Fiscal Year 2020 Year-End Procurement Submission Dates

The last day of the University’s fiscal year is June 30, 2020. Procurement transactions required to be completed prior to the end of FY 2020 are subject to the due dates described below.

The dates shown below are estimates and not guarantees. They reflect the typical time necessary to allow for a procurement process to be completed, as well as for delivery of requested goods or services prior to June 30th. Delivery of goods or services based on procurement requests submitted after the dates below may not be completed by June 30, 2020.

March 13, 2020 – Request for Proposal (RFP): Requisitions for procurement requests requiring a request for proposal process must be submitted by March 13, 2020. This process requires draft RFP documents for review and input by Purchasing, committee chair participation, and suggested vendor list.

March 13, 2020Multi-Stage Invitation for Bids (IFB) for purchases over $50,000: Requisitions for procurement requests requiring a multi-stage low bid process must be submitted by March 13, 2020. This process requires bid stage advancement criteria, specifications/requirements and a suggested vendor list.

May 1, 2020 – Invitation for Bids (IFB) and Sole Source Requests for purchases over $50,000: Requisitions for procurement requests requiring a standard low bid process must be submitted by May 1, 2020. The IFB process requires specifications/requirements and a suggested vendor list. The sole source request requires a completed sole source form and quote.

May 29, 2020 – Request for Quotes (RFQ) and Sole Source Requests for purchases between $5,000 – $50,000: Requisitions for procurement requests requiring a quote or sole source process must be submitted by May 29, 2020. The RFQ process requires complete specifications and a suggested vendor list. The sole source request requires a completed sole source form and quote.


  • Goods and services must be received and the invoice dated on or prior to June 30, 2020 to be charged to fiscal year 2020 funds.
  • Grant-funded purchases must be completed at least 60 days prior to project end date which may alter the timelines listed above.
  • Contracts must be fully executed before a purchase order is issued.

Ask UsPlease If you have questions, please contact the Purchasing Department at (801) 581-7241.

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Q2 FY 2020 UMV for Endowment Projections

The ending quarter endowment pool unit market value (UMV) for December 31, 2019, is $227.68 per unit. This information is necessary for Method 2 of projecting endowment income and is provided quarterly through FS News. All other factors in the instructions remain the same through the fiscal year. For detailed instructions on how to project endowment income, please click here. The instructions are available there now for fiscal year 2020-2021.


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Purchasing Department Buyer Changes

Employee Retirement

We’re both saddened and thrilled for him to announce the retirement of Bob Tiney, a buyer in the Purchasing Department. His last day at the University is January 15, 2020.

Bob has been a valued and vital member of the Purchasing Department for the past 28 years including full- and part-time work. We will miss Bob’s extensive IT experience and knowledge, reliability, and dedication. His contributions and years of service have been integral to the success of the Purchasing Department.

We wish Bob all the best!

Buyer Assignment Changes

We are pleased to welcome Colette Brown, senior buyer, as the new IT buyer. Colette has worked in the Purchasing Department for the last four years, and has a total of seven years of experience in procurement.

We’re also very pleased to welcome Aimee Elliott to the Purchasing Department as a buyer. Aimee brings with her over five years of experience in procurement, with much of that time in healthcare. Aimee’s new buying assignments and commodities will include furniture, flooring, window coverings, and bottled water/purification.

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Q1 FY 2020 UMV for Endowment Projections

The ending quarter endowment pool unit market value (UMV) for September 30, 2019, is $220.61 per unit. This information is necessary for Method 2 of projecting endowment income and is provided quarterly through FS News. All other factors in the instructions remain the same through the fiscal year. For detailed instructions on how to project endowment income, please click here. The instructions are available there now for fiscal year 2019-2020.


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Work-Study Funding Available

The Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid has Work-Study funding available for the 2019-2020 academic year. Our goal is to fully utilize the funds we have to offer our eligible students Work-Study options. We would like to evaluate current part-time student workers to determine if they are eligible for Work-Study and also assist in any way possible for students to participate in the Work-Study program during the 2019-2020 year.

