Financial & Human Resources Information Library
FED Proj Trans 60 Days to End
- Folder: Grants/Contract
- Description: FED Proj Trans 60 Days to End
- List of General Ledger transactions beginning 60 days prior to the end date of the Project
- Project Type FED only (Cost Reimbursable)
- Transactions using the following accounts:
- Travel (60000 – 60019)
- Equipment (61390 – 61500)
- Supplies (62400 – 62644)
- If no transactions apply, the report will say “NO RESULTS” and “**No questionable or potentially unallowable transactions found**”
- This report also links from the “Project Ends < 60 Days (Type FED only)” column in Evidence of Review (EOR), where applicable
- The report was developed after an audit, in an effort to bring awareness to any potentially unallowable transactions
- Inputs—required fields denoted by an asterisk (*):
- *AE or PI (Responsible Person) employee ID
- *Project
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