Granting Financial Authority – Status Report

How is the project going?

We are grateful to those users who have shared helpful feedback, as we have been able to make useful improvements to the user experience.

We are excited that GFA is growing, but we hope to speed up the rate of growth to meet our current deadlines.  We have captured over 1,550 total signatures, and among that number, 41% of all ORG heads, PIs and Account Executives have captured their signatures.  Nearly 47% of 15,000+ designated alternates have been approved by the Account Executive or the PI.

When will FBS sunset the existing Signature Cards?

We will rely solely upon GFA for approval verification of P2P transactions beginning December 1, 2014.  We will not be able to sustain two programs past that date, and systems designed in UShop will rely solely upon GFA for financial approvals.

Weekly reminders will be initiated by FBS and emailed to Account Executives and PIs that have pending alternates to approve.  We will send these reminders until the sunset date.  If signatures are not captured, or alternates are not approved, financial transactions will be delayed until the appropriate steps have been taken in GFA for verification.

What can I do to help?

All persons having financial responsibility should capture their digitized signature and ensure that appropriate alternate requests are approved.  We have developed FILs for business officers that need detailed lists of missing signatures or pending approvals.  If you need help with the FIL reports, you may request help using our Ask Us form.

What if my department needs more personalized help with this process?

We have developed a form where departments can request GFA styluses to assist in the process.  This form also has an option to request additional GFA instruction for one person or for a group.  Submit form here.

Why is Financial & Business Services digitizing signatures?

FBS has begun work on the P2P initiative, which is a series of projects to modernize processes that begin with making a purchase and end with making a payment.  These widespread efforts will reduce our reliance upon paper-based “forms” and routing, and in some areas, will eliminate paper altogether.  Electronic routing requires an infrastructure of financial organizations, knowing how they roll-up to higher ORGs and who is authorized to approve transactions on each activity or project.  GFA, therefore, is essential to the success of the overall P2P initiative.

Once paperless processes are built, our reliance upon the images of the digitized signatures will eventually diminish. It is essential, however, that during the transition to a paperless system, we are able to verify approvals on all transactions, so we need to capture signatures as part of making online alternate designations.

How secure is my signature? How will it be used?

The image of your signature is stored behind the same CIS security that keeps your bank account and payroll information secure.  The groups that have access to see your digitized signature in GFA for verification of approvals is the same group that had access to the image of your signature in the soon to be shut-down Signature Card system.

The system only allows a user to change his/her own signature.  Employees will be given view only access if it is essential to their job functions.

What if I don’t like my digitized signature?

We require only a ‘reasonable facsimile’ of your signature for verification when we review University financial transactions, but we understand that there are individuals with a very precise signature that they are unable to duplicate with a stylus and a tablet.

If you have tried to duplicate your signature using the recommended methods, and are unhappy with the appearance of your digitized signature, you may download the following PDF to be used as a template for uploading a scanned version of your signature.

Detailed instructions on this PDF will indicate how to send the scanned version to our staff for manual upload to the tables.

We value your feedback!  Please share your ideas.

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Signature Cards Retire Soon – Need Online Signatures!


Granting Financial Authority (GFA) will replace use of the Signature Cards by November 30, 2014.

GFA Banner

FBS needs your help to meet this deadline!

Step 1: Capture online signatures using a smart phone or tablet for all:

  • PIs and Account Executives
  • Alternates
  • ORG Heads

Step 2: PIs and Account Executives designate and approve alternates online.

Helpful Hints:

  • We can deliver GFA styluses to your department and provide help with the process in either one-on-one or group training. Submit request form here. Invite us to your next staff meeting, or simply have styluses delivered for you and your staff.
  • PIs and Account Executives can save time approving alternates if all alternate signatures have already been captured.  (Approval will be “pending” until alternate signature is available.)
  • GFA is available on CIS under FBS|Processing, or login directly to GFA here.

Need to know more? Check out the GFA page and instructional videos!

Modernizing P2PGFA is part of our efforts to Modernize P2P

Ask UsPlease ASK US if you have any questions.

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New Electronic Marketplace – Coming Fall 2015

Click here for the Test UShop Marketplace.  If you are not part of the P2P implementation team you will receive an “Application Error”. Local UShop link.

Thank you to those who voted to name our new University of Utah electronic marketplace!

We are excited to continue Modernizing Procure to Pay initiatives…more news will follow.  You may check back here for frequent updates.

Click here to view video.

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Procure to Pay Background

Background & Work to Date

Financial & Business Services is excited to announce our latest initiative! This project has been in a design and document phase for several months. Under the direction of our Chief Business Officer, John Nixon, we are now ready to begin multiple projects designed to improve the end-to-end procurement and payment processes. Dr. Stephen Hess has returned to the University and will act as the Project Director for the P2P initiative.

Focus group analysis looked at all steps beginning with shopping for a commodity, then filling out purchasing documentation, presenting payment and finally reconciling transactions as they appear on the management report. This analysis helped FBS identify steps within the process that are ripe for change and modernization. We refer to this end-to-end process as “P2P.”

Introduction of an Online Marketplace & Improved Workflow

The most exciting aspect of this project will be the implementation of an online marketplace where campus “shoppers” will select and purchase necessary supplies and services. This University of Utah marketplace will remember basic information about the shopper, their department, accounting information, and past orders to streamline each transaction. Shoppers will have an online-shopping-cart user experience. We will work diligently toward an appropriate consolidation of all commodities and services necessary for departments to complete their University business – creating a one-stop shopping site to maximize efficiency and savings for the entire campus community. The online marketplace will make available contract information to improve purchasing decisions and will provide opportunities to use system driven workflow to reduce the use of paper-based procedures.

What P2P Changes can Campus departments expect?

In addition to the online marketplace, campus departments can expect policy and procedural changes that will optimize the efficiency of the tools developed, and will improve compliance to best practice procedural standards. Campus shoppers will be discouraged from using personal forms of payment when purchasing goods and services, and we will therefore expect to see fewer reimbursement requests. Campus users will find that policy and procedural requirements will encourage use of the most efficient payment methods available to departments and a consolidation of steps necessary to complete transactions. Many traditional “form-based” transactions will be transitioned to an online workflow solution. Business officers can expect better access to “spend data” and more streamlined and transparent methods of approval and workflow. Improved purchasing data will be used for improved contracts and pricing. We will build a system where improved purchasing behavior will achieve a better institutional procurement outcome.

What are next steps?

Some parts of this initiative are already underway:

  • Many of you have seen an invitation to capture your signature online. The system we have developed is called Granting Financial Authority (GFA), and will become the framework to support many online workflow solutions. We plan to sunset the current signature cards by mid November 2014.
  • You will soon be asked to cast your vote to pick our online marketplace name – we hope to hear from you!
  • We will be reaching out to key purchasing agents within various departments to help guide two-week “sprint” periods of intense design and development of the business process modules within the P2P initiative.


Watch our web site for FBS news and P2P updates as the project proceeds. We will be using an aggressive implementation model that will have test group users using online procurement tools as early as mid-Spring Semester. We plan to have a suite of procurement tools available to campus users using the online marketplace by the end of this fiscal year. Users will continue to see improvements and streamlined procedures to be implemented after the release of the online marketplace. We encourage all people across campus engaged in the procurement or payment process to stay aware of the project timelines and goals.


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