We are pleased to announce TV Specialists as the newest punch-out supplier in UShop.
AV Solutions available from TV Specialists
TV Specialists – a Utah-based supplier, founded in 1953 – is a sales and service organization specializing in professional and consumer television, communication, and entertainment systems and products. They are a state contracted supplier of AV Solutions.
TV Specialists is very excited to partner with the University of Utah with a punch-out catalog in our UShop Marketplace. This relationship will allow TV Specialists users at the university easier access to products, a more streamlined ordering process, and preferential pricing and shipping.
Punch-Out Suppliers provide the most efficient procurement processes available to University departments.
NOTE: All orders for Punch-Out Suppliers should run through UShop, and should no longer be ordered using a departmental PCard or Reimbursements.
More Punch-Out Suppliers are coming soon!