GFA for UShop

As a Principal Investigator or Account Executive, you can designate approval authority for an Activity or Project limited to only UShop transactions.

Why is this important?

  • The Campus Order elimination project is underway, and many Selling Departments on campus will be migrated to UShop as a replacement for the paper Campus Order.
  • As this transition occurs, it will be useful for Buying Departments to take advantage of the ability to designate UShop approval authority using GFA (Grant Financial Authority) to individuals in your department. Doing this now will help your department to prepare for the elimination of the Campus Order in June.

Click here to learn how to grant UShop-only approval.

Designate an Authorized Alternate for an Activity / Project and limit their authority to approve only UShop transactions

How is this helpful?

  • If a UShop user has GFA that is limited to only UShop transactions, they can submit UShop orders that will not require the additional approval of an Account Executive, Principal Investigator, or other Authorized Alternate.
  • This allows orders to flow through very quickly and efficiently.
  • Often these individuals have PCards—providing them with UShop approval authority is similar to issuing them a PCard. With the use of UShop, there is no need to retain receipts or reallocate.
  • Designating UShop approval authority does not change the Evidence of Review (EOR) process. Your department will still review and approve monthly statements.

Stay tuned for the specific departments that will be enabled in UShop as sellers!

More Info:

  • What is GFA?
  • How do I use/access UShop?
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