Delivery of University Purchased Property to an Employee’s Home Address

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, building closures, and resulting telecommuting for many University employees, a temporary exception has been made to the policy restriction for delivery of University orders to a non-University address. Orders delivered to an employee’s home or other personal address are not to exceed $500. This temporary exception will be rescinded when University administration determines a return to regular business operations.  Property is to be returned to the department once regular business operations resume. Ordering processes including approval controls are briefly mentioned below:


  • Written authorization from the department Director, Chair, or PCard Account Executive is to be submitted prior to the purchase.  Include the employee’s name and the vendor.  Approvals will be emailed to
  • A Request to Use University Property Off Campus form is to be completed.  The employee receiving the off-campus delivery is to complete the form and provide it to their management when feasible.
  • Complete details will be provided by submitting a request for information to the PCard email address above. 


Option A: Ship to Stores and Receiving for Will Call

  • This guide has been created which outlines the process to be followed.
  • If the order is for University property, a Request to Use University Property Off Campus form is to be completed. The employee receiving the property for use at home is to complete the form and provide it to their management when feasible.
  • Orders routed to Stores and Receiving for Will Call which will be taken to the department can be for any dollar amount.

Option B: Ship to University Print & Mail and reroute to a home address

  • This guide has been created which outlines the process to be followed.
  • If the order is for University property, a Request to Use University Property Off Campus form is to be completed. The employee receiving the off-campus delivery is to complete the form and provide it to their management when feasible.
  • Additional requisition approvals are required for these orders.