University of Utah Identification Numbers and Cognizant Federal AgencyUniversity of Utah Identification Numbers and Cognizant Federal Agency

Cage Code: 3T624
The Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code is a five character ID used extensively within the Department of Defense and NASA.

Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) Number: 009095365
The DUNS number is a unique nine-character identification number provided by the commercial company Duns & Bradstreet.

US Federal TIN: 87-6000525
The Tax Identification Number (TIN) is the nine digit number companies use for income tax purposes.

State of Utah Sales Tax exempt number: 11874443-002-STC

NSF Institutional Code: 36756000

NIH Institutional Code: 514002

Cognizant Federal Agency
…….Agency: Health and Human Services
…….Point of Contact: Patrick Cogley
…….Phone: 816-426-3591