Web Quick Tips – Transaction Detail Search (Journals)

Quick Tips The September 2006 issue of Web Quick Tips, focusing on Transaction Detail Search (Journals), has been posted to the Financial Information Services website listed under Web Quick Tips.

The purpose of Web Quick Tips is to give an overview of the functionality of various web applications. It is not intended to be a comprehensive training guide.

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Journal Detail Search Enhancements

The Journals option of TRANSACTION DETAIL SEARCH has been enhanced.

Search Criteria Page

  • Require the user to select the desired Business Unit option.
  • Business Unit selection will now dynamically determine additional search options.
  • Provide clarity when specifying Chartfield Criteria.

Results Page

  • Improved hovers
  • Additional links
  • Additional column for A/U Chartfield
  • Additional column for Activity/Project Orgid

Give it a try!

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Cell Phone Allowance Correction

Due to a Payroll Processing problem, some employees received the incorrect amount for the August 16th cell phone allowance and/or one time cell phone reimbursement payment. The problem surfaced and all wrong payment amounts have been voided, and the correct amount reissued to the employee. Each employee has been notified by email.

When the employee looks out on View Paycheck they will see a August 17th date on their pay record.

If you have questions regarding the payment, or voiding of the the allowance/reimbursement please call:

Holli Harris 581-3636
Jessica Brown 585-9181
Julie Morton 585-2999

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Payroll Encumbrance Anomaly

For the pay period ending August 31, 2006 there is an encumbrance anomaly for a small number of employees. The issue is the encumbrance listed on the Earnings, Benefits, and Taxes report is different than the amount reflected in the General Ledger. This issue will be corrected in the September 15, 2006 pay period. We apologize for any inconvenience.

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New Activity Setup Notification

In an effort to improve communication and documentation of financial responsibilities and to strengthen institutional internal controls, a copy of each new Activity Setup Request will be returned to the department of origin with an “Activity Setup Notification” sheet and instructions for completing a Signature Authorization form after the Activity has been setup in the financial system.

Please be aware that pursuant to an Internal Audit recommendation, the Responsible Person for the Activity is required to read and sign the notification sheet.

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June 22, 2006 cell phone allowance distribution information

The June 22, 2006 cell phone allowance distribution inadvertently did not have federal or state withholding deducted. Other employment taxes such as FICA were appropriately withheld from the June 22, 2006 cell phone allowance distribution. We are sorry for any inconvenience regarding the lack of withholding of federal and state taxes for the most recent cell phone allowance distribution. Caution will be taken to insure correct withholding is calculated on future cell phone allowance distributions. There will not be make up withholding on future cell phone allowances due to the small amounts of individual distributions. If an employee has concerns about under withholding of federal and state taxes for 2006, an employee can adjust his/her employee withholding allowance certificate, Form W-4. This can be adjusted at any time via the PeopleSoft employee tab at Payroll, Taxes and Salary or an updated Form W-4 can be faxed to Payroll Accounting at 587-9855.

If you have questions on the above, please contact Ying He, Accounting Supervisor, Payroll Accounting, at 587-9670.

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D-Jobs filter added

A new filter button has been added to the Department Job Summary (D-Jobs) WEB application. The Distributions Ending button is available when displaying your whole department and after you have clicked the Show Distributions button.

This filter will display those active jobs that have incomplete distributions during the current pay period (determined by the system date) and two pay periods into the future.

You may contact your HR Generalist for more information.

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WEB PAN Distributions — Quick Tip

Entering 0 (zero) in the distribution percentage will flag the distribution line as “to be deleted”. The distribution line will be deleted when you click the confirm button.

Many people have reported a missing confirm button when using this WEB program. One of the scenarios that has caused this is “blanking” out all the fields on the distribution line instead of the preferred method described above.

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Improved Travel Web System now works for Mac users

New changes to Travel Web Forms have primarily been made to make the system available to mac users. The system now works on 2 browsers: Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox, and all options are now available to both PC and Mac users. Existing users will also notice the following improvements:

– Simplified data entry
– All reports are .pdf (no more margin difficulties)
– Additional signature lines
– Longer time out period (we still recommend a fresh login to CIS to maximize time in system)
– Improved trip information reports – can search database by requestor

We have added training dates for the Travel Web system, we look forward to adding many mac and new PC users in the coming months.

Click here training information and registration.

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WEB PAN Distributions

Historically, WEB Pan Distribution restricted you to only changing distributions for employees in your department to funding sources in your department. This restriction required that you submit a paper PAN form to change the distribution for an employee to be paid from a funding source not in your department.

WEB Pan Distribution will now allow you to change the distribution for employees in your department to any funding source. However, you should make sure that you follow appropriate business processes before changing a distribution for any employee.

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