As an employer, this may reduce the cost of wages to your Department for your student employees. If you send us a list of all the part-time student workers you employ, we will happily look at their eligibility on a case-by-case basis to see if Work-Study is a possibility and provide further guidance to assist if needed.

As you are hiring new student employees, we would like to evaluate those students as well for eligibility for the Work-Study program. You may send us their name and student ID for review.

If it is determined that the student worker is eligible to participate we will let the department know. If your student worker(s) are interested in Work-Study please let them know they can on our website.

Once a student has Work-Study the employer will then need to complete a Job Referral Notice (JRN) Request on our website.

For employers with additional questions about Work-Study we have information available on our website.

You may also refer any questions the Federal Work-Study Coordinator, Emilie Hereth, at

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Q4 FY 2019 UMV for Endowment Projections

The ending quarter endowment pool unit market value (UMV) for June 30, 2019, is $220.14 per unit. This information is necessary for Method 2 of projecting endowment income and is provided quarterly through FS News. All other factors in the instructions remain the same through the fiscal year. For detailed instructions on how to project endowment income, please click here. The instructions are available there now for fiscal year 2019-2020. If you have any questions or feedback just ask us!

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Correctly Answering Questions on the Scholarship / Fellowship / Traineeship Form

Central Administration has seen multiple instances where the question on the Traineeship Form “Is the payment for a current UofU Employee?” has been answered incorrectly (i.e. “No” when it should be “Yes”).

For those completing this form, you are asked to always double check and verify if a student receiving a payment is also a University employee. Incorrectly answering that a student is not an employee, when the student is, has the potential to lead to consequences that might negatively impact the student (with the IRS), your department and/or the University (with the IRS and the Award Sponsor), and delay the payment to the student.

Ask UsPlease ASK US if you have any questions.

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Timely Reporting of Departmental Deposits

As of July 1, 2019 (fiscal year 2020), Financial Reporting & Accounting will begin assessing a $10 fee for posting un-booked deposits greater than 90 days old to the appropriate Department.

University Policy (Rule 3-003B) states transactions should be documented, appropriately approved, and recorded on a timely basis. Revenue should be reported in the month in which the revenue is earned. Deposits that have not been recorded in PeopleSoft for more than 90 days are not meeting this requirement. Failure to book deposits in a timely manner results in inaccurate reporting of revenue on a Department’s Management Reports. See the attached memo from Laura Howat, Interim AVP for Financial and Business Services.

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Audit News – State Auditors’ Fieldwork

The State auditors will begin their fieldwork testing June 24th and will be working on campus through September. This year’s State audit team will include Jason Allen and Bertha Lui, Senior Audit Managers and their staff; Kathryn Hoins, David Ingram, Daniel Layton, Chase Brown, Tyler Lanham and Craig Hatch.
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New Policy and Rule for Financial Record Retention and Disposal

The Board of Trustees has approved both Policy 3-014; Financial Record Retention and Rule 3-014A; Financial Records Retention and Disposal.

New Policy 3-014 and its associated Rule establishes a records retention policy, as well as outlines the processes and best practices for the retention and disposal of University of Utah financial records. Policy 3-014 is meant to meet legal requirements, optimize use of space, and minimize cost.

This policy is binding for all University colleges, departments and units, including University Hospital & Clinics. This policy does not govern retention and disposal of non-financial University documents.

Departments should review Policy and Rule and implement retention and disposal schedules immediately.

Policy establishes:

1. Definitions of financial records, retention schedules, archives and document destruction.

2. Major categories of financial records with unique retention periods such as grants and contracts, bonds, purchasing, tax, Pcard, real property and capital equipment as well as general financial documents.

3. Disposal requirements.

Questions regarding the new Policy or the new Rule should be forwarded to Accounts Payable using the following ASK US form.

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