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Take Foothill to Wakara
The easiest access to University Surplus & Salvage is from Foothill Boulevard. From Foothill Boulevard turn east on Wakara Way into Research Park, then turn left (north) on Chipeta Way. At the stop sign the name of the road changes to Connor Road. Continue straight (north). The building is at the corner of Connor Road and Stover Street. It is on the left side of Connor Road prior to a right curve.
Park East of Our Building (#627)
The number on University maps and directories is Building #627. Parking is in lot 76 east of the Surplus building by the Hive Pizzeria building. To park follow the curve to the right. Continue straight (east) at the stop sign. Lot #76 is the next right. Park by the designated customer parking signs on the west side of the Hive Pizzeria building. To load property, park in the loading zone on the west side of University Surplus & Salvage’s building.
University of Utah
University Surplus & Salvage
2110 East Stover Street
Salt Lake City UT 84113-4500
Phone: 801.581.7917
Fax: 801.585.3051
GPS Coordinates
40.764492, -111.830017
N40 degrees 45.8695’, W111 degrees 49.801’
Campus Map showing University Surplus & Salvage
Surplus & Salvage – 2110 E Stover Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84113-4500 – Phone: 801.581.7917 – Fax: 801.585.3051

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