FY 2018 Year-End Purchasing Requirements

The last day of the University’s fiscal year is June 30, 2018.

Procurement transactions which are: 1) required to be completed prior to the end of FY 2018, and also 2) which are required to undergo the competitive processes listed below are subject to the respective due dates as described.

The dates shown below are estimates and not guarantees. They reflect the typical time necessary to allow for a procurement process to be completed, as well as for delivery of requested goods or services prior to June 30th. Procurement requests submitted after the dates below may not be completed by June 30, 2018.

April 13, 2018 – Request for Proposal (RFP): Requisitions for procurement requests that require a request for proposal process must be submitted by April 13, 2018. This process requires draft RFP documents for review and input by Purchasing, committee chair participation, pre-arranged dates, timelines and suggested vendor list.

April 13, 2018 – Multi-Stage Invitation for Bids (IFB) for purchases over $50,000: Requisitions for procurement requests that require a multi-stage low bid process must be submitted by April 13, 2018. This process requires bid stage advancement criteria, specifications/requirements and a suggested vendor list.

May 4, 2018 – Invitation for Bids (IFB) for purchases over $50,000: Requisitions for procurement requests that require a standard low bid process must be submitted by May 4, 2018. This process requires specifications/ requirements and a suggested vendor list.

June 1, 2018 – Request for Quotes (RFQ) for purchases between $5,000 – $50,000: Requisitions for procurement requests that require a quote process must be submitted by June 1, 2018. This process requires complete specifications and a suggested vendor list.


Departments who have Renewal POs will need to re-submit them for the new fiscal year.

Due to Procurement Code change, some renewal PO requests may be declined, as a new procurement process may be required.

It is easy to generate a list of your renewal orders by utilizing the search function in UShop. Please review the information contained below for appropriate use of the Renewal PO form.

PO Renewal Request  |  Submit Renewal Orders

Thank you for your assistance in meeting these year-end procurement timelines. If you have questions concerning these timelines, please call Purchasing at extension 1-7241.

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Paper Campus Order Form Planned Elimination – June 30, 2018

For the past several years, the University’s P2P project, including the implementation of UShop, has resulted in efficiency improvement and reduction of paper-based processes for campus. Many paper forms and processes have been eliminated during that time, but one large one remains – the Campus Order.

We have determined that the time has come to retire this form, in favor of newer methods which are more efficient, transparent, and provide timelier processing of transactions. We have identified June 30, 2018, as the time when this form will be retired, and will no longer be accepted or processed.

In order to accomplish this goal, we have implemented an improvement which allows for many of these transactions to be handled in UShop. This will involve major selling departments being enabled in UShop, with their own billing processes. We have already completed this process for the University Guest House. What this means for you is that you can leverage the advantages of UShop you are already familiar with – chartfield validation, approvals based on GFA, transparent workflow, paperless processing, no need to reallocate transactions, and orders being directly viewable from management reports.

Some selling departments may also choose to use other billing methods, like eJournal or PCard to replace the Campus Order. As this project progresses, it will become more clear how each major selling department will conduct sales to campus departments and we will communicate these to you. We know in many cases the Campus Order is used for simple transfers of expenses from one department to another, and in these situations, an eJournal will be the replacement option. If you are using the Campus Order in this way, please begin your transition to eJournal now. We’ve improved the eJournal training and enrollment process, making it easier than ever for your department to use eJournal. Please contact Runar Boman in General Accounting at 801-587-9969, if you have questions or need help with eJournal.

We know you will have questions, and as you do, please contact Perry Hull, UShop Solutions Administrator, at 801-587-6280.

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The University Guest House is now available in UShop!

We are pleased to announce that the University Guest House is now available in UShop. Enabling the Guest House will increase efficiency for campus departments and is an integral part of the plan to eliminate the paper Campus Order form. Use the custom-built UShop forms to:

  • Pay for room reservations for visiting guests
  • Pay for events/conference venues

Using UShop for these orders provides key benefits to both the ordering department and the Guest House –

  • Electronic, paperless ordering
  • No need to prepare, sign or deliver a paper Campus Order
  • Departmental approvals are up-front and integrated with GFA
  • Transparent workflow—see where your order is at any time
  • No subsequent reallocation or reconciliation needed
  • Your UShop order is viewable directly from Web Management Reports
  • Invoicing is handled by Guest House—no need to worry about payment processing or sending info to Accounts Payable

Where can I find these new forms?

These new forms can be found on the Shopping home page in the “Place an Order” section:

More Info and Instructions

Over the next several months, the Guest House will phase out the use of the Campus Order in their processes. *Note: The PCard and eJE will continue to be accepted for University Guest House purchases.

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The University of Utah has Partnered with Valcom!

As part of our continued efforts to leverage the purchasing power of the University, we have partnered with Hewlett Packard (HP Inc.) and a state-contracted distributor of HP products, Valcom (VLCM), to provide significantly discounted pricing on a standardized list of specific HP workstations and laptops.

We’re making this contracted pricing available campus-wide.


  • This pricing is based on volume-based procurement contracts and we have extended the discounted pricing to you, with no need to worry about purchasing a minimum quantity.
  • The only restriction is that this pricing is only available on specific machines and configurations (see link below for full list).
  • These configurations are very well-suited to common office requirements and, for departments that receive computer support from UIT/UCCS, these machines meet all of UIT’s standard requirements.


















