoke up.

Need to know more? Check out the GFA page and instructional videos!

Modernizing P2PGFA is part of our efforts to Modernize P2P

Ask UsPlease ASK US if you have any questions.

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New FIL Reports To Track Status of Alternate Requests in GFA

Ask Us or Share Your IdeasAs campus is using the new GFA application, another question to Financial & Business Services is: How can I track the Status of the Requests made in the Granting Financial Authority (GFA) application?”

Two new reports have been added to the Financial Information Library (FIL)

These reports can help determine which approvals are needed.

GFA Pending Approvals by AE

This report gives all the pending Account Executive Approvals in an Org (Rollup included).
If the signature is missing, this is also noted.

GFA View Alternate Designation

This report can be used to determine what Projects or Activities an individual has been granted authority on.

  • Status of Pending or Approved is provided for each Project or Activity.
  • If the signature is missing, this is also noted.

Please continue to give us feedback through the Ask Us link below. Your feedback is valuable to us. These enhancements came about because you spoke up.

Need to know more? Check out the GFA page and instructional videos!

Modernizing P2PGFA is part of our efforts to Modernize P2P

Ask UsPlease ASK US if you have any questions.

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Who Has Captured Their Signature in GFA?

Ask Us or Share Your IdeasA very common question to Financial & Business Services during the rollout of Granting Financial Authority (GFA) is “How can a find out who still needs to capture their signature?”

Great News!

Two ways have been created to find out who has/has not captured their signatures.

Method 1

When a name is displayed in different pages of the GFA application, if there is a little red x displayed, the person needs to capture their signature. If you hover over the little red x, a message will be displayed indicating no signature on file. If you click on the message, a preformatted email will open up in your email client encouraging the person to capture their signature. All you need to do is send the email.

Capture Signature

Method 2

Three new reports have been created in the Financial Information Library (FIL) to help determine who has/has not captured their signature in GFA. These three reports are located in the GFA folder.

GFA - Financial Information Library

FIL Report 1

The first report in FIL is GFA Alt Signatures by Org. This report can be run by Org. (Rollup is included). This will display the signature status of all Alternates that have been added to GFA.You can elect to hide missing or captured signatures.

  • If the signature has been captured, the signature date will be displayed.
  • If the signature has not been captured, *Missing* will be displayed.

FIL Report 2

The second report in FIL is GFA Signature by Person. This report is run by Employee ID. This will display the signature status of the employee that is input. Remember to use “00” and not “u0” when inputting the employee ID.

  • If the signature has been captured, the signature date will be displayed and the Signature Captured column will display “Yes”.
  • If the signature has not been captured, the date column will be blank and the Signature Captured column will display “No”.

FIL Report 3

The third report in FIL is GFA Signatures by Org. This report can be run by Org. (Rollup is included). This will display the signature status of all:

  • Org Heads
  • Account Executives
  • Principal Investigators

You can elect to hide missing or captured signatures.

  • If the signature has been captured, the signature date will be displayed.
  • If the signature has not been captured, *Missing* will be displayed.

Please continue to give us feedback through the Ask Us link below. Your feedback is valuable to us. These enhancements came about because you spoke up.

Need to know more? Check out the GFA page and instructional videos!

Modernizing P2PGFA is part of our efforts to Modernize P2P

Ask UsPlease ASK US if you have any questions.

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Momentum Newsletter – Fall 2014

The Fall 2014 edition of the Momentum Newsletter is now available.

Click Here

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August Accounting Month Closing Delayed One Day

Financial Reporting & Accounting encountered some issues closing the Accounting Month for August. Financial Reporting & Accounting will close August on September 11, 2014.

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Q4 FY 2014 Unit Market Value for Endowment Projections

The ending quarter endowment pool unit market value for June 30, 2014, is $221.52 per unit. This information is necessary for Method 2 of projecting endowment income and is provided quarterly through FS News. All other factors in the instructions remain the same through the fiscal year. For detailed instructions on how to project endowment income, please click here. The instructions are available there now for fiscal year 2014-2015.

Calculators have been added to this instruction page to make the calculation process of projecting endowment income easier to do. All that is necessary is to enter the required data inputs correctly and the projected endowment income will be calculated and displayed.

Ask Us a Question If you have any questions or feedback just ask us!

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Signature Cards Are Going Paperless

Say goodbye to the paper process of Signature Cards!
FS would like to introduce you to Granting Financial Authority!

GFA is a one-stop application to:

  • Capture a reasonable facsimile of your signature digitally (Once!)
  • Designate Account Alternates
  • Verify Authority

Granting Financial Authority can be found in the Processing section of the FS pagelet in CIS:

Granting Financial Authority (GFA)

For more information and instructional videos click here.

Ask UsPlease ASK US if you have any questions.

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Work-Study Deadline 09/30/14

Work-Study funded students must be placed in their first fiscal-year job no later than 09/30/14. Departments intending to employ a work-study student for the 14/15 fiscal-year must submit their Job Referral Notice (JRN) requests no later than 09/30/14. Students without a current fiscal-year JRN by 09/30/14 will lose their work-study funding and cannot be hired in the work-study program.

Payroll accounting for work-study employees must be correct by the pay period ending 09/30/14. If the payroll accounting is not correct, the student may lose their work-study funding and the employer will not be able to hire the student as a work-study employee after 09/30/14.

Please review your records for the following:

1) You must have a current JRN. The JRN authorizes the student to work for a specific department for a specified period of time. The JRN also indicates the authorized account number that must be used in order to utilize work-study funding.

2) The chartfield distribution on the e-PAF must include the Org ID and account number that is authorized on the JRN.

3) Please be aware that wages charged to any ORG ID and/or account number other than those authorized on the JRN, are an indication that the student is not set up as a work-study employee. Carefully review your payroll reports. Errors not resolved with the FWS Coordinator during the subsequent pay period may cause the student to lose their work-study funding.

If you have any questions regarding this notice or about a student’s work-study status, please contact the FWS coordinator at

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New Training Offered!

Procurement and Payments Basics

Accounts Payable and Purchasing have created a new training, which combines the material from both the AP and the Purchasing classes. This was done to more closely align our guidance to campus departments, and make the most effective use of your time. If you are new to a role which includes financial and/or procurement responsibilities, or if you want to re-familiarize yourself with best practices, please register for this class.

The next class is scheduled for next Tuesday, August 12, at 1:00pm.
This class will be held in Purchasing, and space is still available.

Click here to register.

FS Training

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Lowe’s State Contract MA087 Update

This State contract offers a 5% discount by use of a key fob which is scanned at the register or the PRO desk. The discount is only for University purchases.

Lowe’s key fobs may be requested by email to: or picked up from the receptionist at Purchasing, 1901 E. South Campus Drive, room 151 from 8-5 Mon to Fri. You may also contact the buyer, Polly Alles, by email at: Please include the requested number of fobs and the campus mail address and they will be sent to you via campus mail. Please share this information with interested department personnel.

If you have any questions, Ask Us! Ask Us

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