Changes to Policy 3-234 and 3-100 approved 4/12/2011

On April 12, 2011, the Board of Trustees approved a new revision of Policy 4-005: Use of Personal Telecommunications Services.

Changes to this policy included reassignment of paragraphs from 4-005 that were unrelated to personal telecommunications services and thereby affected changes to Policy 3-234: Key Policy and 3-100: University Procurement.

The purposes of these changes are most easily understood by referencing the last 2 pages of the Executive Summary, but can be summarized here:

Paragraphs moved from 4-005 to the Key Policy dealt with Building Security, specifically hours of operation, and securing exterior and interior doors, and can be read at Policy 3-234, Section III.A.

Verbiage moved to Policy 3-100: University Procurement discourages personal use of resources purchased with university funds.

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