Latest Controller News

State Auditor’s Visit

Click here to view a memo from Theresa Ashman, University Controller, regarding the upcoming visits from the State Auditor’s Office.

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2008 University of Utah Annual Financial Report

The 2008 University of Utah Annual Financial Report is available on the Controller’s website. Reports for prior years are also available. Printed copies of the 2008 report will be available early in January.

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F&BS Training Opportunities

Financial and Business Services is pleased to announce two training opportunities that were recently added to the roster. Internal Controls workshop will be held on November 10, from 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. This workshop is intended for business officers who … Continue reading

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Editorial Changes to PPM 3-7 – Please Review

Financial & Business Services has made editorial changes to PPM 3-7, Authorizations and Approvals Required for Financial Transactions. We have made changes to the language of the policy to better reflect procedures of electronic approval and delegation that are beginning … Continue reading

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State Auditor’s Visit

Click here to view a memo from Theresa Ashman, University Controller, regarding the upcoming visits from the State Auditor’s Office.

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University Policy 3-4 Banking Policy – Has Changed

University Policy 3-4 Banking Policy – Has Changed (Policy Approved by Board of Trustees January 14, 2008 and Effective Same Date) The University’s banking policy was updated with changes effective January 14, 2008. Highlights of key elements of the policy … Continue reading

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Controller’s Office – Staffing News

I am very pleased to announce that we have hired three part-time interns for this academic year. They will be primarily helping with documenting business processes and accounting policies as well as a number of other projects we’d like to … Continue reading

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Financial Report Meetings

A new auditing standard is in effect for this year’s annual financial report. Auditing standards describe how an auditor performs his/her work – so this applies to the University’s external auditors. The new standard describes how internal control issues are … Continue reading

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Ethics and Compliance Hotline Upgraded

The University is committed to the highest standards of ethical conduct and encourages employees and others to report any dishonest or improper act (i.e., one that violates the law, wastes money, or endangers public health or safety). Employees are encouraged … Continue reading

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State Auditor’s Visit

Click here to view a memo from Theresa Ashman, University Controller, regarding the upcoming visits from the State Auditor’s Office.

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