Kronos Reports

Payroll Reporters,

You are now able to email reports in Kronos. With this functionality comes the ability to run a report in Excel (or several other options) instead of a PDF file.

To Email a report:

  1. Go to Reports
  2. Select a report, the employees and the time period
  3. Select E-Mail (instead of Run Report)
  4. Enter email address
  5. Select OK

After you have said OK, you can go to the Check Run Status tab to review the status of the report. You may have to use Refresh Status (just like other reports) to get the Complete status.

To Email a report in Excel or other formats:

  1. Go to Reports
  2. Select a report, the employees and the time period
  3. Go to Set Options
  4. In the bottom left hand corner there is a drop down box under “E-mail Format”. Select the format you want the report to return in
  5. Select E-mail
  6. Enter email address
  7. Select OK

Note: If you do not select E-mail, but just run the report, the report will run as a PDF file. The other file options are only available through using the E-mail functionality.


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Management Report Journal Detail Improvements

The Line Reference link for Vouchers in the Management Report Journal Detail have been improved in the CIS.

When you click the link you will now go directly to the Voucher and Payment Detail History instead of having to first view the Voucher Summary page.

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Direct Deposit Clarification

A bit of confusion has surfaced regarding how Direct Deposit distributions are split into their separate accounts. The following is a clarification of how the system will split the net income when more than two bank accounts are set up.

When setting up more than two accounts, including an amount to one account and percentages to others, it does not divide out the money as most would assume. The bank accounts with percentages are based strictly on the NET amount of what will be deposited into these accounts.

For example, if the net pay total for the pay period is $500 and a $50 lump sum amount is going to account one (or priority one), and then there is a split of 20%
going to the account two (priority two) leaving a remaining net balance going
into a third account called balance.

What happens is that the Direct Deposit will deduct the $50 from the $500.00 net pay first. Next the system will take what would be a total of 20% of the $500.00 net pay ($100 in this case), NOT 20% of what is left ($90), and put it in your second priority. The remainder of the $500.00, which is $350.00, is into the balance account.

If additional information is needed please call the Payroll Office at 581-7873.

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University-provided Cell Phones and Other Electronic Access Devices

A memo was sent by Jeffrey J. West, Associate VP Financial and Accounting Services to Deans, Directors, and Department Chairs on April 22, 2005 regarding University-provided Cell Phones and Other Electronic Access Devices. An electronic copy of this memo has been posted here.

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Use of University Funds

A memo was sent by Jeffrey J. West, Associate VP Financial and Accounting Services to Deans, Directors, and Department Chairs on April 18, 2005 regarding the use of University funds. An electronic copy of this memo has been posted here.

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Unrelated Business Income Training

University of Utah Unrelated Business Income Tax Training, Presented by University Tax Services
What you need to know if your department conducts business unrelated to University’s charitable mission. Examples: rental of facilities to non-campus groups or individuals, advertising income, sale of services or products where such sale is not directly related to accomplishing the University’s mission.

July 13th, 2005
10:00-11:00 am
Union Collegiate Room

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Voucher Images From The WEB Management Reports

Electronic images of original voucher documentation are now available from the WEB Management Reports application. An overview will be presented at the Business Officers’ Meetings that are scheduled on April 20 in the Saltaire Room of the Olphin Union, and on the morning of April 21 in the Human Genetics Auditorium. A detailed overview and tutorial will be published soon. In the interim feel free to call Accounts Payable at 581-6976 if you need help with this option.

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Business Officer’s Meeting

Thank You to all who have participated in our semi-annual Business Officer’s Meeting.

We would like to congratulate the following participants who won the drawing for two round trip tickets to the west coast!

Wednesday, April 20 Morning Session: Julianna Barlow
Wednesday, April 20 Afternoon Session: Rebecca Dowdell
Thursday, April 21 Morning Session: Kris Larrabee
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Quick Chartfield Validate

In the Administrative Financials Pagelet of the CIS Employee Tab is a new application entitled Quick Chartfield Validate. This application displays the valid chartfield combination for any OrgID, Activity, or Project (Contract/Grant or Plant Fund).

To use Quick Chartfield Validate, input the appropriate Business Unit and one of the following:

  • OrgID (Business Unit 02 or 03)
  • Activity (Business Unit 01 or 04)
  • C/G Project (Business Unit 01)
  • Plant Project (Business Unit 01)
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Unpaid/Volunteer Employees in FYSC

In FYSC this year all Unpaid (UPD)/Volunteer active employees will be in the alterable area of the panels. Each Department will have the option to continue the job of a UPD employee or terminate them. It will be required that the employee is either continued into the new fiscal year, or terminated in the old fiscal year. With this new functionality for the UPD group there is no need to submit a PAN form for this group unless they are a new employee to the university.

If you have already submitted a PAN form to the Office of Academic Affairs, or directly to Payroll, the PAN form will be data entered into the system. If you have not submitted a PAN form, please use FYSC to either continue the employment of the UPD employee or terminate their employment. If a PAN form has already been submitted for input, please be aware that you will be able to see and review this employee, and any changes you made, in FYSC.

Remember, if you have a new UPD employee, a PAN form is necessary in order to provide an identification number, but if they are not a new employee there is no need to submit a PAN form.

For any questions please contact Payroll at 5-5968.

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