Verify Other Paycheck(s) for Payroll Reporters

We are pleased to announce the launch of a new Payroll Reporter tool. It is called Verify Other Paycheck(s). It is found under the Human Resource Management section on the Employee tab of CIS. It is designed to enable Payroll Reporters to view other employees paychecks and answer paycheck questions from employees. Some details of this tool is as follows:

  1. The employee must elect to have his/her Payroll Reporter see the pay stubs. This is accomplished on the View Paycheck page in CIS. It is 100% optional for the employee. He/she is in 100% control and can turn access on or off at their discretion.
  2. All historical paychecks are viewable.
  3. The security is based on the CURRENT Home Dept of the employee and the Payroll Reporter(s) that have security to that Home Department. I.E. If an employee worked elsewhere last year, his/her current Payroll Reporter can see all paycheck.
  4. The employee chooses to allow or disallow access to their Payroll Reporter via a link on the View My Paycheck transaction. If access has been allowed a red-letter reminder is shown.
  5. The security is already established based on the “PANWEB” security.
  6. As a reminder to Payroll Reporters, there is some confidential/privacy issues in that they will now see info (such as garnishments, medical provider, etc.) that they otherwise would not see.

Please pass this information on to the employees in your Home Departments.

If you have any questions, please contact Paul DeRose.