On January 12, 2010, the Board of Trustees approved two revisions to existing policy and one new policy. We encourage departments to review the new policies, and share among your colleagues:
Policy 3-002 (Revision), Administration of State Appropriated Funds
Revision updates the version dating from 1981, and summarizes guidance for preparing and approving the annual institutional budget, expending against that budget, managing carryforwards and processing budget transfers. The policy is now written with an emphasis on providing clear guidance in administering state appropriated funds.
Policy 3-004 (Revision), Processing and Signing Official Documents
This policy, originally written in 1983, has been updated to reflect current University structure, better designates University officers who have the authority to obligate the University, and the principles surrounding such actions.
Policy 3-018 (New), Internal Controls
This is a new policy, designed to communicate the University’s expectations for and commitment to providing a strong internal control environment. Internal controls play an important role in preventing and detecting error or fraud, and protecting the organization’s resources, both physical and intangible. This policy outlines specific roles and responsibilities for University faculty and staff and various departments.