Endowment Projections for Q3 FY 2011

The ending quarter endowment pool unit market value for March 31, 2011, is $203.57 per unit. This information is necessary for Method 2 of projecting endowment income and is provided quarterly through FS News. All other factors in the instructions remain the same through the fiscal year. For detailed instructions on how to project endowment income, please click here.

Ask Us a Question If you have any questions or feedback just ask us!

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Budget Approval

The Budgets that were presented to either the President or the Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs have been approved by the President.
(This does not pertain to either the Hospital and Clinics or the School of Medicine.)

Please contact the Budget Office if you have any questions.

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New Fee Structure approved for Travel Services

Effective July 1, 2011, Travel Services has been authorized to implement a new service fee structure.

This new structure supports growing volume for both Travel Accounting and the On-Site agency as well as provides a more equitable distribution of charges to support reimbursement costs and a growing number of international trips.

FS TipWe are excited to announce that for most University trips (those with non-refundable airfare tickets) the new fee structure represents a $5 per trip net cost savings.

The full schedule of Travel Services fees can be found on Travel’s Schedule of Allowable Rates.

Please submit an “Ask Us” form with any questions or concerns.

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Payroll Encumbrance Issue

An issue with the Payroll Encumbrances on the WEB Management Reports has been discovered. Except for the Employee Benefits (Account 59000), ALL Payroll Encumbrances show as zero. This issue will be corrected by no later than next Monday, May 23, 2011. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. 

 If you have any questions, Ask Us! Ask Us

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Change to Application of University’s Lodging Sales Tax Exemption

Currently, when the University pays for Utah lodging using direct payment, it can use its sales tax exemption certificate at the point of sale and the lodging provider does not charge sales tax. Beginning July 1st, 2011, based on new legislation, the University will be required to pay the sales tax on its direct payments of lodging. The University is still exempt from this sales tax but will need to apply for a refund subsequent to the payment. There is not yet guidance on how the refund process will work. A future communication, expected mid-summer, will outline the process for Utah lodging sales tax refunds. In the meantime, please save any supporting documentation where the University pays Utah lodging sales tax.

If you have any questions, Ask Us! Ask Us

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Training for New e-Journal Preparers

Training classes for new e-Journal preparers have been discontinued. However, it is anticipated that a new training method will be announced to the campus the first week of June. Look for the announcement on FS News on or shortly after June 2nd. Details of the new training method will be communicated then.

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If you have any questions, Ask Us! Ask Us

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Updated Financial & Business Services Calendar

The Financial & Business Services Calendar has been moved to the google calendar platform.  Using google calendar allows us to give more calendaring functionality to U.

FS TipOne example of added functionality is that you are able to subscribe to the calendar inside Microsoft Outlook or any software package that supports the iCalendar format.

To subscribe via Microsoft Outlook 2010:

  1. Open Microsoft Outlook
  2. Click Calendar
  3. Right-click Other Calendars
  4. Select Add Calendar – From Internet
  5. Paste https://www.google.com/calendar/ical/afs%40utah.edu/public/basic.ics into the New Internet Calendar Subscription Dialog Box
  6. Click OK
  7. Click Yes
  8. You should now see Financial & Business Services listed under Other Calendars

To subscribe via Microsoft Outlook 2007 and earlier:

  1. Open Microsoft Outlook
  2. Click Tools Menu – Account Settings
  3. Click Internet Calendars Tab
  4. Click New
  5. Paste https://www.google.com/calendar/ical/afs%40utah.edu/public/basic.ics into the New Internet Calendar Subscription Dialog Box
  6. Click OK
  7. Click Close
  8. You should now see Financial & Business Services listed under Other Calendars

To subscribe via iCal on Mac OS X

  1. Open iCal
  2. Click Calendar Menu – Subscribe
  3. Paste https://www.google.com/calendar/ical/afs%40utah.edu/public/basic.ics into the Calendar URL Dialog Box
  4. Click Subscribe
  5. On the Dialog Box that appears, set your preferred Auto-refresh frequency
  6. Click OK
  7. You should now see Financial & Business Services listed under Subscriptions

Changes to Policy 3-234 and 3-100 approved 4/12/2011

On April 12, 2011, the Board of Trustees approved a new revision of Policy 4-005: Use of Personal Telecommunications Services.

Changes to this policy included reassignment of paragraphs from 4-005 that were unrelated to personal telecommunications services and thereby affected changes to Policy 3-234: Key Policy and 3-100: University Procurement.

The purposes of these changes are most easily understood by referencing the last 2 pages of the Executive Summary, but can be summarized here:

Paragraphs moved from 4-005 to the Key Policy dealt with Building Security, specifically hours of operation, and securing exterior and interior doors, and can be read at Policy 3-234, Section III.A.

Verbiage moved to Policy 3-100: University Procurement discourages personal use of resources purchased with university funds.

Please circulate this information to appropriate persons in your area.

If you have any questions, Ask Us! Ask Us

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Momentum Newsletter April 2011

The Momentum Newsletter is published quarterly and is meant for the use and benefit of the University of Utah Campus Community. Follow the links from this page to see the full articles…

A full Printable Version of this newsletter is also available to forward to your colleagues.

 FS Header

April 2011

Notable ChangesFS is Blogging

Find out how to get info for the following topics delivered right to your e-mail inbox:

  • Travel Tidbits
  • Procurement
  • e-Journal

 The Travel Application will change April 18th…

We are excited to provide enhancements that will make data entry easier for our planners.  Find out more…

Don’t forget to review changes to Policy 3-111 for Independent Contractors.

FS SavingsLearn more about changed forms and procedures. Attend new Independent Contractor Workshop …

Process Spotlight

Accounts Payable Update:

What is BPAG?  How does it serve U?

Find out more about this group and FS Tipwhy it is important …

Strategic Sourcing & Contract Management

FS Savings Is your department in the market for new equipment?


What is on sale right now at General Stores?  Don’t miss this…

Find out what General Stores is doing to be green and social!

Purchasing Card Are you ready for Reallocation Program Changes?  Coming April 11th…Find out what you can do to prepare…

What can you do in your department to deter fraud?…
Talk about it!

FS Community Help us Celebrate

Which FS employees are ready to celebrate 15 year anniversaries?

Upcoming Events

Upcoming WACUBO Workshops
Participate in these low cost workshops designed for U:

Annual Membership Meeting
May 1-4, 2011: Seattle, Washington

Business Management Institute
July 31 – August 5, 2011: UCSB Campus (Santa Barbara), California

Executive Leadership & Management Institute
July 17 – 22, 2011: USC Campus, California

$Y$ - Happenings
Getting Certificate Errors?

FS Tip

We have instructions so you can fix it!

Have you heard about the PAM initiative?
Find out how it may affect you…

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Default GL Business Unit for WEB Management Reports

User-defined GL Business Unit for WEB Management Reports now an option!

  Management Reports   If you would like your default GL Business Unit to be OTHER THAN 01 (University Campus), you can click the “Ask Us” link below and we will set your default to the GL Business Unit that you prefer. 

Other questions?  Ask Us! Ask Us

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