What items are included in this contracted pricing?

Click here for the full list of discounted items.


  • Contact Bob Tiney at btiney@purchasing.utah.edu or (801) 581-6596.
  • For UIT/UCCS supported departments, please contact your computer support person.
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VWR Acquisition Notice

VWR has recently been acquired by chemical company Avantor. This multi-billion dollar acquisition will bring the VWR brand and portfolio of products under Avantor.

NOTE: For the foreseeable future, this acquisition will NOT affect any of the current contract relationships, products, distribution, purchasing processes, invoices, accounts payable processes and account management with the University of Utah.

The VWR university representative, Kelsey Lundquist (Kelsey.lundquist@vwr.com), will remain our point of contact, and the punch-out tile in UShop will operate as normal.

Click here for more information about the merger. We will distribute more communication if there are any further impactful changes.

If you have any questions please contact Anthony Ferrara of the University of Utah Purchasing Department at 801-581-7241.

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Eliminated: UShop NoPO & UShop PR Forms – Use ePR

Effective October 1, 2017, UShop disabled the NoPO form and the UShop PR form.  Users that had been using these forms are encouraged to submit all requests for payment using ePR.

Need more ePR access? Submit this form.

Paper Payment Request forms will be eliminated soon – so become an ePR user today!

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We are eliminating paper Payment Requests – Know these Important Dates

Sept. 25: Non-Employee Reimbursements

Beginning September 25, 2017, paper reimbursement forms for non-university employees will no longer be accepted.

Please use ePR for all non-university employee reimbursements going forward.

Oct. 1: UShop: NoPO and PR forms

Beginning October 1, 2017, UShop NoPO and UShop Payment Requests will no longer be available or accepted.

Please use ePR for all NoPO or PR form needs going forward.

Other Paper Payment Requests – ePR is ready for all users!

We will be eliminating these paper forms in the very near future, but are not ready to announce a date. We are encouraging all departments to use ePR for their submissions. Please email Kori Wetsel with a list of departmental users ready to use ePR.  Please include user name, employee ID and email.

Users will be added in the order received.  We look forward to hearing from you!

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Buying and Payment Guide – New and Improved

The “Buying & Payment Guide” is a document that has existed for some time, and has been effective in helping you decide which “tool” in your toolbox should be used in procuring and paying for supplies and services.

With the advent of UShop, and most recently, the electronic Payment Request (ePR) we have revamped this document to make it more current and useful.  Our intent is for you to use this document whenever you are contemplating a purchase or a payment.  

The guide comes in two parts: 

  1. The guide itself (a detailed 8-page document listing most types of payment categories), and
  2. A guide summary (a 2-page document that spells out the types of purchases appropriate for each payment method). 

See the Buying and Payment Guide here

The guide is a very detailed document, and may require a bit of patience in interpreting it, but everything is there.  We’ve provided two columns to distinguish the considerations needed for an “under $5,000” purchase vs. an “over $5,000” purchase.  We’ve also provided codes to indicate:

  • Best—Signifies the best payment method available.  Best payment methods should always be favored for processing.
  • A—Allowable payment method.  There may be one or more allowable payment method(s) for a payment category.  Allowable payment methods are preferred, except in instances where a “Best” method is indicated.
  • Sole—The method outlined is the ONLY method allowed.
  • 🚫 —This method is prohibited by policy for the instance outlined.

  • ! —Method is acceptable but is not the most efficient or most cost effective method.  Users are encouraged to use preferred methods and support P2P objectives of low contracted pricing, more efficient processes, and consistent transparency.

The “Buying & Payment Guide” is authoritative and is meant to be a reference tool for all purchases and payments.  As such, it will be part of the Regulations Library of the University.  Please make its regular use part of your business practices.  We expect it to be used extensively, but also recognize that it can be improved, and will need to be revised from time to time.  We welcome your suggestions for improving the document.  If you have questions, you can always ASK US

The “Buying & Payment Guide” is easily accessible on the Accounts Payable and Purchasing web pages, as well as the Resources tab on the FBS homepage.

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New Change Order form now live in UShop!

The Change Order form in UShop has been updated with new features to improve processes – most notably, the layout based on types of change requested (see image below).


  • New instructions on when you should/should not submit a Change Order request.
  • New fields allow you to provide a more detailed request.

For more information on the updated change order form, refer to the Change Order Instructions.


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September TCM Training Dates Added

Eight new training dates have been added for the month of September!

Register Here

Come learn more about Total Contract Manager (TCM) – the howwhy and what of the University’s new procurement contracting solution. 

TCM is a central repository for all procurement-related contracts. It provides electronic access to your department contracts, features a quick search function, as well as reporting capabilities. TCM also has the ability to preset notifications in advance of a contract expiration date to allow sufficient time to finalize a new contract.

TCM will enable workflow through the campus-wide UShop Marketplace, effectively capturing total spend, dates, insurance requirements and many other procurement based needs. The system will provide transparency and compliance with both state and federal procurement laws, thus strengthening our university from multiple liabilities.

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