Tracking Revenue On A Sponsored Project

There are two queries in the Financial Information Library (FIL) in the GRANTS/CONTRACTS folder for Cash information about projects:

  • Actual Cash Received Project will bring back the Actual Cash on Projects for a particular month.
  • Project Cash Position Change will bring back the change in the Cash position for projects in a time frame.

Finding Revenue On The Summary Of Revenue & Expense By

Budget Category Report

Budget Category Report
For Cost Reimbursable and Fixed Price Projects, the Revenue account represents all funds from the sponsor PLUS Billed and Unbilled Accounts Receivable.

Finding Deferred Revenue On The Balance Sheet

Finding Deferred Revenue On The Balance SheetFor Prepaid Projects, the Deferred Revenue account represents all funds from the sponsor PLUS Billed Accounts Receivable.

Finding Accounts Receivable On The Balance Sheet

Finding Accounts Receivable On The Balance Sheet
10500 Claim on Cash — Cash on Hand
16300 Billed Accounts Receivable – Invoiced But Not Paid
16301 Unbilled Accounts Receivable – Cost Reimbursable Expenses Not Invoiced
16400 and 16401 – Accounts Receivable Maintenance
20099 AP Vouchers Payable – AP Vouchers Expensed and Not Paid
30000 Fund Balance – Revenue Minus Expenses

Calculating Actual Funds Received

To calculate actual funds received from the sponsor on a Cost Reimbursable project, subtract the billed and unbilled Accounts Receivable (accounts 16300 and 16301) from the Revenue (account 40100, 40103, or 40106).
Calculating Actual Funds Received

To calculate actual funds received from the sponsor on a Fixed Price Project, subtract the Billed Accounts Receivable (account 16300) from the Revenue (account 40100, 40103, or 40106).
Calculating Actual Funds Received-Fixed Price

To calculate actual funds received from the sponsor on a Prepaid Project, multiply Deferred Revenue (account 20700 and 20701) by (-1) and add to the Revenue (account 40100, 40103, or 40106). Subtract Billed and Unbilled Accounts Receivable (accounts 16300 and 16301) from this Revenue.