ePR - Guest Lecturer/Performer ePR – Guest Lecturer/Performers

Payment Type: Guest Lecturer/Performer (GP) Business Purpose: All


  • Payments for performers, keynote speakers, or guest lecturers. Typically one time engagement for individuals or groups who expect payment. Services that are not of a lecturing/performing nature or are provided repeatedly over a period of time must be submitted via the “Independent Contractor” payment type.


  • Performer: A department hires a quartet to play at a fundraising event.
  • Guest Lecturer: A department requests a professor from Stanford to come and speak at a seminar.


  • If a federal contract or grant is being used to pay this type of expense, a signed invoice is required.
  • Guest Lecturer/Performer Agreement
  • W-9 if vendor is new or their information has changed.

Additional Approvals:

  • Account Executive/PI and Chair/Dean/Director signature on the Agreement.
  • No additional approvals needed.

Additional Information and Resources:

  • Any payments to current University of Utah employees must be made via Payroll Ad Comp, not through ePR.
  • If Travel expenses are part of the agreement and are documented with individual receipts, they can be submitted separately through a non-employee reimbursement payment type. The advantage being that the reimbursed amount would not be tax reportable.


Payment Sections






For Preparers:

For Approvers: