GFA: Improvements are here!

Granting Financial Authority (GFA) is a tool that replaced paper signature cards several years ago.  This tool has also assisted us  in transitioning from paper-based processes to electronic systems such as ePR and UShop.

Our users have shared ideas for improvements, and we are excited to announce the following enhancements:

  1. ORG Roll-up: Alternates can now be added to all or a selection of Activities within one ORG, rather than adding the Alternate on multiple Activities or Projects.  This will save significant time for users requesting Alternate designations, and it is now much easier to see the requested actions.  Transitions of Account Executives, or implementing approvals for new Account Executives with many Activities and Projects can now be done with ONE request, rather than one per Activity or Project!
  2. Useful default settings and a cleaner presentation of data: The application now defaults settings for common requests, and unnecessary columns and rows have been eliminated for a de-cluttered look.
  3. Users may update Alternates on the existing line instead of adding a new line: Effective dates can now be updated on the appropriate line for each Alternate. This presents a much cleaner presentation of the user request, and will eliminate confusion.


We appreciate all the suggestions we receive from our users!  Please share your ideas about GFA and any other application using our ASK US form.