Web Quick Tips – Chartfield Lookups

Quick Tips The December 2006 issue of Web Quick Tips, focusing on Chartfield Lookups, has been posted to the Financial Services Technology Support website listed under Web Quick Tips.
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November Cash Interest Distribution

The cash interest distribution for November was inadvertinently not included on the November Management Reports. Rather than reprinting the Management Reports, the interest will be posted today with a 12/1/2006 journal date. Management Reports on the web will reflect November’s interest beginning tomorrow (12/12/2006).

At the end of December, the December cash interest distribution will also be posted with a 12/31/2006 journal date. This will result in two months interest posted to the December Management Reports. We apologize for the inconvenience.

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Payroll Encumbrances are Correct on Management Reports

The payroll encumbrances have been corrected and are reflected accurately on the online Management Reports.

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Payroll Encumbrances Incorrect on Management Reports

Management Reports. Payroll encumbrances are incorrect on the Summary of Revenue & Expense and the Encumbrance reports. The incorrect encumbrances are reflected in October’s paper copies and online. We are working to correct the problem.

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Web Quick Tips – Management Reports Obscure Hyperlinks (just click it)

Quick Tips The November 2006 issue of Web Quick Tips, focusing on Management Reports Obscure Hyperlinks (just click it), has been posted to the Financial Information Services website listed under Web Quick Tips.
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Financial Information Library Information Extracts

Financial Information Library Here is a summary of new information extracts added in the last month to the Financial Information Library. For information on the Financial Information Library see the post entitled Financial Information Library.

Quarterly Endowments by Org

  • Summary of Quarterly Endowment Market Value Changes

Grant/Contract FY Exp by Org

  • Fiscal year to date revenue/expense for projects in fund 5000

Grant/Contract FY Exp by PI

  • Fiscal year to date revenue/expense for projects in fund 5000

Grant/Contract Summary by PI

  • Summary of budget/revenue/expense for projects in fund 5000

In addition, security has been improved by adding a spyglass lookup to the criteria section of each Information Extract that tells the user what OrgIDs, Responsible Persons, Activities, or Projects they have access to before clicking View Results.

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Web Quick Tips – Security to Web Applications

Quick Tips The October 2006 issue of Web Quick Tips, focusing on Security to Web Applications, has been posted to the Financial Information Services website listed under Web Quick Tips.
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Financial Information Library Information Extracts

Financial Information Library Here is a summary of the current information extracts available through the Financial Information Library. For information on the Financial Information Library see the post entitled Financial Information Library.

Activity FY Fund Bal by Org

  • Summary of fund balance over fiscal year for activities in BU 01

Activity Funds Avail by Org

  • Summary of funds available for activities in BU 01

Activity Summary by Org

  • Summary of revenue/budget/expense for activities in BU 01

Grant/Contract Summary by Org

  • Summary of budget/revenue/expense for projects in fund 5000
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Purchasing Card Bank System Upgrade to PaymentNet

The Purchasing Card Program is upgrading the current bank system to a new program called PaymentNet.

How will this change affect cardholders and reallocators?

  • This will affect anyone who uses the existing “Pathway Net” or “Purchasing Cards Online” system. PaymentNet will have the same capabilities as the current system as well as many improvements.

Training for PaymentNet will be available for anyone who is interested in learning this new tool. More information regarding dates and times of these training sessions will be announced soon! Please contact the Purchasing Card Program with any questions, 581-7241 or Purchasing Card E-mail Address.

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Financial Information Library

Financial Information Library A new web application has been added to the Administrative Financials Pagelet of the CIS. Financial Information Library allows the user to retrieve information from the financials system. Within the application a link is provided to download the information to an excel spreadsheet. This application uses the same security as Management Reports.

Currently there are two information extracts available:

  • Activity Funds Available
  • Summary of Contracts/Grants


If your information extract returns more than 100 rows there will be a link entitled View All above your information extract results header. If you intend to download your results to microsoft excel, there is no need to click this link as your excel spreadsheet will contain all results by default.

If upon click of View Results you receive the message No matching values were found, it is either because you don’t have security access to the information extract or you provided invalid criteria.Additional information extracts will be available in the coming months.

As a reminder, when using web applications available through the CIS it is important to have your browser set up as specified in the post on Allowing utah.edu Pop-Ups.

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