The eJournal application has been enhanced with some exciting new features. Three new options have been added:
- Change Journal ID – the Journal ID can now be changed
- First, create a new Journal and save the Journal
- You can also upload from excel, but do not “Upload and Submit”, only “Upload”.
- The Journal will then be in a “Preparing” state
- Select the “Journal Entry” menu and choose “Change Journal ID”
- The new Journal ID can be the same as another Journal ID, provided the dates are different.
- The Journal ID must begin with EJ and be a total of 10 characters
- First, create a new Journal and save the Journal
- Copy Existing Journal
- This can be done in any state from “Preparing” to “Posted to GL”
- Open any Journal that you want to copy
- Select the “Journal Entry” menu and choose “Copy Existing Journal”
- This creates a brand new Journal, the old copied Journal still exists
- Reverse Existing Journal
- This can be done in any state from “Preparing” to “Posted to GL”
- Open any Journal that you want to reverse
- Select the “Journal Entry” menu and choose “Reverse Existing Journal”
- This creates a brand new Journal, the old reversed Journal still exists
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback on improving our applications – it is greatly appreciated.
Please ASK US if you have any questions.